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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by sparky

  1. P.S. Thanks for checking up on me Jacob
  2. You lucky lot.......I,m stuck next to a BLACK STEEL yacht ( I call it the BLACK PEARL.... among other things !!!!!! ) They have been sanding the wood and everything is getting covered in black sh!t . Last week he decided to take an ANGLE GRINDER to the hull ?????????? What a clever man !!!!! Told today that I am being moved.........but to where ???? It's full up !!!!!!!!!! NOT HAPPY !
  3. sparky

    Transducer advice

    Sounds good Pete !Thanks for that, sounds like the " beast of the bay" was under your boat Mick
  4. sparky

    Transducer advice

    Just seen your reply Pete, Thanks for your reply, what was the HDI picture like on your unit, what do you reckon on the fishfinder ? I am gonna fit the transom mount and see what happens then, if no good I will just reconnect my thru hull transducer. Thanks, Mick
  5. sparky

    Transducer advice

    It is a transom mount transducer with HDI ( giving a picture of the seabed............hopefully !! ) I have spoken to Lowrance since I posted here, have been told that the HDI will not " SHOOT THRU HULL ". So all I can do is fit it to the transom while boat is out..... and hope it works !!! Looked at thru hull HDI hybrid transducer, but at £ 400 I think I'll give that a miss, thanks for the advice everyone, watch this space ???????? Mick
  6. sparky

    Transducer advice

    Like to Rob, but she's out for 6 weeks !! Look at that weather
  7. sparky

    Transducer advice

    Any more replies on the last post I made guys, all greatly appreciated Thanks, Mick
  8. sparky

    Transducer advice

    Thanks for the replies gents, my concern is that the downscan imaging will not shoot thru hull, maybe I am wrong ? Do any of your transducers which are inside the hull have the HDI imaging on them ? Cheers, Mick
  9. sparky

    Transducer advice

    Hello guys, just purchased a Lowrance Elite 5x HDI fishfinder with a transom mount transducer. Have heard that the transducer is not suitable for use on a shaft drive boat, can any body please advice me if it will work on my boat (MF 695 ) and where is best place to site it. ? Many thanks, Mick
  10. Have a goodun Hooky, Mick
  11. 593.4.....that was better than flounder fishing
  12. Glad to see it's happening Nige.............leave the tape on, it's a " GO EVEN FASTER " stripe !!!!! Mick
  13. I will......my boat is coming out on the 19th, need to get out before I forget how to use her !!!!!!!! I expect it will be the harbour, better than nothing though Fingers and everything else crossed ! Mick
  14. He was making sure his tea urn worked Kev Very nice Dave. Can I book a wrecking trip now please..?................ got plenty of pirks ready !!!!!!!
  15. Dave, you know you like it rough ????
  16. Debugger.......................ooooooooohh !!!!!!!!
  17. Fantastic news Nige Mick
  18. sparky

    assist hooks

    Know how you feel Charlie !!!!!! That would be good if I could see some ready made, thanks Charlie. Mick
  19. sparky

    assist hooks

    Alright Kev................. but as you know, I'm too good at catching the wreck with those !!!!!!!! I want to try these other hooks, fitted to the new pirks that I have made from the lead I was kindly given I will look at the hooks on Veals later, thanks Kev.
  20. sparky

    assist hooks

    Thanks for the info fella's, will pop into quay west as he is going to splice some rope to my anchor chain. Will get the bits that you have recommended and make some, as for WM............that's why we call him " DAVE THE PIRK " Cheers, MICK ( aka Trevor )
  21. sparky

    assist hooks

    Hi Gents, I've been making some leads, pirks etc, and would like to make some " assist " rigs for the pirks. Could someone please give me advice on the best hooks to use for this................as I am getting baffled by the choices available !!! I know there are some expert pirkers on here , any advice would be appreciated Thanks, Mick
  22. sparky

    When I'm Gone

    Excellent !!!!!!!!
  23. Well done Dave, nice to see you keep up the winning tradition.......................unlucky Kev & Jim . Mick
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