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Everything posted by britboard

  1. I used the quay a lot until i discovered christchurch wick, the problem with the quay is that it can be a bit of a walk with your boat to get it floating. Fine if you have got a little boat, also you take you chances when it comes to parking your trailer as it "first come last to leave system" as the trailers get stacked up alongside the slip. i once had to wait for 4 hrs to free my trailer as 2 other people had chained theirs to mine . Christchurch Wick is a better bet, good steep slip, plenty of parking and a freshwater wash for your engine on the way home.
  2. Try this for Size. Simon L
  3. britboard

    Women Drivers

    please tell all your lady friends to take note of this, and keep your eyes on the road, PLEASE!. This morning on the Motorway, I looked over to my left and there was a woman in a brand new Polo with her face up next to her rear view mirror putting on her eyeliner. Can you believe this? I looked away for a couple seconds and when I looked back she was halfway over in my lane, still working on that damn makeup. As a man, I don't scare easily. But she scared me so much; I dropped my electric shaver, which knocked the steak and kidney pie out of my other hand. In all the confusion of trying to straighten out the car using my knees against the steering wheel, it knocked my cell phone away from my ear which fell into the coffee between my legs, splashed, and burned Big Stevie and the Twins, ruined the damn phone, soaked my trousers, and disconnected an important call. Damn women drivers.
  4. I know what you mean I got a unplanned day pass (to windy to teach Flying) so shot down to Lymington early this morning, with friends and fished over towards the island just west of Yarmouth and only caught a few Doggies. One of my party was horribly ill so decided to steam down to Colwell bay to find shelter and had my best day on the Bass ever, i personally landed seven fish smallest being 3lb 2oz and the best being 7lb 4oz, all fell to whole squid on a 4/0 pennell fished tight to the bottom. My friends had two each at about 3 1/2lbs Who said it always "fishes rubbish" on an east wind. It made mine and my friends day and even though he was royally sick Also there is something big lurking in the bay as at one point my rod tried to make for the sea and i just got hold of it, only to feel the biggest set of thumps i have ever felt, promptly followed by the snap of my 50lb leader knot. It can run but it cant hide forever, i want my tackle back, its only a question of time Simon L
  5. Its a ball and socket joint with a spring loaded retainer, i've used those on the rudders on various hovercraft that i've made and never had a problem with them pre-releasing. Make sure that everything is free with the sliding collar and its well seated and you should be good! If it fails again you should be able to pick one up from any good chandlers (not very expensive). Simon L
  6. Alun, is it an external gps module LGC2000 and have you got a battery isolator fitted for when the boat is not in use? The reason for me asking is that all NMEA 2000 products are active as long as you have power to the network, so they would all be drawing current unless disconnected, is it possible that you may have a battery that is down on voltage? if you want to wait until tommorrow pm i'll take a look as it is an identical model to mine and we can test it on my boat. Simon L
  7. thanks Terry, appreciate it Simon L
  8. I thought that moving the trim tab on the engine was only to stop steering drag, i may be wrong please correct me if i am Also mercury quotes moving the tab the other way round, see picture. Simon L
  9. As kam states, not a lot happening on "Cimarra" (Britboard is my forum tag Kam) left the Wick at about 08:00 and steamed out behind the island for some bait, nothing, nada not a bite so made our way to "Biggies mark" and soon found some Mackerel. Tried drifting the mark for some Bass Kam got one take which snapped off and nothing for me. Aquafresh was drifting also but disappeared over the horizon after a while, as those boys seem to know what they are doing we figured it was time to head for the ledge. Kam went with squid baited feathers and pulled a few Bream whilst i opted for a 4/0 pennel with Mackerel strips and got nothing but my hooks stripped each drop. After an hour or so of that we headed west a bit and anchored below the coastguard watch Kam stuck with the feathers and got Bream, Pouting and a scad and me with the pennel hooks which were stripped again until a Bass of 2lb 2oz decided it liked my bait thank god for that i thought as it gets difficult to justify to Lynne why i spend time fishing instead of with her if i go home empty handed. Although i have been known to dash to the Mudeford fish stall just to fool her. (hope she doesn't read the forum i don't think she does ) Finally called it a day at about 15:30 and headed in and as the water was lowish i thought i would follow the big boat with twin 225hp engines though the quay the theory being that he would bottom out before me and i would be ok. "Yeah right" another prop please I'm going off Mudeford! Anyhow it was more fun than sitting at home doing chores, thanks for coming Kam and your welcome out anytime. Simon L
  10. Oh bugger! Does that mean that we win by default All fingers and other bits crossed Simon L
  11. Saved at the last bell by Kam (Newboy) See you all on the water Simon L
  12. What no-one? am i going to be condemmed to watching televisual drivel. save me!! Simon L
  13. looking for someone to join me on sunday to fish the comp or just to fish for fun the plan is to launch from wick 08:00ish. fuels free, so all we will need is bait. Or if no offers are forth-coming can anyone squeeze me onto their boat as crew. Let me Know as i need to fish (going mad, land locked) Simon L
  14. If you find out who they are i'm sure they would make excellent groundbait (just a thought) Datatag seems to only be of any use if your gear falls into the hands of someone who wants to know if it is stolen, if you stole it in the first place or are receiving you wouldn't care! datatag themselves have only issued 36 guns in the uk over the last 12 years. My district constabulary don't even know if they have a datatag gun and it took 3 weeks for them to send an SOC officer to see me after i had a jetski stolen that was stored in my alarmed and monitored garage. Marine theft seems to be a low priority in the eyes of the law. hope you get it all back together without a fuss and get back on the water soon Simon L
  15. Being dense and having a head like a sieve i've forgotten when we were planning to go to Burnham for the cancelled trailaway Anyone know?? thanks Simon L
  16. britboard

