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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by 2006holmwood

  1. Thats the one, just took red stop off and screwed to transom.
  2. Seems to be working ok, I have problems operating a phone so dont envy you at all ( except large drink)
  3. Ian Golds do a plastic one that you can fix to boat. I have fixed mine along the transom.
  4. Brian usually watches the sight where ever he is,drop him a pm and I bet he answers .
  5. I do the same at Baiter, but may use Cobbs, only problem with Cobbs is if they are using hoist its a long wait. Also slip is then covered in cr&p . really need to be on pontoon but expensive. Mick.
  6. Hi Rob, Might fit bracket like Plaicemat has done so can have both winches on trailer. But if all else fails should be able to use car to pull boat on as trailer is braked.
  7. Thanks Terry, I have got battery box which i strap to trailer just before putting trailer in water to retrieve boat. Have fitted quick release clamps to winch cables, Have to watch water level at Baiter. Cant use your set-up as trailer too far away from car at Baiter. This wont be a problem if I launch at Cobbs. Am using normal car battery. Cheers Mick.
  8. Terry. 2 questions . did you fit a battery to the trailer,if so what type. also where do you launch from. Mick.
  9. Hi Mal, Dont worry I knew what you meant. Its a Warrior Ninja 45SPS. Its to replace hand winch on trailer. Also got wireless control and need to replace wire rope with synthetic. just got to sort battery and am good to go.
  10. Bought an electric winch from Winch-it on the Ferndown ind est, really great customer service,good price. would recommend anyone wanting a winch to try him.
  11. i went out yesterday and found it a bit rougher than I thought it was going to be, but must say boat handled it with ease. As to the beam trawler now I know why the fishing was dire.Oh well will keep trying.
  12. Just spent 1 1/2 hrs on boat changing lat & long so 0 in right place. Made a difference to the position of my marks . now I just need someone to go and tell the fish to be there.
  13. Thanks got it now. Mick.
  14. Thanks for replies, but not sure this answers question . What I mean is if the decimal no is only two numbers and my plotter needs three do I put a zero in front or after two numbers. ie; S/bourne rough N50.40.87 W01.47.91. so as my plotter has space for 3 nos would it be N050.040.087 W001.047.091. Cheers Mick.
  15. 2006holmwood

    Lat & Long

    Hi all, Am entering marks on new plotter and cant remember where the zero goes if you end with two numbers. ie 001,241.023 or is it 001.241.230. Many thanks,Mick.
  16. know wonder we cant catch mackerel either .
  17. Went yesterday,got wet. seems to be more boats,only 1 electronics stand (Raymarine). could go to Baiter there is a free to enter show but not been to that.
  18. Just wondered why Poole council are allowing all the retirement flats to be built, and then go about closing all the public loos . do they not realise old people need to go more often.
  19. Yummy cake Dont do big celebrations at my age Thanks all,Mick.
  20. Thanks Brian.
  21. know anyone who does Coppercoat localy
  22. Anyone thought of using Coppercoat.
  23. Cheers Brian.
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