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Everything posted by britboard

  1. "Blunt Boy Scout" You were lucky! all i had was a 1 legged, skydiver with vertigo
  2. Sounds like the route for me Maccy's for brekkie and a Colonels for dinner "MMMMH donuts!", oh! sorry drifted away for a minute there simon "buuurp" excuse me!
  3. britboard


    Hi Al, hope you got Rupert to replace the aerial that he shortened on the bridge when he took me out last autumn. Hope you both got what you needed in order for you get you new boat. see yah on the water!! simon
  4. i once had an apprentice, who i sent on a 1 mile hike to the paint shop for 1lt of tartar paint, he returned about an hour later saying the guy in the shop needed to know what clan i needed so, i sent him back saying i needed a macdonald he returned again saying the guy said he would order it in and had taken a
  5. i'm in for weekend No2, at the risk of sounding dense "where the slipway?" never launched at Weymouth. I need crew if anyone wants to volunteer let me know!! simon p.s. boat now has a name "Cimarra" which is spanish for "play hooky"
  6. Alun i'm always serious, anyhow its got to be better than sitting watching Eastenders or some other televisual drivel, I'm up for it if you are, but i warn you i'm a novice fisherman who is still learning. later simon
  7. ok, got that, shame though! let me know revised date when you find out. anyone for a trip out of mudeford tommorrow??? simon
  8. britboard


    Hi Andy, I always go to my local Chinese supermarket for squid (Hoo-Hings on the north circular) i think they are nationwide, but can't be sure? they sell it in 1, 5, 10, 15 & 20kg blocks to the resturant trade and its about 50% cheaper than i could find it elsewhere. Its probably looking in the yellows for one near you, i only found this one by accident whilst being dragging around Ikea on a sunday afternoon by my good lady. Simon
  9. britboard


    Yes it would, Sikaflex is top stuff, but if there is any residue of the mould release agents or wax polishs on the gel it will not properly adhere. You will need to rub down the gel where you want the Sikaflex to bond with a light wet & dry enough to remove any glaze and then wipe clean with a rag soaked in acetone (nail varnish remover without perfume) this will ensure a clean suface. Then stick on your keel guard using Sikaflex, make sure you dont leave any gaps or dry bits otherwise the water will capillary straight behind it the first time you put it in the water, dont worry if you get too much on and it ends up being sqeezed out all over the place as it easy to wipe off with an acetone damp cloth before it sets. Try to a colour match for your hull then the overspills wont show to badly. good luck!! I used to make my living designing and building grp so if anyone needs advice please ask?? simon
  10. What a rubbish show, i should of gone fishing instead !!!! 2hrs of driving, what seemed like 1 mile hike from the car park, lose
  11. I got the fladen multiplier, and i had to replace the plastic gears as they were stripped straight out of the box, i've got a feeling that they are all seconds or returns. simon
  12. anyone going to "go fishing" on saturday ?? if any of you are, can u drop me a PM with a mobile no as it would be great to meet up with some club members as i'm unlikely to be able to make the thursday meeting due to work commitments simon
  13. phil, my advise to you would be to go out on a wide and various range of boats and try them for yourself, its a big purchase and you want to make sure that you can live with what you buy. Things you should consider would be the main role of the boat, do you want it only to fish off etc. The best way is to spend a day with the boat, I for one would welcome you on board my raider 18 to allow you to assess it for yourself, and i'm sure other club members would also extend the same offer. good hunting simon
  14. try this site, http://users.pandora.be/tree/wreck/wrecksite/wrecksite.html and click on marine charts simon
  15. if you are looking for wrecks i found this web-site, http://users.pandora.be/tree/wreck/wrecksite/wrecksite.html i dont know how accurate the info is, but an interesting site all the same. simon
  16. the worry with the picture is the if you look at the name of the boat it might suggest that he has done that before, didn't he learn the first time? simon
  17. thanks for the welcome, I will certainly try to get to a meeting at some stage but i live some distance (90miles) from the venue, but it would be nice to meet you all at some stage, maybe i could take a friday off work stay down and start my fishing weekend early (wahay!!). i'll post some piccys of my boat on the site so the raider owners can compare notes and the way we've got our boats set-up. I've yet to name my boat (bad Luck I know) so if anyones got any ideas, however rude, sarcastic or just plain funny i'm open to suggestion. later simon
  18. Hello all, i was speaking to the owners of "B-lucky" on the quay after their adventure, i had to pull the boat from the water for them as the owner who had gone for a swim had the car keys in his pocket at the time. Unfortunately he couldn't get into his own car as the alarm wouldn't recognize his keys, his friend was on the way with some spares. His account of what happened was "we were surfing a wave in, and made the turn to make the run and another wave hit the boat at 45o port rear and rolled the boat 90o to the starboard side at which point i came out. fortunately the anchor fell off the boat and dragged the boat bow on to the waves which gave me a chance to get back in, then the lifeboat gave us a tow back in, it was very scary". It appears he is a regular out of mudeford and fishes the bay quite a lot. I spent some time with him and checked his engines out for him, everything seemed ok, so he got lucky this time, but i think he will probably think a little more about crew safety next outing. I took a slightly different approach back into harbour with my raider 18 by going wide right of the worst breakers and then tracking parrallel to the waves before they broke which just put a slight roll on my boat as the wave past, it was the first time ive had to deal with waves with the raider and i must say that i was amazed at how stable it was and how little influence the waves had on its handling. That said i'm in the market for a new prop now as the sand bars were a little cleverer than me on the day. I'd just like to say what a top web site and club this is and my subs will be on their way shortly. And if anyone wants to come out with me the raider i'm always up for making some new fishing friends, i'll let everyone know on the board if i'm going out. simon larman
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