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Mike Fox

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Everything posted by Mike Fox

  1. Guilty as charged. The specimen in question was around 170-180lb, and Rob, it WAS boated, just on someone else's boat while still attached. I did consider fillet and release, but discretion prevailed. Sometimes it's good to let them swim off for another day Was glad Rob and JoJo were on hand to witness the whole event, else no-one else would have believed that my Ugly Stik spin, Abu 7000, and 30lb braid would have managed it (apart from Charlie perhaps, who saw me get a 40lb conger on it). The bait shall remain secret however, as I'm now gearing up for a larger specimen. Mike
  2. Mike Fox

    new boat

    Great news Rich and Emma! Mike
  3. George hopes to be able to fish club qualifying boat match competitions, but is booked to be away on holiday when the Boat Championships are on. As such, he's happy to fish any qualifying competitions and will relinquish his place should he come in the top two. George needs to demonstrate active involvement in competitions for his angling CV - hence is keen to participate. Anyone interested in giving this a go? 1. George Fox 2. Mike Fox
  4. Thanks folks, that seemed to work. I've attached 3 files. The first is blank, because I am not sure of the points per fish for this comp. The second has points per fish, based on the Worlds (where mackerel, tope and shark are excluded), that George fished. I suspect it will be close, if not identical to this. I'll update this if someone can let me know the points basis for the Boat Championships. The third is a worked example (with points in brackets): - Angler A sticks to wrecks and has a cracking day with over 100lb of fish, with typical species - Angler B sticks to Poole Harbour and has an excellent inshore day, with typical species - Angler C has a great day live-baiting, catching specimen bass to 12lb and large numbers of tope - Angler D works the rules and goes match fishing Even if all anglers win their boats, it's the points that will win on the day, which is why I believe we should fish any club qualifying boat match competitions using the same rules basis to select our representatives. Mike PS When the points per species are finalised, I'll update here, and if you print off two of these, and laminate them back to back, then you have a scoring sheet you can use for up to 8 anglers (for the bigger boats). A chinograph pencil or similar can be used to keep score on the day, then wipe clean and use again and again. Boat Championship.pdf Boat Championship Example 2.pdf Boat Championship Example 3.pdf
  5. I've knocked up an example scoring sheet in Excel. Anyone have any ideas how to upload it? Thanks, Mike
  6. Timeline in reverse order: Saturday 13th June - the Boat Championship 7th May - Last date for applications Implications: - any boat match competitions run within the club for selection purposes should be completed in April (letting people enter as an individual if they don't get 1st or 2nd) - as the Boat Championship will be targeting "summer species", it makes sense to hold any qualifying boat match competitions as late as possible in April (with a reserve date still in April) - any club qualifying boat match competitions should be fished to the same rules as the Boat Championships, to make the club representatives as competitive as possible in the main event. I can't find the 2015 rules at all. Can anyone help? However, I can find a pdf of the 2014 rules, but can't load it here. so...cutting and pasting, flagging the "interesting" bits in BOLD which we really should consider, if the rules are the same 1. Fishing to Angling Trust rules subject to the variations stated below. 2. Fishing to Wessex Region points System. 3. Poor cod and Pout count as one species. 4. The competition will be fished to no size limits unless otherwise stated. 5. This is a three hook competition. A treble hook will count as three hooks. No bait additives to be used in any circumstances including impregnated artificial lures. All other artificial lures are allowed. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A BAIT SUPPLIED COMPETITION. Anglers are not to bring any bait. Bait fish caught prior to the competition will be shared. Any fish caught during competition may be used as bait; tail must be removed before recommencing fishing. 6. The draw will take place for the boats at Wessex Committee meeting, position on boat to be drawn on the day on the boat. 7. Booking in time will be from 07.00 and no later than 07.30 at top of Pontoon Langstone on Saturday morning and anglers must be on their boat by 07.50. 8. Bait fishing is allowed before lines down. 9. Fishing times will be 6 hours from first lines down. 10.All boats will leave at 08.00 and be back no later than 17.00. 11.Fishing times may be changed subject to weather conditions. 12.A maximum of 5 fish per species will count for full points and 5 fish per same species will count as 1 point with a maximum of 10 fish per species allowed. 5 points per species will be awarded to each different species caught. Other species will be grouped together similarly first 5 count full points, next 5 1 point and maximum of 10. 