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Everything posted by Peter

  1. Happy birthday Rob, well done on the bass
  2. Peter


    Integrated foghorn an AIS really nice safety features! Peter
  3. Me too but forecast already shifting around .... Never known a year with such variable forecasts every window that opens just seems to be a tease that will close 6 hrs. later "........FRUSTRATING,!!!
  4. Peter

    new 150

    Graham, don't want to worry you but I would be worried about the above, they may have given the insurance cert but the liability still lies with you to ensure compliance with all manufacturers restrictions etc. can't recall if you checked this out or not. Peter
  5. Peter

    Abode 11

    Hi Craig, things do get better I had a terrible year last year with health issues ...... This year new boat and some of the best fishing we have ever had. Hope it turns for you ... Ditto you would be welcome to a few trips out of Portland with Matt and I Best Wishes Peter
  6. Thanks guys, caught a few well filled glasses tonight fishing to come Thursday and Saturday!
  7. Oops went yesterday .. Would have done Thursday if I had known. Hope it all,goes well Peter
  8. Ditto brilliant piece of kit ..... Navionics are now also doing a wifi fishfinder which integrates into the app. It is on my must have list ..... You can also use it through multiple devices on board so strap a smartphone to,your wrist and see the wreck as you fish over .... Where will it all end? Peter
  9. Seems like an awful lot of effort and money to achieve what can be done with well set up trailer. If you replace all rollers with hard nylon type and keep the spindles well greased the boat will come off with little more than finger pressure. If it is a bit sticky let out a couple of foot of winch strap lock the winch then reverse the car and trailer a few feet and brake hard. This will get the boat moving down trailer but unable to slip the trailer completely and potentially cause damage. Did this for years with my Warrior 175 which is probably the heaviest trailer boat. Peter
  10. Likely we will be out here Saturday if forecast holds up if you are as far west as our patch Peter
  11. Seems to be a bit of friction in the weymouth commercial community. ... The guy who started supplying chesil bait and tackle with sandeels was apparently threatened by the bass guys and gave up! Peter
  12. Having a think about this will consult crew!!!! Anyone know what the flat tie fishing is like in August?
  13. A friend of mine is looking to buy one of these has anyone in the club experience of this or similar quicksilver I can pass on to him. Thanks Peter
  14. Likewise Adam would have loved to tag along but other commitments just looking at dates for Blue shark escapade probably one of the last 2 weekends in August if you are interested Peter
  15. Adam, it's about 45 miles from Portland Bill to the grounds off Start Point Peter
  16. Time running out a bit this summer but guess we would be looking at sometime in August on mid range tides. Pretty flexible at moment
  17. After reading Rob's exploits with Blue shark last year Matt and I have been toying with the idea of a weekend or longer trip down to Dartmouth or Brixham to have a go at these toothy critters. With a crack at the Lyme bay wrecks and reefs going down and poss the skerries for flats this trip has some interesting varied potential particularly as we have not made Alderney this year. Is anybody else interested in buddying up and making this a club trip ??? Peter
  18. Don't believe it .... Just looked at XCweather it looks like it is all turning pear shaped again on Friday Bxxxxxcks!!!!!!!!
  19. 1) JV - Adam, Ian, Alun 2) Tigerfish - Steve *** crew wanted, up to 3! 3) Redfin - Peter, Matt, Rob, Graham
  20. I could do with one more crew for Alderney on 4th if anyone interested ..B&B available .. PM me it interested Peter
  21. Yes crew Saturday would be good I have sent you a pm Paul,I will only be down Saturday unfortunately as Sod's law someone asked me to do a bit of work for them next week
  22. Struggling for crew on Saturday was thinking of wrecking (plenty of cod and pollack about) or bass and plaice if the forecast not so good. So if anyone fancies a trip pm me Peter
  23. I recently needed to amend my licence details for new boat and had lost details and was able to do,it through spectrum the contractors operating for ofcom first point of contact .... Ofcom.org.uk They traced from address and email address Hope that helps Peter
  24. Redfin is out looking at the forecast it seem a to be as variable and unpredictable as last attempt so we have decided to cut ou losses and not waste leave etc on another aborted trip. Will look at 4th July but May need crew as I don't think Matt can make it. So if anyone fancies it let me know Disappointed Peter
  25. Fishing wise had a pretty crap day ... Tried the bream again. 2 all day and 3 dogs several boats down there all did about the same. But a pleasant day on a calm sea Yes definitely up,for wrecking. Not looking like we will be going to Alderney this weekend. Peter
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