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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by lofty

  1. lofty

    Damp expert

    Single room extension.Ground floor. 2 bricks up. Dpc. Then five brick . Then render. Then flat roof
  2. lofty

    Damp expert

  3. lofty

    Damp expert

    Its in the bottom corner of the corner of the building. Flat roof extension. Rendered wall. Haven't had a look at the dpc
  4. lofty

    Damp expert

    I own a rental property and one room has a damp corner at floor level. Do we have any contacts who can look at this and treat/ remedy this?
  5. http://www.kayakfishingnz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=16074&p=183853#p183853
  6. As mentioned at the AGM, some of my chums around the country are targeting species. These photos are from Lozz and Jeff up in Crinan( I believe) Others this year will be targetting blues and big Tope . Here's a few photos of Scottish barn doors from this weekend Lozz Jeff
  7. Look out for team How at the plaice chase!
  8. Welcome to the club. Some boats are small. It's what you do with them. See you afloat Lofty
  9. lofty

    Birthday Boys

    Happy Birthday chaps
  10. lofty


  11. lofty


    Its ....... Nearly.........a...........smile
  12. lofty


    Having cracked out my Worktop job early I had Wednesday free. I had a plan to do Blue Anchor but the tides weren't really on my side. Had a chat with Rich and settled on a new venue for me. Lilstock. Up at 5.30 and the sky was on fire as I loaded up my gear. The eye of Sauron was upon me Dropped number 2 at school and headed off from the shire . 2 hours later and arrived at Lilstock. The road to the beach was non existent as apparently the flood water has done its work and huge potholes lead to the beach. Cliffs, giant stones and a power station. First rule of Lilstock , nobody talks about Lilstock Paddled out and dropped the anchor. Bloody hell. The tide was flying through. My leads weren't holding so I put a 4 oz gripper with a 6 oz weight and that held, just. Then it all went queer. Suddenly I'm going sideways. My rods peel over to starboard. The anchor is out. Reel in quickly and my breakout cable tie has snapped. Another one on an I relocate to deeper water. Got a bit hairy for a minute or two. A few knocks and then a nice weight on my line. Struggled to get the leader with the tide, fish and leads but soon enough I had a pb thornback ray on board. Could well have been in double figures IMO You can see the flow rate Fishing was slow. I had two more Thornys, around 5lb , but nothing else at all Called it a day 2 hours into the flood. Oh bugger. The tide is a loooong way out. The boulders are big. The tides coming in quick. I land and unload the rods 100 yards up the beach, but can't go all the way to the car as the tides coming closer to the Dorado. A really helpful pair of beach fishermen saw me struggling and came down and carried it with me up to the road. If I had a plastic yak I'd of dragged it. Us posh boys can't do that. Top tip. Go with a chum if you paddle glass. My beach chums. They had mini codling and a strap. Stay classy Yakkers
  13. I'm taking the kayak to Lilstock near Watchet. Target is thorny. Possible conger . Anything more will be a bonus
  14. Hooky Birthday bud
  15. Teeny weeny
  16. With the forecast good I asked the FPO if I could get out for my first trip in the Dorado 2. Loaded up, a fivers worth of rag and set up at evening hill. Firstly I was blown away with the internal storage. Like my 4.7 but dry and much larger. I fired up my new fishfinder and headed off. Today I had three marks in Poole harbour I wanted to try. The castle. The mussle beds by the nature reserve and the Whitley lake channel by Basket boom. First paddled against wind and tide to the castle. The fishfinder down imager is great. Love it. Fished a two hook flapper. Not much showing. A couple of tap taps but no hook ups. Spoon and beads on and a big drift down to my favourite aunt but no spottys today. Time to head towards the island and try a spot that seemed floundery. Nothing doing here . I spy a kayak fisherman in the distance. Wondering if its Tom from the Anglers afloat forum I pulled the hook and put up the pacific action sail. Wind was very light and only achieved 4.5 mph. Sure enough it was him, pro1987, and we said our hellos as I found my final mark. I've watched lots of private boats fishing this spot for flounders for the last month so I'd been meaning to try it. Selfie Sure enough a boat was fishing it. The clue is the moored red fishing boat Tom came over and set up too. At last I was getting bites. Small rattles but I was inpatient and was striking and missing. Patience Loftus. Patience. Finally a constant little rattle and up popped my Al Pacino fish " say hello to my little friend!!" First trip on the dorado 2 wasn't a blank First use of my penn spinner and a fish. Is it right to be so happy about a micro flounder? Getting cold and with the tide pouring out of the harbour I paddled to the launch. The jetty has lots of bits missing, unsurprisingly, and some guys were bolting bits back on and ripping other bits off( in the background ) Another fabulous Poole harbour evening Loading up Tom arriving at the low water Ok, it's not a catch report to set the world on fire but it is a catch report , at last .
  17. Trying my new yak out in Poole harbour tomorrow afternoon. Slice of life on 6
  18. We love having a bit of Brekkie there in the summer on the roof. Huge waves to get that far back
  19. Happy birthday Martin
  20. http://youtu.be/Ru6bmc99eSU
  21. Great comp, keep it going. 1, Kingfisher 2, Fisheagle 3, Slice of Life
  22. 16 out of 650
  23. lofty


    All the best mate
  24. I arrived at castaways at 9am £10 for a pound of rag. Anyone fishing the comp should pre order as there are lots of comps that weekend. Rigged in the carpark and away for 9.30. Hook down near the launch and started fishing. Nothing for 1/2 an hour then tap tap. Flounder. Just a tiddler so back it went. Then another the same, then a beauty about 2.5. Well they just kept coming. 13 over the course of 5 hours Double shot They kept coming after a move to the bridge Called it a day at 2. Kept two for Bri and three for me Not eaten them before I filleted at home and they were full of roe. Wish I put them back now.
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