Hello all, i was speaking to the owners of "B-lucky" on the quay after their adventure, i had to pull the boat from the water for them as the owner who had gone for a swim had the car keys in his pocket at the time. Unfortunately he couldn't get into his own car as the alarm wouldn't recognize his keys, his friend was on the way with some spares.
His account of what happened was "we were surfing a wave in, and made the turn to make the run and another wave hit the boat at 45o port rear and rolled the boat 90o to the starboard side at which point i came out. fortunately the anchor fell off the boat and dragged the boat bow on to the waves which gave me a chance to get back in, then the lifeboat gave us a tow back in, it was very scary".
It appears he is a regular out of mudeford and fishes the bay quite a lot.
I spent some time with him and checked his engines out for him, everything seemed ok, so he got lucky this time, but i think he will probably think a little more about crew safety next outing.
I took a slightly different approach back into harbour with my raider 18 by going wide right of the worst breakers and then tracking parrallel to the waves before they broke which just put a slight roll on my boat as the wave past, it was the first time ive had to deal with waves with the raider and i must say that i was amazed at how stable it was and how little influence the waves had on its handling. That said i'm in the market for a new prop now as the sand bars were a little cleverer than me on the day.
I'd just like to say what a top web site and club this is and my subs will be on their way shortly. And if anyone wants to come out with me the raider i'm always up for making some new fishing friends, i'll let everyone know on the board if i'm going out.
simon larman