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Everything posted by seagypsy

  1. Evening kayak meet this thursday 28/7/11, meet 6.30pm opposite sandacres pub on banks rd, Sandbanks ,
  2. The 2011 Summer Kayak Comp is now taking place on Sunday 14th August The venue will be at Southbourne beach provided the weather is fine , an alternative place in the harbour will be used to suit the conditions if its not possible to launch there,details for this will be posted here 24hrs before . . Club competition rules apply(please read) in addition that single seat kayaks fish within 100yds of another kayak Best specimen fish wins, Simple There could be some novice kayakers competing so safety will be a priority. PFD's compulsory and VHF prefered. If you can enter please add your name to the list and copy and paste in your reply .. List of Entrants Ben (seagypsy)
  3. Nice one lofty, thats a good session ,you have been doing well lately, keep it coming . .
  4. OK, so can we run the(club) kayak comp on 14th August
  5. Hi Adam, I am afraid the kayak comp does clash with the kayak fishing festival in south wales and the Ocean kayak demo weekend at mudeford .I was unaware of this date for the comp when i became rep but if it could be postponed to the 14th August (same as the next club comp) we will be able to support this . I understand its a bit last minute with not much time to get many entries ,however our kayak team attending the comp in wales this weekend will be trying to encourage as many as possible to enter our comps , so for my next question is the kayak comp an open or closed to club members only and what format will it run ,i.e species,biggest fish e.t.c. Regards Ben
  6. Excellent thanks Dave ,here is the link, http://www.worldseafishing.com/fishingtv/ The july video is about bream fishing on christchurch ledge
  7. Lofty ,you need to downsize your pictures so its easier to read , nice ray si had there , wednesday wont be possible mate we are off to oxwich early on thursday for a weekend of fishing, booze and banter. report to follow
  8. Not much to report but thought it was worth putting some pictures of our little get together this week . The weather looked best for Monday so we arranged to meet at 1830hrs at old coastguard rd to try for some bass around the entrance. . Paul (sprinter) and son Chris Paul (harnessboy) flying the flag Mark(uglystik) Me The fishing was hopeless really but it was a lovely evening to be out on the water After Paul and chris had headed back in the other three of us stayed out and managed to get on top of a shoal of our target species , some almost leaping over the kayaks , I did hook three small bass, landed one and lost two alongside the kayak ,Paul (HB) only hooked a Cornish shrimper but escaped before I could get the camera out , sorry mate i was just trying the flash , honest . . Great to be out with good company and looking forward to our next outing , maybe lofty could join us next time too Cheers fellas Ben
  9. That's a beauty Martin , well done, it looked a cracking couple of days fishing . . . Ben
  10. Nice one graham , i am still yet to have caught a tope from the kayak and one that size would be fun . . . Ben
  11. I have owned my Ocean kayak trident 13 for two years and I love it , it
  12. Paul actually walked his kayak out through the surf to avoid the huge dump on the beach , not the one that collie dog did either
  13. Here are a couple more pictures of the calm sea that morning, i remembered to downsize them this time too I am off to drown the kids at canford weir again now at one of there weekly meets http://www.gbducks.org/ Ben
  14. A last minute decision that the weather for monday morning was going to be to good to miss had me texting the boss to say i was having the day off , I picked up paul(harnessboy) at 6.00am ,we shot down to evening hill to dig some bait then after dropping the yaks on the beach at durley chine parked for free on the clifftop road and after applying the suncream we launched at about 7.30am to a beautiful calm sea. Paul had just fitted his new f/f gps so with poole patch selected we paddled the 3 miles out to the mark . The wind had picked up a bit from the southeast as we started fishing , , I was about 4 species down by the time i caught my first mackerel, paul on the other hand didnt have time to put the rods back in the ram mounts before he got another bite. This was my only catch after missing nearly every bite with the bait stripped off , new hooks maybe ? We then paddled with the last of the flood to the end of bournemouth pier ,still a couple of miles out , had a bit of a laugh at anchor for half an hour then drifted into the pier to try for some plaice and turbot. . It was about 12.30pm and the beach was packed , an easy surf onto the shore followed by a tough drag up the beach of bikini clad beauties got my heart pounding but it was all well worth it . . A great morning out , i think paul has some pictures too Cheers Ben
  15. Hi lofty, Good advice being given but like james says ,watch the tide , if you want to fish ballard point to old harry be there early with the high then get back into the bay as the ebb starts to build, stay away from peveril point on the ebb if you go round into durlston bay you will struggle to get back Try tanville ledges in front of the Grand Hotel for bass ,pollock then paddle straight out until you are in line with ballard point and peveril point should put you over the sandbank for rays. . Good luck Ben
  16. Brilliant report as usual James, some cracking fish there. . looked a lovely night for it too. .Shame the lobster wasnt a keeper
  17. A few of us kayakers will be launching from southbourne beach at 6.00am , hoping to fish up to christchurch ledge until high tide , see you out there Ben
  18. Personally i would stay clear of the inflatable and go for plastic , much stronger and far less affected by the wind , , also i would not fish from an inflatable because of the hooks Try the Ocean kayak malibu 2 /2XL , , great for two people fishing Ben
  19. Might try and get out along southbourne with the kayak if the wind allows , i would be very interested to know the best weather prediction for sunday , at the moment i am looking at an early start , , What do you reckon
  20. Congratulations to you all, my baby daughter has just turned eleventeen Ben
  21. Following the success of the New year meet a small group of us visited the poole lifeboat station by the lifting bridge to make a donation of
  22. Brilliant report as usual James , cracking pictures too, , BA looks a great venue
  23. You could just change your zoom level in the bottom right of your screen , , it works for me
  24. The bloke is crazy alright , , he hasnt got anything on his feet
  25. I had plenty of ballast on board to chuck around James
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