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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Harry S

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Everything posted by Harry S

  1. Harry S

    Anchor Trip

    Duncan, thanks for the advice. If I have a separate trip line to a small float above the anchor, can I still use an Alderney ring with a big float too? I assume the potential danger would then be a stuck anchor and no means of tripping it with the power of the boat engine. Harry
  2. Harry S

    Anchor Trip

    ....sorry to be a pain but back to the topic for a moment...in the excellent drawings by Bob F, I noticed that the trip was on a one piece Bruce anchor. Would you do the same thing on a hinged 2 piece CQR type anchor where the tripping eye is on the wobbly plough bit? Regards, Harry
  3. Alun, Paul, Thanks for the replies - I cannot go out on Saturday as the Higher Authority is playing horses. So it is Sunday or Monday for me. Was going to try Cobbs Quay as reports of Baiters has put me off a little - but I could get to Mudeford or Wick (I'm coming from Swindon). In the meantime, I'll watch the weather forecast and read some books on fishing. Best regards, Harry
  4. Dear Experienced Sea Fishermen, My engine and trailer have been serviced and Hook'n'Eye has been tested in the calm of Milford Haven a few weekends ago - so far so good. Now for the real thing. Is anyone going out from Poole, Christchurch or Lymington this weekend on Sunday or Monday? I would welcome the chance to follow someone from car park to fishing mark and back! Seamanship is sound but the fish will have nothing to fear - I have a rod, reel & line and not much else (apart from 1 crewmember and a small boy). Best regards, Harry the Novice
  5. Can't find a matching thread so here goes....what do you all use for cleaning black streaks, rust, moss, stains etc from the decks & hulls of your nice white boats? There is a confusing array of products out there at some outrageous prices - any tips gratefully received. Regards, Harry Grubby Boat
  6. When a single middle aged man found out he was going to inherit a fortune when his sickly father died, he decided he needed a woman to enjoy it with. So one evening he went to a singles bar where he spotted the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her natural beauty took his breath away. "I may look like just an ordinary man," he said as he walked up to her " but in just a week or two, my father will die, and I'll inherit 20 million dollars." Impressed, the woman went home with him that evening and, three days later, she became his stepmother. Moral - always be economical with the truth when talking to women!
  7. Hi, is anyone venturing out from Poole this Sunday (19 Mar 06). If so can I tag along? Harry/Hook'N'Eye
  8. Since becoming a fully paid up member, I can no longer see or edit my peronal information! Can anyone help?
  9. Please delete Hook'n'Eye from the list - sadly unable to make it - I hope to meet you all soon in Poole. Have a great day out. HNE
  10. Thanks for the info - its on the cards then (weather permitting) - I'm coming from Swindon. Plaicemat is comong from Carterton and I have made contact with him. You say muddy foreshore & huge tides - is this suitable for a novice? Do I need waders etc?
  11. Is anyone planning on a launch later than 0800 at Burnham? I could get there but not until 0930 for a launch at 1000 (let the brakes cool down!)
  12. Maptech Marine Charts - South Coast & Milford Haven or any part thereof - wanted to buy or borrow - I have the licenced software to use the maps on a PC/PDA
  13. Auxilliary engine wanted - Mariner 4HP 4 stroke long shaft ideally!
  14. Maverick - thanks for the name change - I will be changing back the email addy (sorry) - I was trying to be clever and re-register etc - no need now. Plaicemat has also been in touch who lives close by and has a Warrior 165 too - couldn't be better! Cheque is in the post - great club and I haven't even been near the sea yet! Regards, Harry
  15. Maverick, thanks for the info - I will re-register as a new user to coincide with joining the club (and paying the subs!). You can delete this account - I didn't like the name anyway! I will return as Hook'n'Eye - the name of the boat. Over and out.
  16. Thanks for the offers of help and the advice. I cannot make it at all this weekend - sorry Paul - hope your new engine is OK! I guess I will launch from Poole when I have the opportunity - is there a radio channel that the club always uses? Now for a completely unrelated question - can I change my name on here?
  17. Hi, I'm a new boat owner who wants to do a first fishing trip on a weekend with some reasonable weather. Is there anyone willing to advise me or let me tag along? I can launch anywhere near Poole (I live in Oxford). I have a Warrior 165 MkI. I have plenty of offshore & coastal sailing experience but not much power boat and even less fishing. Any assistance would be appreciated by me and the RNLI.
  18. Thanks for the welcome - I will join the club. With regard to 27 Nov 05, is anyone willing for me to tag along? - I am a bit unsure of the territory and the boat/engine, however, I dont want to be a burden and ruin anyone's competition day. I will have 2 children (10 & 12) and another adult with boating experience. Can be in the area and ready to go for about 0930.
  19. I have just purchased a Warrior 165 Mk1 and although I have years of experience under sail, I have very little experience of fishing boats. Poole is one of the closest locations to me and I was wondering where is the best place to launch and will anyone be about in the winter months for company and/or advice? Harry
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