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Everything posted by DommyBoy
Sounds good Tom, Do you know of any marks in the solent or shall i just find a likely lookin area and blank there instead? How do i fish hard backs? I know all about peelers so any help on hardbacks will be appreciated! Dom
Im having a go out from Lymington tomorrow eveining as the weather is suppose to be crap and goin out of Mudeford wont be too nice on 'Gnasher'. Any help on where to go and what to go for......would have gone after smoothies but no peeler so have got some raggies and macky's. Is it worth drifting or anchoring up? Dommy
Im looking to get out for an evening out next week after work and i fancy a Tope or 2. Are there any about at the mo and if so are there any anout out of Mudeford? Where are the best marks for Tope in gereral out of Mudeford? Any info would go a long way!!!!!!! Cheers, Dom
How about my little John Wilson Six Shooter left hand wind bait castiing reel.................................. Any ideas as to why my level wind has packed up. It works until it gets to 1 end and then it gets stuck and i dont know why. Ive taken off now but now all my line piles up in 1 part of the spool. Anyone ever sent any John Wilson tackle back to the manbufacturers and if so what was the service like and did they charge much? Any advice welcome!!!!!!! Cheers Dom
Yeah PJ i was, sorry bout not hearing you mate, was miles away and dont even think i turned the VHF on. There were macky splashing everywhere on the way out, i saw a fish lump out in the run on the way back in aswell. may have been a bass. The fish finder was showing quite a few fish around. Shame i lost the feathers as i would have probably had loads. Would have liked to of caught something decent though insted of dogs and small bream. Dom
After all the hype about how many fish you guys were haulin over the weekend i just had to have a go. After a long bosing days work i got home about 5:45 and hitched the boat on the motor and headed to Mudeford with my mate Daz as crew...(well actually i suppose i was crew as he was at the helm the whole evening as he used to work for Cunard and he steered the QM2 on its maiden voyage out of Southampton so he was skipper for the evening)....anyway got to the slip about 6pm and headed to X-RAY. Stopped about half way and found a shoal of mackys so feathered up a few until Daz had a go and lost my only set of feathers on his first drop, a bit heavy handed afetr hitting the bottom and snagging a rock. Got to XRAY about 7:15 and clipped upto a bouy. Stuck on a fat macky fillet on my "big rod" and a sliver of squid on my "little rod". Well after about 5 mins both rods are banging around.....hit the big rod and started bringing up the hardest fighting Doggy i have ever caught......then brought up a small bream on my little rod. This was pretty much how the whole evening panned out with Dogs and Bream up to about a pound coming more or less every drop. Back at slip about 9:15 and headed to MaccyD's for a bigmac meal and home. All in all a great evening out and good to see a few macky showing. Dommy
Anyone going for a trip out tomorrow evening? Im venturing out hopefully on Gnasher to hopefully bag a few bream or bass. If anyone else is out of Mudeford let me know. Dommy
I would love to be there but my daughters 2nd birthday on sunday and have a wedding on saturday so with the best wknd of the year so far weather wise i cant bloody fish-Typical. Will have to get out for an evening next week if anyones up for it!!!!! Good luck to all those who do fish. Up the spurs, Dommy
How Does A Trigger Fish Bite?........ ...................................................With its mouth!!!!!!! Ha ha! Sorry Dom
Cheers fellas, had a crackin da..... Got a wicked new dartboard and cabinet and stuff for those cold, wet, miserable days when we cant go fishing......like the last 2 poxy weeks! If anyones ever up for chuckin' some arrows feel free to pop over for a few beers. All the best. Dommy
Danny, Danny, Danny....... I used that one about 3 months ago with a Polar Bear...... You idiot!
I went fly fishing yesterday......... I caught a 5lb Blue Bottle!
I dont know if anyone else has noticed but everyday when i drive to work i cross over Tuckton bridge in christchurch. Outside the Riverside pub there a a dozen or so boats moored up and 1 of these has been sunk. Just thought id let you guys know in case anyone knows someone with a boat moored there. It is the boat nearest the pub gardens. Dom
The 7 dwarfs are in the Vatican and the pope comes out to greet them. Dopey goes up to him and says "Mr Pope sir are there any dwarf nun's in the Vatican?" The pope replies "No Dopey,there arent" The rest of the dwarfs start laughing. Then Dopey askes the pope....."Mr pope sir are there any dwarf nun's in italy?" The pope replies "no Dopey there arent" The rest of the dwarfs burst out laughing again and are rolling around the floor in histerics. Then dopey asks..."Mr pope sir are there any dwarf nuns in the world?" The pope then replies "No dopey there arent, Why" The other dwarfs are crying with laughter now and then Bashful pipes up and shouts..."Dopey shag*ed a penguin, Dopey shag*ed a penguin!"
What do you call an Irishman who thieves your pint? ......................Nick McGuiness!
What do you call a couple that go fishing together? Rod and Annette.
i dont understand this shortage of eels malarky. How come when i go fishing on the river stour and the avon, as soon as it gets to dusk the eels come out to play. You can catch over 20 eels an hour. Maybe its just me cos i cant catch nothin' else.
WSOP.....? What the hell does that mean? Just so i can take the pi$$ out of him!!!!
Dont lie to everyone Dan, Thats your first fish!!!! He He He.
Im keeping out of this arguement!!!!!!! The footy season's nearly over so as of 3 weeks time the fishing takes over. I'll be fishing, my birthday only a week or so after so if anyones up for a beer or 2 after....i'll have an Export. See you on the water Dommy
If i did that i would never be eble to go fishing again.....i reckon a certain "missus to be" might cut a few limbs off me. And the mother-in-law......well.....she would probably finish me off completely!!!!!
Well, unfortunately that counts me out!!!! Getting married on the 2nd and dont quite think that the missus will let me out on our first day of married life!!!! Dan may still go so may have a spare place on "Gnasher". Will have to make the most of the summer pre-wedding then i suppose! Dom
Yeah Rich, It's a Garmin one, i'll get your number from Dan and call you and pop it across to you. Cheers mate, Dom
Hi i have been wondering why the GPS wasnt working on "Gnasher". On playing around with everything i eventually worked out that the cable has actually snapped about 1-2" below the aerial. Could anyone tell me how to get the aerial apart so i can re-wire it as it is stuck solid. Can it come apart....? Its a little mushroom shaped aerial if that helps. Cheers, Dom
They're getting worse than mine! Dom