13.There will be a nominated steward on each boat, which will be the person with the letter S against his name on the attached boat draw lists. That person will be responsible in liasing with the skipper in ensuring that all lines are up when lines up is called. There will also be a boat captain on board who will assist the steward in any disputes. The skipper’s decision is final on any fish. 14. The skipper will be given a match pack which will consist of a full boat draw, bag of draw numbers, score sheet, A3 clip board. 15.Up tiding will be allowed subject to the skipper’s discretion. LINES MUST BE OUTSIDE OF THE BOAT AT ALL TIMES WHEN CASTING. 16.The competition will be run on the % system with the boat winners being on 100% and others on that boat as a percentage of boat winner’s score. Where any % score are equal the most fish points determines overall placing So for 2014 it was a species comp, letting you register up to 10 of any one type of pre-defined qualifying species - so variety and quantity count. Like the "Worlds", your target is to win the boat to get 100%, and as many fish points as possible to compete with other "first placed" anglers on other boats. So - even if you're second on your boat, with a huge number of fish, someone winning their boat with one fish will get to the prize table before you. The "other" species category lets you register the by-catch and get something for them. No bonus for big fish, specimen fish, best bass, ray, cod etc. So, knowing the Poole Charter fleet, for an internal qualifying comp, I think 2 hours on each of Poole Patch, the Sadler lumps and one other mark (beaches, Ballard, dolphin sand?) would cover most bases. It's not a normal way of fishing! Mike
  7. ...and maybe a few others. Reading the form, it's for individual AT members, the "club champion" and "club runner up", fishing to "Points Rules" (can't find a link on the AT site for the rules at the moment). If we have lots of interested members who are prepared to enter for £72.50, then this implies having a preparation competition to the same rules, in local waters, to pick our club reps, and this might take a bit of organising (boats, stewards, scoring, etc). So, chaps. Any interest? Thanks Coddy. Mike
  8. See here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2959304/Juicy-fish-supper-ll-fight-Hungry-seal-involved-ten-minute-tug-war-fisherman-pollock-catch.html I guess we've all had live fish taken by something bigger at one time or another....but this time it was caught on camera. Mike
  9. Cracking fish Rob, though a little unconventional Just out of interest - how come it wasn't in the middle of some spawning aggregation in the shipping lanes? mike
  10. Here : http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/leisure/taste/11762784.___Our_fish_get_the_best_of_everything________Meet_the_man_behind_Allenbrook_Trout_Farm/ Mike
  11. Found this today: http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn26831-big-brother-map-spots-illegal-fishing-in-an-instant.html#.VMILYkesV8E In summary, it looks like when AIS is switched off, alarm bells ring. Fisheries enforcement can then theoretically act. Would be good to see if this can be linked with any bass ban. Mike
  12. Best wishes old fella Mike
  13. See here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cornwall-30794217 Not sure why his boat was cut in half though. Mike
  14. Will be good to have you back Alan. Mike
  15. Hi Jim, No problem - and I understand what you mean about pressure/stress and banter while fishing Hi Colin, Sounds like you could be dangerous! Definitely a candidate for any future club match team Hi Budgie, You have some fascinating experiences there, and am sure we could all learn from your skills Hi Steve, Many thanks for the offer, which we'd love to accept. I love the Targas and would be disappointed if she only did yacht speeds Thanks all, Mike
  16. One advantage of fishing in ponds...you know the fish haven't gone south with the swallows Good luck! Mike
  17. Hi Dave, I know you and others would love to have a "magic bullet" that will instantly uplift your catches. However, please see my original post "While he is unable to discuss these techniques which were passed in secrecy to him, other anglers on the same boat can observe tackle, rigs and techniques used, and adapt their own approach where relevant." George can talk about his experiences, the competition itself, how to work within the rules etc, but please understand the real constraints he's under. Thanks, Mike
  18. Brilliant Chris, many thanks, we will take you up on that Mike
  19. Timely...what's the grip like on a wet deck, please Chris? Mike
  20. Hi Peter, That would be brilliant, and we will be delighted to take you up on that offer. Thanks, Mike
  21. Hi Graham, Yes the rules are extensive, but designed for charter boats where a steward keeps score and maintains order. On Frisky we've focused on the points per species, stuck with fishing at anchor, and applied a pragmatic set of rules, such as banning side or overhand casting - to help practice the underhand lob that can still give good distance when needed. Hi Jim, Yes, there is cut-throat element in match angling, that can be quite nasty I believe, and this is a good reason why the Club doesn't give cash prizes for internal comps etc. The cost of competing (and practicing) can be steep, and prize money so rarely won, that most sea match anglers will not break even in a year. I understand there's a fair bit of "gamesmanship" and banter involved, but a lot is just to put off the opposition.George isn't in it for the cash prizes, just to improve his chances of being in the U21 England squad for 2015. Hi Budgie, We would love to accept your offer of a trip, and am more than happy to share mark info. If you attend the club meeting next week, and can bring a paper chart and a notepad along, I'll give you a head start. Thanks all, Mike
