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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by dainichi

  1. Brian , Someone on Facebook is using your your Name and Profile picture to attempt to SCAM me. I have reported it to Facebook and they are dealing with it. I have blocked it on my Phone. Thought you should know , in case you were unaware. Kind Regards Alan
  2. 'Tohatsu 4 stroke LS 15-20 hp electric start tiller operated. In good condition.
  3. Happy Birthday Tiddler. Have a great day. Weather is good, hope you are able to take advantage. Regards Alan
  4. I have a Navman 6500 for sale which is complete with its transducer, nautic path card and GPS recever. I have never used this so unsure of condition. Offers please if interested. Any problems I will refund payment. Alan Jeffries ( dainichi )
  5. Thanks Guys, for your Birthday Wishes. Had a good day relaxing with friends , good food and of course Easter Eggs. Hope to see you all again soon. Alan
  6. Signed and passed on to other friends to sign
  7. Have a Very Happy Birthday Dave Rita And Alan
  8. Hi Brian, thanks for the input hopefully up to about £7000 maybe a bit more for the right boat.
  9. dainichi

    Warrior 165

    I am currently looking for second hand Warrior 165 package (Boat/ Engine/ Trailer) possibly about 2002 to 2006/7. I am watching Boats & Outboards and E-bay but if anyone hear's of one for sale locally then please e-mail me at - alanjeffries@talktalk.net Thanks Alan (Dainichi) P.s. Would be grateful for any advice etc on the 165.
  10. "Happy Birthday" Dave Hopre its a good one! Best Wishes Alan & Rita
  11. dainichi


    Hi Alun Many thanks for the rope, hope to see you afloat sometime. Alan
  12. Yamabuki Blue Species Comp 2012 1)
  13. dainichi


    Rob Sounds like a brilliant bait if the fish can find it. From my experience with Koi they will gorge themselves on eggs following a spawning in the pond despite already being well fed! Alan
  14. Hi Karl Welcome to a great club, interesting to see we have the same surname! I live in Ringwood but my brother Gordon lived in New Milton until last year when he emmigrated to Spain. Look forward to meeting you. Alan
  15. dainichi

    Pond Builder

    Dave, You will have to wait and see if you get an invitation from her in Bransgore! Alan
  16. dainichi

    Pond Builder

    Hi Paul Before you go headlong into building a koi pond I would advise you to come along to a couple of our meetings of Dorset Koi Keepers Society. We have a great bunch of friendly and experienced koi keepers who are more than willing to impart their knowledge, much like our own PBSBAC. We meet once a month on Sunday afternoon and are currently holding our meetings in members gardens. The next meeting will be on Sunday 3 July at my friend Rita's In Bransgore Christchurch, also a member of PBSBAC. You and your lady would be more than welcome to join us and I would be happy to introduce you. refreshments will be served throughout the afternoon which commences at 2.00pm until around 5.00pm You may also see a familiar face. You can contact me via e-mail or Tel. (mornings) 01425 479096 Regards Alan
  17. dainichi


    The farmers want rain. We want calm seas. Who the bloody hell ordered all this wind?????????????
  18. dainichi

    New member

    Hi Martin Welcome to a great club!
  19. They are out there Brian, Good luck on Sunday Regards Alan
  20. Hi Lofty Good to meet you on the water yesterday. We finished the day with no less than 6 Plaice between us 4 for Dave and 2 for me, 3 returned. Stayed in the same area before returning about 5pm. Hope you caught also, Good fishing Alan (dainichi)
  21. Hi Guys Managed to get out on Yamabuki Blue yesterday for the first time this year, with my mate Dave ( pirky) as crew. We left Baiter in poor visibility for an uneventful run out to the far end of Hook Sands in the hope of an early Plaice or two. The first drift was very encouraging with two plaice to me in quick succession. Unfortunatly that was to be all, despite several drifts over the same area in the next couple of hours. Tried further along the bank to no avail apart from seeing a Plaice hurriedly swimming past the stern just below the surface in very clear water. With the wind now rising and compromising the drifts, we moved inshore to the edge of the East Looe channel for a further drift on the now flooding tide. Still no takes! So then moved inside to the area on the edge of the channel between the Ferry and Brownsea Castle for further drifts this eventually produced a strange looking fish for me that neither of us could identify. It had a squarish looking body with rows of boney protusions along the length of the body, a flat belly and the back was covered with what looked like parts of tiny worm casts as though it had been sitting in the mud for sometime. Can anyone identify, please. Pictures to follow, courtesy of pirky. Regards to all Alan
  22. Signed Alan
  23. Hi Dave "Congratulations" you will have to give me some tips in case I ever get out there! "Great Pictures" too. Alan
  24. Rob with Shogun out of Lyminton is offering
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