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Everything posted by DommyBoy

  1. Cheers bruv......!!!!!
  2. Yeah mate, get there if you can as I just got the feelin that there's quite a few around the mark......! Good luck if you do get out! Dom
  3. Well after not being out on a boat for what must be 6months+ due to the new arrival this year, i finally managed a trip out with the old man as crew. Was suppose to meet at his at 5:30am.....bloody alarm.......6:20 I woke up and jumped outa bed in a mad panic. Eventually get to the folks at about 6:40 and the old man givin' it large about me being a lazy tart etc.....etc.....etc......!!!! Anyway eventually got to mudeford slip about 7:30 and boat loaded and launched by 7:45, decided on our original plan X marks the spot (thanks trev for the other mark, one for the future me thinks). A tad lumpier than expected at that time but a slow steady steam found us anchored and ready to go by about 8:15am. Out goes 2 rods each, 1 loaded with 4 large squid, and the other loaded with either single or double baits, about 8:30ish the chop dies to a steady swell but very comfortable. Have brew and then the inevitable tap tap tap of the dogs but luckily they were being shy and not gutting the baits which left longer times between casts. Anyway, after an hour, and about 3-4 dogs later I have a clonker on the single bait, hit it and the rod arks over and starts stripping the spool of braid before the hook pulls after about 5 seconds, after saying every swear word in the dictionary I start rebaiting and at that instants my Dad's single squid bait rod rattles off, he hits into a solid fish which immediately takes braid and doubles the rod over, to make some space on deck I quickly chuck out the rod that i have just lost a fish on and rebaited so i can help the old fella, within 2 minutes that same rod smashes over in the rest and screams line off the spool, I hit it and we are now both into good fish.....then twang as the fish spits the hook and I lose yet another good fish. Well now I decide that I best help out my dad as his is nearing the surface (after about 10mins) and with that the plump gold fat bar of mr cod rears his ugly mug about 15yards down tide, well 1st scoop of the net and he's onboard and a lovely fish of a little over 12lb is in the fishbox for tea. Well after the customary coffee we rebait and recast for the last hour with a couple of dog's to finish up with. Back on the slipway for 10:45 and boat cleaned, fish filleted, and back home by 11:30. Weird how the only 3 good bites all come within a 10 minute spell and then nothing except Dog's. More or less just as the tide started to ebb a tad quicker.....and all 3 bites on smaller baits.....on a mark I was really dubious about getting cod at all.......but to have potentially had 3 cod in little more than 2 hours fishing would have been fantastic but unfortunately was just the 1, and to my Dad for his 1st ever. Dom Excuse the dodgy pic taken on my shitie mobile which doesnt do the fish much justice....but check out the hat!!!!!!
  4. I know mate, the dodgy old fella will probably get something else wrong with him when were out there......coastguards at the ready!!!!! It seems a lot of the cod seem to be getting caught a bit further west of late so thought somewhere different may throw up a surprise, (but will probably head to back of the island to the promised land and get nothing for a lot of effort)....anyway we shall see!!!!!!! Dom
  5. Adam is that "Yep" its worth a go? Or you know somewhere ele more worthwhile.....???? Still deciding what to do as got the old man as crew and fancy some fish to keep us busy, maybe a few ray still lurking there aswell.....we shall see. Cheers guys will keep you posted aswell if something comes up. Dom
  6. Hi guys, im hoping to get out for a few hours early doors this monday, not been boating in AAaaages so fancy it bigtime. Cant be arsed with the tackle graveyard of the ledge or rough ground marks so thinking maybe have a go on xray.....after cod!!! Is it worth a bash or not. Any suggestions as to where to head otherwise would be good aswell. Cheers fella's. A very excited Dommy........
  7. Hi guys, have been speaking with Dan, he found out late lastnight that he has torn his right kidney and has internal bleeding, and this could have long term damage, not good really but he's fine and in good spirits if not a tad sore and bored. He is in southampton hospital but if all goes well and he stops passing blood today he could come out tonight with pain killers (can't see it somehow but he says their stretched for beds). Ive told him your responses and he sends his thanks. Cheers fella's. Dommy
  8. Hi guys, just a quick note to say that my brother Danny AKA 'Gnasher' in the club is in hospital. He had been planning a trip out today and was all set when he took himself in yesterday. He played football last saturday, took a heavy tackle and cracked a couple of ribs, being the soldier he is he decided he wasnt going to go to hospital and will take it easy for a few days and dose up with pain killers, unfortunately yesterday he took a slight turn for the worse and started passing blood so obviously some sort of kidney damge, he is now safe and stable in hospital and in the right hands so wishing him a speedy recovery....he' just pi$$ed off he couldnt get out fishing today. Get well soon Bro'. Dom
  9. Bro, I might be up for coming along, will make an enqiury for some bait so watch this space pal......!
  10. Hi guys, im heading out later and fishing into dark for some conger, will be launching about 8pm after work if anyone fancies buddying. Alun, pop us a text and let me know how the bassing is goin as i might have a drift or 2 first before hitting the ledge. Dom
  11. Hi guys, am looking at wednesday night for some congering on the ledge, weather looks OK so should hopefully be a good evening. Will probably be launching from Mudeford about 8pm ish and heading back about midnight-1ish as LW is 0.5m at 03.35 Thursday. Anyone else heading out then and fancy buddying? Oh i'll be sending my renewal cheque off asap so will be a fully fledged member again soon !!!! Dom
  12. Yeah, as Kam says, if it dont fit mine, ill pass it onto ya Dezmondo!!!!! Cheers Kam. Dom
  13. pete mate, its only the 2nd competition ive ever fished aswell....the first being 3 hours in last years 48 hour comp and coming last....LOL so i guess i cant be classed as a true competition angler either!!!! See you on the water after those mighty Tuna mate!! Dom
  14. Or have I bro....maybe the wrong ones were given!!!! LOL! Joking Carl mate Dom
  15. DommyBoy

    uk tuna?

    I bet you have PJ.....
  16. Carl you have a PM mate. Dom
  17. You know it Paul, gotta little gem of a plan tucked up the magic sleeve..... !!!! Come on fellas......join in !
  18. Shame you cant make it Gordon but somethings take priority sometimes. If you can get for a few hours on sat then would be good to see you out there for a few hours! Dom
  19. Tony mate, join the club proper and fish th match, its a good crack mate !!! Dom
  20. So who's in then: Dom Dan (Gnasher) Charlie Dan Paul D Gordon M Neal John Young Duncan Alun J ................anyone else? Feel free to add your names to the pot! Come on guys make it a good one, only a fiver to fish and you can fish as much or as little as you like......surely going to be a good crack over the airwaves on C6. Dom
  21. Happy birthday! Have a good one mate. Dom
  22. Looks like just us & the great white crew then bro!!!!! I might even get in the top 5 then ha ha! Seriously fells, looking forward to a good competition and hopefully a top hauling session whilst enjoying the ever present banter. Take care guys and see you on the water on saturday! Dom
  23. Hi guys, after a recent thread, I now know where to catch Stingers but as I have never fished for them before I need to know when they come in, if they are not already. I have heard rumours that some people have caught a few from the shore mid solent but when do they come in bigger numbers? Any great help/assistance required.....PM's welcome !!!!! Thanks. Dom
  24. Glad you back safely Dan, was proper worried when i spoke to you lastnight. Glad the conditions were good as could have got a tad hairy. Well all sorted now so shouldnt be a problem in the future! Good to hear the RNLI were bang on form and doing what they do best. Dom
  25. Yeah cheers bro.........!
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