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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by lofty

  1. This marathon malarkey is ruining my plans. I can only launch at branksome so I'm heading to poole patch. On 6/16 , call sign ,slice of life
  2. I'll be testing out the new yak at Southbourne on Sunday. Come and say hello
  3. lofty

    Happy Birthday

    Happy birthday Nigel
  4. lofty


    Cheryl cole is the one with your nans back bedroom wallpaper tattooed on her arse
  5. I hope to do the Kent cod meet again in November . I had three last year so want it on the list again this year.
  6. Its a bit hairy in a yak , but on the right day????
  7. Launched this afternoon at 4. Hoping to catch some sole before they go. Sea state was lumpy, wind was more than xc forecast. 2 mile paddle with the tide bought me to my mark. Fished until 8 but the sea was getting bigger so I called it an evening. No sole but plaice and a new species for me Turbot . Not big, the size of a dinner plate. My dinner plate now. All plaice went back Horrible paddle back, although again with the tide at average 5 mph!!! Catch report in the car park.... Done Now to go and grab a chinky
  8. Hope its ok as there's f7 forecast for tomorrow!!!!
  9. Just another day at the office! What a lovely view
  10. lofty

    Just joined

    Nice one Dave . Glad you're a wizard, not a greaser.
  11. If there's a small one then there's a big one I'm sure. Great effort chaps
  12. Myself and fellow Basstard Bri headed off early to Tanners lane. We were greeted by a beautiful morning and a herd of cows on the beach. The sea conditions were awesome and we tied on to the furthest buoys out. I wasn't having much joy but Bri was doing better with a couple of good bream and a keeper bass. Then I had a good bite on the hardbacks and my first starry of the day Only a small one , maybe 5-6 lbs Then Bri had a better common smut that we weighed in a sling at 9lb, his pb. Put up a scrap coming in The weed was really tough to fish through. Maybe an inshore move? I decided to move to have a crack at the stingrays, but there wasn't a buoy where I wanted to be. I could have anchored but it turns out I was best staying where I was .Big rag baits down . Wait for the rays. Fish on, seemed like a big ray. Came right under the yak and stayed there for five minutes. Eventually I made headway and to my surprise a big lazy starry appeared. Half an hour later and its twin showed up That was it for me but I was glad I stayed put as this came through on my stingray mark I love Tanners lane. It's a fabulous venue, and it would be the perfect spot if it wasn't for the weed.
  13. Coming to the end of my Turkish holiday. Took a travel rod and some feathers, a couple of lures. Took the girls out on a parachute boat. The owner had a kayak, the worlds most uncomfortable yak, that I borrowed. No rod holders so I improvised. The reel emptied without hitting the bottom. I moved to the cliff edge and pulled up a Turkish wrasse , that didnt do to well when released There's not a lot of " club" type fishing boats over here. I saw a rib trolling a huge popper, maybe after swordfish? That's big on the menus, and lots of gilthead bream The only other fishing boat I saw was this big game job. Oh well. Back to work next week , but I must try for the sole too.
  14. Happy birthday mate.
  15. Palm kolas Keep my tootsys warm this winter
  16. You're all early birds!!!! I'll be spending a big chunk of my day stuck in traffic, driving my youngest , Sarah, 16 , to V festival in Essex. Staying up , otherwise I'd have cadged a go on a proper boat for the open. Good luck to all who enter, weather seems to be just about doable for you . Got some kayak boots for my birthday(44) I know how to live.
  17. 7 replies and no one has picked up on " inflatable members" Blow me
  18. Yes it is . It's Steves camera. A go pro 3 hd . It has a remote. Lots of the wealthy kayakers have them. I have to sketch pictures from memory onto slate.
  19. Charlie. I know you spend a lot of time on this , and its a bit cheeky, but do you have a problem if I copy it for AA ? I wouldn't pass it off as my effort compiling it. Just seems a shame not too Let me know Lofty
  20. I've got fri, sat and sun with the family gone away. Tow me out and drop the yak in the chum trail.
  21. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  22. And here it is http://vimeo.com/m/71169157 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  23. Our ray mark is just inshore of the outfall buoy at double dykes. We've had 10 small eyes and at least 6 undulates off that 1 area Hope that helps Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  24. That Tope looks very good. The club record is only 50 lbs. nice report and you'll have em one day Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  25. Saw a small window and launched off Southbourne beach at 5 am in search of an undulate ray. Every kayaker I know has had a good sized one there in the last month and I felt I had to give it a shot. As usual maccys were plentiful and in 40 foot of water I tied on to a buoy and put down two fillets on 2/0 Pennel rigs. Soon the rods where bouncing but my baits were being raped by pesky topelets. These are the new dogfish at southbourne . Then I had a couple of 3 lb bass that went back to get Alun sized. A move to my small eyed ray mark and I was joined by my chum Steve who'd driven down from Milton Keynes for a crack at the undulates. An hour later and the rod bends over and after 5 minutes my first UR at 14 lb is on board Then Steve gets one a bit bigger He continued to catch 1 more and lots of topelets I called it a day at 11 am happy with catching my target Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
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