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Everything posted by Peter

  1. Hi Jasonnwe aremaimingmto do the same to Poole next Sat or any window that presents around the weekend, looks just do able on Sat at moment. Give me a PM with your number if you want to buddy up. we are on dry stack too. Have not looked at tides yet so any advice from Poole guys appreciates. Be good to get to know you anyway as we both fish out of Portland Peter
  2. Charlie I think the idea of a trip away is good but should we consider alternatives. Matt and I have been toying with the idea of Norway poss self drive boat but need at least 2 others to make up party. Anyone interested? Peter
  3. Well done Adam and co I am soo jealous Freeboys is growing cobwebs at the moment we would have gone Wednesday but work had other ideas!
  4. With me not going to Alderney Matt was keen to get out but we did not Eally have a plan. A conversation with Martin imparting bait of knowledge from your end of the worlds saw us heading east. So a big thank you Martin The plan to get a few rays to boost the species count then off deep for a Tope. After an early start we got to the mark and found it no problem. After a short while I was into a decent fish after a good scrap on Matts 6 12 kensaki An undulate of 13 lb came over the side nice start. I had picked up Matt's rod by accident earlier when tackling up so thought I would take possession for the day. After another short wait I had a shy bite and soon something very determined to stay on the bottOm attached to my line turned out to be a 20lb conger . we both got a smattering of dogs then I struck into another ray 11lb female thornbac. Next. Fish to me again another thorny a male this time also 11lb. Life is not fair sometime. As the tide died we just got a procession of dogs so decided to move off for a Tope Off. To the edge of the ledge second drop I hooked a doggy just as it came into view I could see it was being followed by a very large Tope probably 40+ which came right up to the prop before turning away obviously likes dogs as much as we do!! Started dragging anchor so had to reposition I pulled in chain with no anchor attached shackle must have come loose xxxxxxx. On with the spare and we were fishing again or at least I was. Soon into a Tope got it to the surface and it went straight back do again. Eventually got it in a good 20lbde And that was it for the day with poor Matt not getting a single decent. Fish he was not a happy bunny!!! Peter
  5. Rib eye for me please Terry Thanks Peter
  6. Thanks Terry 2 for Freeboys subject to Matt being able to book leave on Monday pref at bottom of hill cheap & cheerful is fine Peter
  7. 1. Alfresco..............Charlie , Dan , Nigel, Ben 2. Mrs. Sea .........Greg, Terry, Alfie. 3. JV....................Bob, Alun, Rob 4. Wight Magic..... Dave, Gordon, Paul, Mark [this is going to cost me] 5 Freeboys Peter ?
  8. Free boys will be there but I might need some crew if Matt can't make it. -He will not be happy if I go without him!!! Peter
  9. Has anyone noticed we are on page 13 of this thread perhaps we should restrict to 12 next time!!
  10. Charlie Matt and I will probably try and get on the wrecks Sat or Sunday. If you are down our way give us a shout on 6 Like you I can't quite bring myself to go through what we did last year Peter
  11. Looks like Freeboys. Will not be going that window that looked great is closing down all the time so unless there is a change can't see it happening. Gutted Have we a reserve date? Peter
  12. Craig, you must be gutted Matt and I will be sorry not to see you again this year _ if you ever fancy a trip out of Portland give us a shout To next year Peter
  13. Hi MIke We are out from Portland most Saturdays weather permitting if you fancy coming down West Peter
  14. Terry many thanks for sorting this for the members. 1. Tony D 1,4,9 2. Martin B 1,4,9 3. Craig 2,4,8 4.Ashley 5.Ben 2,4,9 6 Alun J. 3, 4, 8. 7 Peter 1,4,9
  15. Hi Terry , Maat and I on Freboys are happy to go with the flow but prefer not to slog up to the Maris if poss!! Can't believe it is getting so close everything is crossed to appease th eweather Gods Peter
  16. Free Boys out at last on Saturday seems we have only been out a handful of times this winter. Saturday started chilly but bigest problem later was glare from the sun and overheating in flotation suit!! Firs tfish to me a very scrappy 10lb Spurdog firast one I have caught for more than 30 years sad as there used to be so many as the run through the channel early in the year regularly saw cotches of 500lb plus proudly displayed in pictures this and their popularity as pot bays probably says why they all but disappeared so nice to see a comeback. Rest of the day brought a smattering of decent sized whiting up to about 3lb plus the inevitable kennel dwellers Flat calm, sun and a few fish for tea well at least that simple pleasure has not changed in the last 50 years apart from the fact we would be in traditional wooden charter boats often open cobles launched from the beach travelling at displacement speeds. Oh and we noted the set of 4 Kensagi and multipliers poked out the back represented about
  17. Just to protect my reputation the calmunious report of me being knackered after 5 minutes of tussling with a big blonde are much exagerated - I could go on for Hours !!! Peter
  18. Charlie, They work well for the bass late season down our way Weymoutn Angling centre generally have a box of loose ones on the floor quite cheap
