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Everything posted by DommyBoy

  1. Dan you tart, whats a bit of plaster mate. Just go back to casualty and have another one put on when it gets wet. Only joking mate, i no how you feel. Spose we'll have to try the steering out when the weather warms a bit and theres a few fish to catch round our waters. We'll have to go on the organised next trip out. Dom
  2. Pebble Beach in Barton-on-Sea is a top quality restaurant if your after a fish dinner. A bit on the expensive but top food, top service, and its all cooked fresh infront of you. Dom
  3. Surely you cant use Grayling for livebait......arent they known as the "lady of the stream". Its probably going to be a bit too coloured for using spoons or plugs so probably stinking dead baits will be the best bet. Half mackerel/herring/sprats etc. Ill bring some maggotts and a match rod to try for some roach or dace for lives.
  4. 4th March sounds good for me, and im sure Dan will be good for that day. Better get some traces made for some monster crocs. Has anyone who is going got any long forceps to get hooks out, cos if i remeber Dan once caught a diddy jack pike about 2-3lbs and he tried getting the hooks out with some tiny forceps......i think 5 years down the line he still bares the scars from that pike. Whats the score with livebait, are there many roach or anything about?
  5. Rich, Plenty more where they came from mate. Be afraid, be very afraid!
  6. Have you heard about Thomas the Tank Engines celebrity friend....... .....Robbie 'Coltrane'.
  7. Im in 100% agreement with Dan, and what he said about "A Passion for Angling". Its the best fishing series ever made. That Henry Gilbey is possibly the biggest noddy i have ever seen-absolutely useless, and so annoying! I get the feeling that no-one really likes Matt Hayes, well i think he is a superb angler who can do no wrong. As Dan said anyone who can win the Drennan cup must be a top fisherman. Any John Wilson programme is great viewing cos hes another top fisherman! I would love to see fishing programmes brought back to normal evening tv, cos if we want to promote the sport, then we need to show people how much fun it is. Dom
  8. Whats ET short for?............................................. Cos' he's got small legs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Hmmm....i always was a noddy when it came to match fishing. Well, i know if you do something, they float (except covering them with water). Ill stick to my sea and carp fishing then i spose.
  10. Re floating maggots. if you scold them with Boiling hot water they will also float. They will be dead but they float. Defo take Dan's advice about putting backing on the reel, those carp go some and when you hook a mid-double figure fish on a flimsy fly rod, the fun really begins. Dom
  11. The Answers.............. ................................... "Killer Shark" "Kwiksave boil-in-the-bag Haddock" & "Kilmarnock".......................................................................It's a Plaice! ha ha ha
  12. Please dont take this seriously.....it's one of the worst ive done so far! Can anyone name 3 fish that begin and end in the letter K?
  13. Lookin forward to haulin some crocs, just to let you know that ive got a couple carp rods/reels spare if people want to borrow. Let me know and ill bring spares with me. Dom
  14. DommyBoy

    Chinese Taxi

    No offence intended. Dom
  15. A Polar Bear walks into a pub and says to the barman..... "Can i have a pint of.................................. ................................................................. ................................................................... .....................................................................Lager!" The barman replies "Yes....But why the Big pause?" The Polar Bear looks down and replies "I was born with them!" Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
  16. DommyBoy

    Chinese Taxi

    Ok apologies for the poor effort. I've got many more where that came from!
  17. The trip sounds a great crack. well looking forward to it. Should be a good turn out. Hope theres a good turn out from the fish.
  18. DommyBoy

    Chinese Taxi

    Was it that bad?
  19. DommyBoy

    Chinese Taxi

    Why are there so many chinese people in Harrow? Because when they land in England, they get in a Taxi and say... "Harro Mr Taxi Dwiver!"
  20. DommyBoy

    More On Owles

    Would that be the "TEAT"? sorry for runing your joke Dan.
  21. Whats Red and White and sits in a tree? A Sanitary Owl!
  22. Yeah Dan, well up for it mate. Do you reckon that the boat will be ready by then? If it is then ill definately be up for it. Dom
  23. This link is quality. Well impressed. Dom
  24. I take it no-ones been watching INVASION on channel4. A very dodgy orange light..........Possibile we may not be alone!!!!!!!!!!!! Dom
  25. Is that a Belly Button in the background? Dom
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