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Everything posted by Fugazi

  1. Bob, When it comes to big sharks, the answer is you "NEVER" see the one that gets you.
  2. According to Crayside Marine they consider this type dangerous, I seem to remember from a previous thread, but don't know why?
  3. I think it might just have a few of those already
  4. Not too much. Just a quick whizz round with an angle grinder to remove the cabin, place in desired location, fill with compost and bedding plants. Job done!! Gordon H
  5. Tom, SW F5 GUSTING F7 - did someone mention smoking your own dope? Just hold tight until next weekend and I personally guarantee that the weather will be perfect. It always is on a big spring tide, just ask any diver! Gordon H
  6. Fugazi

    The Rooster

    Just one more foul yolk about poultry in motion and I'll eggsplode.
  7. It
  8. The article is written with a certain American flair, but I would have to agree with all the points made. Personally, I would never fish where there is nothing on the sounder as fish always seek out a rock patch, reef, sand bank or wreck to inhabit. In the good old days before we had fish finder, I spent a lot of dives drifting over featureless sea bed topography because the anchor wasn
  9. Fugazi


    Jack, Size isn
  10. It
  11. Fugazi


    Jack, It's good to see you
  12. Newboy, If your 4 in mould is the same as the one in the attached photo by adding "risers" as shown makes it much quicker and easier to produce good weights. Similar modification on 2 in one ball weight mould also works well. Gordon H
  13. Fugazi

    Digital Cameras

    Things should improve once the weather warms up! Gordon H
  14. Risers are additional holes which allow hot gas to escape as molten metal is poured into the "fillers" holes in the mould. You keep pouring into the filler hole until excess metal "rises" out of the riser hole indicating that the mould is full. This is the visual indication to stop pouring. Hope this explains things, but if not I'll take a few photos of my mods. Gordon H
  15. Fugazi


    I'd be useless in a crisis like this as I just don't have the ""bottle" for it. Gordon H
  16. On the subject of weights, I bought 3 different sets of moulds on line this year; in order to use up a large amount of scrap lead I had available. When they arrived, I was disappointed to find two of the moulds did not have any risers, and would never have worked properly. This was an inherent design fault which would have resulted in
  17. Fugazi


    Bob, Knowing where the fish are and catching them are two different things. Most of last summer there was a shoal of large bream hovering over the Betsy Anna bows, but trying to anchor in the right position to fish for them was impossible. Problem being that I couldn
  18. Fugazi


    The Dive Dorset Book was written over 20 years ago and some of the wreck positions given in the book were obtained from the original records filed at the time of loss, not the actual verified position. Just out of interest, I dug out my old copy to have a look at the position given for the Avanti and found it
  19. At last a bite! Much better than 3 hours without one on Southbourne beach last Sunday, has anyone else heard the acronym BSWC (Bull**** Stated With Conviction). Gordon H
  20. Fugazi

    Welcome Geoff

    I might be an old duffer but I'm slowly going metric, inch by inch Gordon H
  21. Mad Mike is way off the mark regarding colour and I can speak from years of experience when I say that white provides far greater buoyancy for the same displacement volume. The reason being that white reflects neutron particles radiated from the sun better than colours in the white light red spectrum. The ground effect caused by downward vectored neutron particles reacting against the water surface provides additional lifting capacity. Gordon H
  22. Fugazi


    Welcome Allan, Was your old boat the Raider 18 with a very powerful outboard fitted, around 140HP I think? If you needed this much power to get onto the plane, just how big are you guy's? Gordon H
  23. Adam, Don't think I can get out of Mothers day duties but put me down for the following weekend. Gordon H
  24. With a hundred worms to drown and a hot tip that Southbourne beach was fishing well for bass following the beach reclamation operation we set off for a few hours. Wind SE 5-6 air temp 3
  25. Fugazi


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