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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by 2006holmwood

  1. Hope you enjoy your new boat, nice to have another Explorer in the club. Mick.
  2. Hi Alan . I have explorer elite with 50hp 2stroke Merc , gets up on plane ok and is a good stable boat ,performs well in a following sea. Has a slightly longer cuddy than a warrior but still has good cockpit space ,two fish comfortably. Would advise a 60 or 75 if a 4stroke. have used orkney 21 & 23 before and explorer is more stable at anchor ,keep mine on trailer and is easy to launch & retrieve, also not as heavy as warrior. Would highly recommend .Also now made by Pisces boats in uk. Hope this helps Mick.
  3. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE, see you all next year , Mick.
  4. As a small boat owner I would like to know where you go for the cod comp as I am not able to go as far as the larger boats , I am intending to enter the flounder comp, and would like a go at the cod if it was to be rerun during holidays but this is down to weather and distance. Mick.
  5. hi all, one thing to point out about BT fibre broadband it only goes to the nearest box from there to your house is ordinary cable got this info from BT engineer last week. Cheers Mick.
  6. Hi, I bought fladen for my last boat, not very good as spigot very loose and floppy.
  7. Thanks for that I will give Mark a ring. Mick.
  8. Thanks for the replies , not sure what to do now, also where is best place for boat graphics and letters. cheers Mick.
  9. Hi all Have Explorer Elite mk1 and wondered where is cheapest place to get a cover . Also seen boarding step on Predator looks like a hand rail but with sharper bend they no longer sell them. Would like one if anyone knows where to get one from .I am going to try to get to next meeting but being relief driver not given much notice. Thanks Mick.
  10. I bought this one, Mick.
  11. Boat taken to BHG at Lymington So no longer at same price as now have to pay commission . Anyone interested please contact them direct. Thanks Mick.
  12. Price £4,500 at BHG Lymington.
  13. Hi Martin Photos sent ,thanks very much internet freezes every time I try. Hi Derek , Very sticky at the moment as already buying replacement boat. Mick.
  14. Hi Dave Tried to put them on computer keeps freezing ,Only place I have managed to get photos up is on Gumtree. Mick.
  15. Hi All, My Strikeliner is up for sale boat,engine and trailer were bought new from BHG in 1997, since then it has had very light use and was in storage for 6 yrs. BOAT SOLD. Thanks for all the help, Mick. Boat is very clean and tidy and includes VHF radio,F/finder,Compass,full cover,Nav lights (not fitted) and 2 x 25 ltr fuel tanks. Engine is 25hp Yamaha E/start,has just had full service and new impeller. Starts & runs like a dream. Trailer has just been fitted with new; 2 x hubs & bearings,all keel roller asm, ratchet & strap and jockey wheel asm, also has locking ball hitch. This package is ready to go . can send photos via email. mickholmwood@gmail.com Tel;01202 785670 Mbl;07528791105. Thanks Mick.
  16. Hi Duncan . sent email to RYA with details am still using old style radio at present as that is what is on boat, if I get new radio in the future will get new training and cert. thanks for all help. meant to come to last meeting but somehow lost a day and what I thought was thurs was frid ,oh well must be getting old Ill try the next one Mick.
  17. Thanks ,sent email to spectrum hope it works.Mick
  18. Hi all, Not sure if in right forum but anyway, I did vhf radio course some tears ago at Cobbs. As I now have a boat with a radio I looked for licence but seem to have thrown it out ,is there anyway to get a replacement without licence no' Any help would be appreciated Cheers Mick.
  19. hi Steve,if your boat is still for sale would be interested in some more info. and pics.Email mickholmwood@gmail.com thanks Mick
  20. Thanks for the replys ,have ordered one from gaelforce as they are quite cheap.
  21. Thanks will most likely order from gaelforce.
  22. Hi all, need to replace buoy on Alderney set up need 50 inch red buoy , any help as to best place to buy greatly appreciated. Cheers Mick.
  23. Hi all my name is Mick and have just joined, I live in oakdale at present but may be moving if I can find right place. my boat is a strikeliner 16+ which I share with my cousin Pete.Keep boat on trailer at home and launch at baiter,hoping to get out sunday if weather ok well that's it for now cheers Mick. .
  24. 2006holmwood

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