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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by 2006holmwood

  1. always use him for bait already, and bought various bits of kit. prices are reasonable too.
  2. Took boat out for test with new prop, perfect. engine is suzuki 60hp on explorer elite.came with 19p prop as standard swopped for 15p prop and now WAT is 5850 rpm. max rpm 6000 so close enough. Would advise anyone buying same set up to make sure right prop is fitted, this should also be same for Warrior 165. hope this is helpful to any future buyers.
  3. Not sure but I think I went out with the one in the back row on right!!!
  4. It should be ok as long as we keep french out of our waters as we havent got a very large fishing fleet anymore ,most went bust!.
  5. 2006holmwood

    Smily face

    Am I missing out ? i only have one laptop. should I go shopping to keep up?
  6. 2006holmwood

    Smily face

    Been running windows 10 since it was first available ,at first it was cr7p so restored 8 then tried again , except for a it expert playing around with my internet security everything is good,very fast start up.
  7. have a good day hopefully with lots of pressies.
  8. This is the problem when you push too hard to conserve fish stocks , B.A.S.S wanted restrictions on bass retention and now its come back to bite them in the a#se. Luckily I dont rate bass to eat that much,but still like to catch them on a c&r basis. We should be trying to conserve all fish stocks not just one.Thats my two pennysworth on the subject.
  9. also done
  10. Just finished loading boat ready for thursday, bait in freezer, cant wait havent been out since monday.
  11. Some people will try anything for a free mooring.
  12. your supposed to be on holiday leave the computer alone. hope your having a good time, Mick.
  13. Thanks , one day ill get the hang of it . see you thurs. Mick.
  14. Highly advise joining club as the wealth of knowledge available is amazing and the members are very helpful. Some have large boats and will take you out with them, advise you go to next meeting.
  15. I dont think Id land that on my boat, thats a bit too close to his foot. brave man.
  16. Just a thought but if the charter boats and some of the larger private boats got together and started fishing where the trawlers go would they not get fed up and just go some where else .
  17. 2006holmwood

    Salt removal

    Hi Brian, I have been told to use vinegar also to flush salt and any residue , told to use 20% vinegar. Mick.
  18. I dont think its Studland , all got clothes on.
  19. Works ok on google, have to say for a work in progress it is looking good.
  20. see you there, .Mick.
  21. Hi all, Just walked into Sign Sense on ringwood rd Poole, wanted ORCA and Poole to put on transom, 10 minutes later walked out with sticker in hand and at a very good price. already been to place by old lifting bridge a week last friday and still waiting for someone to contact me. I would highly recommend Sign Sense and will be using them again.Cheers Mick.
  22. Anybody know if its any good? never been to one before. mick.
  23. Got mine at start of year just want to get on water. Mick.
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