I have a stainless steel hot smoker - think it was one of the old Abu ones.
Have smoked mackerel, pollack, bass and and conger, and all have turned out well.
It's a stainless box about 15" x 12" x 4" with a slide on lid.
I pile the sawdust at each end, so I can do two separate smokes on the same day without a major clean out.
The sawdust is covered with a tightly fitting drip tray.
I have a wire rack on the drip tray that takes the boneless fillets.
The lid then slides on.
It's got a stand that allows a meths burner to be slid in from either end, and the sawdust can be heated in two batches.
The meths burner wasn't stainless, and is now tarnished, but still works.
It takes a few minutes for the sawdust to catch, and fill the box with light smoke.
The heat builds quickly with the lid sealed, and mackerel fillets cook in about 20 minutes with a golden smoky glaze.
I then remove the rack, store the fillets, and replace with a new batch.
I then pop the burner at the other end, so I get a fresh, clean smoke for the second batch. I find if you don't, the second batch is a bit acrid.
I usually do one batch of plain fillets, the others with freshly crushed black pepper and seasalt sprinkled on.
Some websites recommend soaking the fillets in strong brine, then letting them air dry before smoking them. I've tried it, and don't find any improvement.
Hope this helps!
PS I have to do this in the garage with the door open. The smell of smoke gets everywhere else! Even then, you sometimes need a change of clothes and a shower to get rid of the smell!
PPS It's worth it