    Card Reader

    The Navonics card reader appears to have a "dongle" built into it which allows the charts to be accessed. It annoys me that these companies can sell you a chart and then add so many restrictions to how you can use it. It is a simple coding issue to allow usage of charts within different viewing platforms, but they alway seem to do it an outdated and crazy manner. "Dont buy Navplanner" all sorts of defects and errors. I'm working on the card reader issue, i'll keep you updated. Simon L
  17. Hi, Terry i'll take one off you, let me know how to pay. Simon L
  18. DOH!! "mental note" 1. must get bigger monitor. 2. must use brain more. 3. must figure out how pc mousey thing works. 4. must look before leaping. Simon L
  19. I would say you would want a minimum of 10hp but ideally 15hp i know my raider 18 with 6hp on the back chugs along ok, but i'm pretty sure it would struggle in a heavy sea. That said i think if the sea was that bad and i had a dead main engine it would be enough to keep me nose into the waves whilst waiting for the real help (lifeboat) to arrive, but i hope i plan my trips well enough to avoid any disasters Simon L
  20. Thanks Martin, how good is that Is it possible to add the MMSI numbers to that list? I'll do it if you like? and E-mail it back if that helps but i'm not sure if i have them all. If you have a full list and want me to do the donkey work let me know. Simon L
  21. Well done, Alun. you said you were going to catch a Trigger, low and behold you did! Simon L
  22. Bob & Coddy thanks Adam, your on! PM me your tel No as i cant seem to find a members list on my pc anymore. i'll give you a call, was looking at the weekend Sat or Sun if that suits?, i've got a 3D Hummingbird sounder on its way so if it gets here early enough we can take pictures of the sea-bed and look at the wrecks in detail. Coddy PM me your Tel No also just in case, but i did promise Alun J a trip out this weekend, just waiting for him to confirm, but if we go and theres space i'll give you a shout. Simon L
  23. "Its a fair cop Guv, i'll go quietly, slap on the irons"
  24. britboard

    Inshore Wrecks

    Hi all, could anyone help out with some accurate productive numbers for wrecks within a 12mile reach of Mudeford, as ive got a wrecking bug at the moment and would like to lose as much gear as i can before Autumn. Seriously though, please could someone PM me something good as nothing ever seem to be where it shows on the charts, and i'm using lots of fuel circling the seas looking thanks in advance Simon L P.S. i blame Tom, for showing me what real fish look like, oh well! looks like i'm gonna have to get a bigger boat, how much for an 805 Tom?.
  25. nice to see the boys on page 128 proudly displaying their fish and listed as 2nd and 4th in the league. keep up the good work it might earn you a nice new shiney boat at this rate. well done again Simon L
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