  19. Free Boys will be there given a bit better weather than last year think we might stay onshore this time so that would be 2 Though I think I have forgotten how to fish after so many weeks of **** weather Regards Peter
  20. I think Matt was motivAted to post by the conservation issues raised by ur day out. There were probably at least 40 private harter and commercial boats buzzing around the shambles and mussel beds plus the trawler. The trawler was working all day long and must have covered nearly every square inch of the area. Sadly he was not just thinning out the dogfish but making a serious inroad in stocks of fish concentratedin the area to put on some weight for winter and or migration - plaice bream bass turbot brill cod and rays all prime species. Left to regenerate these stocks would naturally spread out and populate other areas. I fear between us we are just putting too much pressure on the area even if some of us practice catch and release there are still those who stock the freezer to its limit and I am sure in addition to the bon fide commercial boats there are many seelling illegitimately This such a FERTILE PLACE FOR FISH IT NEEDS AND DESERVES SOME PROTECTION AND IN THE MEANTIME A HIGH DEGREEE OF DISCIPLINE FROM ANGLERS PETER
  21. Freddie I've got a number of reels that need ataention - is it a real shop (forgive the pun) that is open in the day or just a private address - as I live quite near Corsham Peter
  22. What's the take on the weather for Alderney Freeboys is thinking of going but Sunday is looking not too good ? Peter
  23. Fuel consumption 130 l on way out and 1st afternoon, 45l on the scholle 30l south banks 100l home - think I will invest in some oars and a few galley slaves!! We felt so comfortable that we didn't check in with Coastguard but we could still hear you guys until we made landfall Peter
  24. Martin We've only got AIS receiver through radio so no signal to transmit I think you must have been looking at Serenity on Friday Yes the 48hr is tempting !! All the best Peter
  25. WOW We did it Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The adventure started Wednesday night with Matt and I sleeping on the boat in readiness for an early start. In the middleof the night the wind got up and felt and sounded pretty bad - just as bad when we woke in the morning so did not feel comfortable to leave and make our mid channel rendezvous. Sat around getting depressed and grumpy untill just before 10 we nosed out to have a look - not as bad as we thought Matt called it lets go so off we went solo all the way across.Pretty lumpy but not too bad. Seemed terminally long journey until we picked up AWOLs AIS signal about 10 miles out and made contact. Great feeling as we made landfall! Into the harbour for some lunch and chugged out to find some bait - very elusive only managed 6 macks but at least a start for the next day Then ashore for a very warm introduction to the rest of the guys and good food in the Marais hall and off to bed - didn't sleep well the first night too wired from the excitement of the day I think. Friday awoke to a great day and set off round to the banks for first experience of the Swinge great fun Free Boys negotiated it with no trouble. Onto the Scholle not a thing all morning felt a bit like being back on the Shambles. Then about 1.00pm we switched to Launce fillet baits and Matt said to me ' I wonder when we will ever catch another turbot' almost to thte second my rod arched over and I was in to a plump 8 pounder. This was followed by a steady stream and we finished with 9 - very conscious of the pressure on these fish we put back all apart from 2. Just the perfect day sun sea fish no wind!! Another enjoyable night on shore and on to Saturday As expected a fresher day with a stiff breeze - bit of a worry at first with the engine refusing to start eventually turned the immobiliser on and off and that semed to do the trick. Fished inshore to East of Island to start ( sorry Abode and Alfresco for anchoring a bit close I thought there was more room in between) 1 pollack and a doggy from there. Then off to drift South Banks with no joy so heaeded in early for a shower and sneeaky pint. Meal and company in Harbour lights excellent thanks Terry for organising Then on to Sunday awoke and went ashore for a shower and looked back at the sea from the hill - looked a mass of white horses didn't think we would be making it home that day!! Eventually after much deliberation discussion and assistance from other boats we decided to head out with JV AWOL Serentity and Rosie one with the attention of staying in convoy until about twenty miles out and splitting off if conditions allowed. Got out into the Swinge and it was prety lumpy but Free Boys was more than up to it I now have absolute confidence in her and her ability to cut through any sea. Thanks for the video clip Adam it was really good to watch and relive. As planned split up on the twenty mile mark and set for Portland making pretty good progress home for just gone 2.00pm passing the usual flotilla on the Shambles. Tired and a bit sad it was all over. Anyway a great big thank you to all you guys for organising, the advice, company and making it such a great enjoyable trip even in difficult conditions!!! Roll on next year though I am tempted by the 48hr trip Green Army Peter
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