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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by lofty

  1. Went looking for a flounder for the comp today. I've been off the water for three weeks and going a bit stir crazy. Well I probably bit off more than I can chew by the Popeye shoulders I've now got. Launched at evening hill at 8ish and headed over to Brownsea. Round the back and past Furzey and Green Paddled across and drifted the channel down to Goat Horn. Had a seal join me but was brilliant at submerging when it came to photos About here Anchored up and within 5 minutes had my first and only flounder of the day Popped him in the bag and over the side. Later tried the castle for a mini species Stuck on 30( same as last year) Paddled back to evening hill and weighed my weenie flatty. 14-8 Not worth a drive to Cobbs to kill it Still kicking and going so back it went Landed ,loaded, and left by 3.40. A good day for my soul
  2. Definitely
  3. My effort today 14.8 oz or 420grammes Didn't think it worth weighing in so back she went
  4. Well done you hardy souls Bring on the flounders ( lol)
  5. I'm sure it's cod on Sunday and flounder on Monday . Neal will confirm I'm sure
  6. 1) Court Jester Neal + crew TBA 2) yelo Jacob, Kev, plus more 3) Libby.. Martin c + crew TBA 4) Warren Rich + Alun 5) lofty - kayak
  7. It's looking great
  8. lofty

    Happy Christmas

    Merry Christmas gang
  9. Happy birthday Neal
  10. With bad weather forecast we were down on number this year, with only 29 brave souls taking to the water. After the safety brief we launched into a constant 20+ mph I headed straight for a mark that served me well a week before It was crap. I flounder that I knew would be too small and straight back it went. Horrible squalls occasionally pushed through so I decided to not have a move but to feed the crabs from this one spot. 3 hours later and most people had had enough. Steve "maver" was fishing next to me and he must have read my mind as he was first to pull the hook. There were lots caught but seemed to be very area specific. If you were on them you were on them. A very fast paddle back with the wind and tide doing the work I watched all of these swim away strong The weigh in saw a clear winner just shy of 2 lb. Martin Collison ( paddle) was the winner, with Pbsbacs Paul Fennel from HOW sharing the funds raised with Poole Rnli . A great last meet of 2014 and looking forward to seeing my mates again soon
  11. That would be good Mike. There's 30 + going on Sunday Perhaps the Rnli might bring some down?
  12. Weathers looking a bit iffy. Ok for me but what about boats?
  13. lofty


    Saw the window and went for it. Wasn't as big a window as it was horrible by lunchtime. Loads of whiting , a few keepers. No takes on the rag. All action on the squid The launch was beautiful This is what it looked like at 8.30 And two codling, bonus Midday it turned nasty and I was back on shore by 2.30 Enough for tea for two. Watching the weather for next week now
  14. 1) Kingfisher - Chris Witheford crew TBA 2) Court Jester - Neal, Stuie 3) Marlin - Greg Toms Crew TBA 4) Slice of Life - Lofty( kayak) 5) Geordie Bri- Brian Chapman(kayak)
  15. Me ,Bri and Matt launched at lake in a dark and gloomy morning. Crap tides too but nice to get a launch when the weathers been so crap. We wanted to see if the flounders were here in any numbers. We all caught today. Six for me. Five for Bri. Two for Matt. A hundred crabs per fish seems to be the ratio. Also loads of silver bait robbers The wind eventually dropped and the sun came out as it went down. A few photos from the day
  16. If the cod grounds were in range for me Id be going cod fishing. I say rerun the comp on the same day as the flounder comp. Cod fishermen will be doing the other comp anyway. Catch a flounder on the way home. Win both. So my vote is to put both on the 7 th
  17. Nice little window,once the heavens had emptied. Up at 5 and on the road. 2 hrs from mine to BA ( plus a 15 coffee stop in Narnia to pick up some bits), set up and on the water at 8.15 Once the clouds passed the sun came out on my upturned rosey cheeks Lovely day but the dogs came out big time. Had a small pouting which went down as a lively. Didn't last long with a long slow pull. Conger I reckon Ebbing tide bought the best of the fishing. Fought my PB BA snake to the side, probably high teens, but cut him off as he looked 'orrible and was deep hooked. More dogs then a typical ray bite and a monster thorny graced my deck. Biggest I've had. Two more smaller ones kept it interesting Water the colour of sh1te Target species didn't show for me but great to get a launch at a great venue A few scenery shots to cheer you up if you got wet today Off the water at 1.45 http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g388/photolofty/knobember/B494DC5B-B16B-4483-87B4-856B44566AA8.jpg
  18. Reminds me of my Sunseeker days The cabin would arrive and I'd have ten days to make it look beautiful. My mate still does panels and upholstery for his business. If you want details drop me a pm. It only gets better from this moment on
  19. Some more food for thought. 26% of NHS doctors are foreign born. Good luck getting an appointment without them
  20. Don't vote for ukip unless you understand ALL the things they stand for in a general election. Take this survey It's a policy based survey and will give you an idea of who you should vote for with the policy statements you agree with http://voteforpolicies.org.uk
  21. Happy birthday mate
  22. lofty

    My chum in Ireland

    " "http://youtu.be/ibYtg9AnJIc" "
  23. lofty

    My chum in Ireland

    " "
  24. lofty

    My chum in Ireland

    Bloody tapatalk Had to sign in proper to post the link Grrrrrrr
  25. lofty

    My chum in Ireland

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