  22. Hi Nigel, Would love a trip on Wishin Too, thank you! Piscary is a good idea, we'll look into that. Agree your point about intensity - it's not a relaxing form of fishing. George will no doubt ask more about your quivertip rods at the next meet Hi Allan, We're both interested in species hunting, and it might be interesting to see your French/Italian rigs particularly. The 2015 Worlds are in Croatia, so Adriatic/Italian might be similar species and hence rigs. The rigs might give an early insight. Agree with you that there are spin-offs in "buying a bite", encouraging a take, etc that impact ALL forms of fishing. Carol is looking at hanging onto her existing rod/reel and uplifting her skills in other ways, for example. Thanks both, Mike
  23. Rob, The freshwater principles are now adopted for Sea as well, with appropriate gear sizing etc. Good idea mind. Steve and Charlie, See Page 44 for rules for Angling From Anchored Boat here: http://www.fips-m.org/upload/pdf/reglementsFIPS-M/FIPS-M%20R%C3%A8glements%20Anglais%20Lisbonne%2026%2004%202013.pdf Points by species are on Page 12 here: http://www.fips-m.org/upload/pdf/brochures/2014/2014%20World%20Boat%20Championships%202014%20for%20Seniors%20and%20U21%20update.pdf Charlie, Would love to take you up on your offer, blindfold not needed . Mike
  24. Since George returned from the World Championships, he's succeeded in repeatedly demonstrating to me the difference between fishing and catching. He's picked up dozens of new techniques which when combined make a phenomenal difference to overall catch rates. While he is unable to discuss these techniques which were passed in secrecy to him, other anglers on the same boat can observe tackle, rigs and techniques used, and adapt their own approach where relevant. I've been fishing with him to "Worlds" rules since he returned, and have changed equipment and techniques to try to help close the gap, but even after 3 months, there's still a long way to go. To help George get into the Under 21 squad again in 2015, I'm keen to help George further hone his skills, and help him compete in as many relevant competitions as possible before September, so he's match-ready, prepared, and has further uplifted his skill with the equipment. I'll pair up with him for pairs comps, but where there's a need for a team of four, it would be good to know if there are other club members who would be able to take part as well. I'm conscious that Frisky is slow, limited when compared to specialist angling boats, and is not the best fishing platform for him to use all of his kit to the optimum level, but we will continue to fish together, and I want to be able to push George every time we go out. Others in the club will almost certainly be able to push George harder, challenge him more, and offer additional opportunities to further uplift his game. The purpose of this thread is to assess the interest levels in the club for boat match fishing, a very specialised branch of sea angling, where quantities of qualifying fish are the aim to "win the boat", with points per species, and ruthless fishing efficiency is the method of achieving it. It's a totally different definition of fun to relaxing dangling. - Who in the club is already interested in boat match fishing ? I can think of several potential names already. - Who already has the specialist kit and wants to see the investment start to pay off more? - Is anyone interested in seeing the differences in what can be achieved first hand, and is keen to consider changes to tackle and techniques to uplift their own catches? - Would anyone like to fish with George and I to "Worlds" rules in competition, so that you can observe the techniques used, in a friendly setting where scores can be calculated, and techniques honed? - Is anyone able to offer George and I fishing places on their own boat, where we can unofficially fish to "Worlds" rules, and invite you to join in? Maybe Saturdays to avoid a clash with club competitions. - Is there enough interest to set up a "World's League" within the club for those interested members where we keep and publish scores? - Who is interested in joining George and I in the various open boat competitions in the area, and is prepared to put in the effort and practice to achieve exceptional results? - Can club members collectively help to identify those open boat match competitions worth entering ? e.g. Poole charter skippers species comp, EFSA, Angling Trust, Weymouth Angling Centre ones, etc. I'd like to build a calendar of events to target, and to plan for each one. - Would uplifted club performances in open competitions be of any benefit to the club itself? Publicity, membership, etc. - What can the Club itself do to assist? - Does anyone have any other ideas that might help? At this stage, I'm just trying to assess interest. Many thanks, Mike
  25. What no worms in the whole of Poole (Castaways Hamworthy closed today, Poole Sea Angling Centre sold out, Wessex sold out) Eventually found some at Castaways Parkstone, but by then George had started coughing again. Let's see if another day of recovery works, and we might try again tomorrow. Sorry folks, but not possible for us to join in this year. Mike
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