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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by sparky

  1. Oooops.........missed that one, belated wishes Brian !
  2. Have a goodun Martin..............." wrinkly club" member next year then !!!!! Mick
  3. sparky

    You tell me

    You lot need to go fishing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  4. Bit late...............hope you had a goodun !!! Mick
  5. Have a goodun Rich, Mick
  6. Have a goodun Dave
  7. Have a goodun Kev
  8. The groundbait worked then boys!!! Pity we had to go in cos we would have got the second prize ! Well done Dave and Jacob. Mick
  9. Well Done you brave souls................ I didn;t fancy getting bounced all over the place today !! Nice one Nigel and Martin, did anyone else catch in the club comp. ? Mick
  10. Trapped air was the problem, my mate bled the system by cracking the injectors, running fine now, but going to give it a run onTuesday to be certain, thanks to those who replied !!
  11. 7) Marichelle- Mick + James
  12. sparky

    Happy Christmas

    Merry xmas and very happy new year to one and all Mick
  13. Don't know....the only throttle cable I can see goes from throttle control through the engine bay and back into cabin where it connects to the ECU. Move throttle and the cable moves the lever on the ECU ,which is where the idle stop appears to be and it is touching the stop . The gearbox cable also runs from the throttle control, but can be disconnected by pushing in the red button on lever Cheers Nige
  14. Would an air lock cause this kind of problem Nige?
  15. The only throttle linkage stop I can see is the ECU under the seats , I cannot see one on the engine ! If there is one Nige, could you point me towards it............or is it controlled electronically by the ECU.? Is there any linkage attached to the turbo from the throttle cable ? Thanks.
  16. It has always ticked over at 750 rpm which is correct, but it is now ticking over at 1100 rpm and starting up at 1350 rpm which is way to high ! Any idea's Rob? Mick
  17. Hi fella's, Changed the fuel filters on the boat, bled the system, but now the engine is ticking over higher than normal, can anybody shed some light on what could be the matter please ? Been down again today, bled the system at the fuel filter but it still the same ! Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in anticipation. Mick
  18. Now don't laugh Nige............ but some of us will be working Christmas Eve !! We do need an answer though to order the bait !
  19. Which day will that be Chris ??
  20. Any news on the day yet as we need to sort out the bait if its on Saturday ? Cheers, Mick
  21. That's the one Nige, thanks for showing everybody what it looks like !!!! Now how do I enter that..........it.s been such a long time since I updated my species count ??
  22. Glad you found em boys...................tried several places and all I could catch was crabs Hundreds of the buggers !!!!!! Oh, and an 8 inch basslet gave me some excitement for all of 5 seconds, lovely day to be out though !! Mick
  23. Bloody hell Jim, Nigel must be a billionaire then !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Is the comp.on or not
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