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Everything posted by Peter

  1. I will be out on Thursday, if I can remember where Redfin Is!!!! If anyone fancies a trip from Portland I have spaces Peter
  2. Peter


    Redfin came with a windlass and quite honestly it is totally redundant being so slow and cumbersome it is far quicker and easier to use an Alderney ring set up. If you still have the choice I would substitute another toy! Peter
  3. Peter

    Got the blues

    Brilliant Rob!!!!!!
  4. Well done Stan, if you fancy trailer ink down to Portland we will,show young few tricks down our way .... Or come out with us again! Peter
  5. Redfin will be out Saturday chasing some bars of silver
  6. Well done guys ...... At least you scored so better than the football we went to!!
  7. I thought it was Brill!
  8. Thanks Jim, I am sure Matt would have moaned about my inadequate attempt!
  9. Is that a Norway place or a Halibut !,,
  10. Surprised at how fast the bait gets dragged along and the difficulty some creatures seem to have in catching up. Seems like the Weymouth charter skippers,trick,of,dragging a lump of iron to slow the boat drift speed might well be a good idea. ...... And I thought sea fishing was just putting a lump of mackerel on the bottom and anything there would,take it.... Thinking cap now on Peter
  11. Sorry this is a bit belated! Seemed a different take on Alderney this year without the normal weeks of anticipation and watching off on forecasts. Matt had a heavy night booked for the Friday which meant an early start was not possible so we arranged to travel early afternoon to Portland in time to get ice from Weyfish. First problem they had no ice despite having checked in advance .... A trawler had been in and nabbed it all. Bit of a panic but we managed to get some from the fishermen's huts behind chesil. A beautiful calm afternoon it was tempting to make an evening crossing but with Alderney week And reports of shortages of moorings we thought it might be a lot of hassle and not keen on leaving Redfin at anchor so fish and chip supper followed by drinks on deck on a perfect glass calm evening. Felt good and filled us with anticipation of a perfect day to follow. I awoke early to a grey breezy morning not at all as expected so spirits a little dampened. After a quick breakfast we headed out to try and find some marks off the back of the shambles. Hard going about 45 mins yielded about a dozen mostly on the small side. Just about enough for a start on the banks so off to a wreck to try our luck before the tide died. Still quite breezy with wind with the tide pushing the drifts along. First fish to me was a nice bass at the surface but managed to release itself while Matt was going for the net. Slick netting was not to be a feature of the trip! One more pollock before the tide died and we decide to head straight for the Schole where we arrived about 2:00 to join Tigerfish. The L'Etacs looked beautiful covered in Gannets Started slowly but we had a steady stream of gurnards and small tope with a couple of turbos and 4 brill not of any great size we kept 2 brill. Seemed odd we were the only two boats on the bank on a Sunday very different from earlier in the year. Returned to Braye about 6 Matt managed to do a spectacular backflip onto the deck when attempting to board the water taxi...... Very painful.so I had a quiet night in the Thai alone having somehow missed Steve and crew. Met up with Adam and the JV crew at Alderney angling next morning and hatched a plan. Down to the Schole again to,start. Much the same pattern with about 8 brill and turbos for the day Mixed in with the by catch. Matt had the best fish of the trip this 13 1/2lb beauty for a pb Moved to the South bank for last few drifts of the day but no more flatties. It was a dark grey evening with the viz closing in and low,cloud obscuring the island ..... No beautiful sunset return this year to remember over the winter. Though a great shot of Redfin from Rob I didn't think she got so air bound Back on shore for an excellent meal at the Britannia hotel in the great company of JVs crew. Thanks Alun for booking it the crab linguine was really good. So the last day dawned woken by the fairly lively movement of Redfin and rain streaming down the windows .... I feared,a return as bad as 2011. But by the time we had been onshore for fuel via a lift back on the cavernous JV the weather had started to improve so we set off to hop a few wrecks on the way home. The first couple proved slim pickings but the third a favourite of mine started to give up a few fish fish after a few drifts. Initially cod and pollock then I had a bass. Fearing a repeat of the trip out I suggested to Matt he might to move expeditiously with the net only for him to snag it on the feathers. What a xxxxxx I would never do that. So bass safely on board Matt got one to the surface next drift so I rushed for the net and did exactly the same thing, much to the amusement of JV who offered to do our netting for us. By about 3:00 we were tiring and decided to head for home leaving JV to go on to more wrecks. With a few cod and Matts great turbot we had just about redeemed ourselves a good steady trip in good company. Looking forward to next year already hopefully a bit earlier in the season. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  12. Yes that's the plan for us though will consider a Saturday evening passage if we can get there early enough Peter
  13. We will be out there on route to Alderney. I think the wrecks are still fishing ok but not as hectic as earlier Peter
  14. Bring it on!!!!
  15. Don't tempt fate Alun !!!
  16. We had a couple of turbot which were full of chicken bones last time we were out in Alderney so with the shortage of Mackerel is drumstick the new wonder bait? Peter
  17. I have one space available for 3/4 day trip to Alderney prob leaving on 9th if anyone interested Peter
  18. Hi Adam we might be up for it. Hope all well with JVs shakedown I am well impressed with your efforts Peter
  19. Peter

    New Member

    Hi Elliot, great choice of boat I too have a 755 Marlin so if you have any issues please get in touch. Peter
  20. Good to see you out again Martin... Let's get some decent weather in now! Peter
  21. Planning to take advantage of weather window Thursday after a successful basing trip this weekend if anyone fancies crewing Peter
  22. Check out the air inlet on the tank 1 is it undone as it should be in operation 2 is the hole blocked or partially blocked creating a vacuum in the tank when revs are up Peter
  23. Have a good one Charlie Peter
  24. Stan you have a PM with my contact details etc Peter
  25. Hi Stan, weather window moving around a bit at mo but Thursday looking favourite. We fish out of Portland Marina. No bait it is all shads and sidewinders so you will need a few of those ... Chesil Tackle and bait just up road from Marina have a good sel cation Peter
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