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Mike Fox

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Everything posted by Mike Fox

  1. You're right about banks moving....a few charted spots I've checked out haven't been as distinctive this year, and other ridges have moved, or been smoothed. Guess those winter storms did it? Mike
  2. Great excuse Rich and Emma - congratulations and best wishes to you both. Mike
  3. Great piccies and great report Steve! Mike
  4. Yup
  5. Found this: http://www.planetseafishing.com/tutorials/read/how-to-rig-up-for-common-skate/ I suspect most have probably been lost due to having relatively thin leaders that have chafed through on the edge of the wings. I'd imagine 50lb class gear being needed to cope with double mackerel flappers (or larger) with big leads. Perhaps a "lazy" rod for those who target small stuff like 25lb blonde rays? Bycatch round here could include tope, conger, blue and porbeagle shark I guess....with an outside chance of something more exotic. I don't have any tackle even approaching this heavy, but is anyone up for the challenge? Mike
  6. Hey Steve, I was down at Kimmeridge at the weekend, and spotted an Atlantic Grey Seal - keep your eyes peeled, and don't try tying onto any grey buoys with whiskers!!! Mike
  7. Not looking at the port side by any chance Rob....? Mike
  8. For those getting bored with 100' Sunseekers dwarfing everything alongside Poole Quay, I saw this little beastie moored up in the marina there. http://www.charterworld.com/?sub=yacht-charter&charter=sailing-yacht-hyperion-1095 90,000 Euros per week anyone? Mike
  9. While I'd like it to be common skate, I think you'd need 150-200' deep water or so, like off St. Catherines. I wonder if there are occasional monkfish (angel shark) around here? Don't recall any catch reports at all of this species! Did a trip off Swansea in the early 80s where 5 were boated - all 40-42lb. From what I recall, it wasn't particularly deep, and they were caught with dogs and thornback. They were only boated on 50lb class gear, anything lighter and they won! Something double the size of the biggest blonde ray would make a mess of 20-30lb class gear! Mike
  10. Couldn't get out at the weekend, but yes, have struggled to catch more than a few on any trip, in any location this year. Methinks the factory ship in the Western Approaches is back on station, processing 500 tonnes per day... Mike
  11. Looks like a good day! Well done Mike
  12. Mike Fox

    Sonik rods

    Pete, I think a 1g difference in the weight of the rod is probably a toping errur.. Mike
  13. Mike Fox

    Sonik rods

    Anyone else have one of these? http://www.soniksports.com/sea/sea-rods/237-sk3xtr-boat-rod Carol now has the 20-30lb one, and it seems as light as my 6-12lb Kenzaki, and seems a nice bit of kit for under £50. It's really nice with a 6500 -sized reel, and Carol's had a couple of nice rays this year on the rod. which has shown a nice progressive curve, with a reserve of power. I'm hoping she'll hook into a blonde or conger soon to really test it out. Any views or thoughts? I still need to replace my broken 20-30lb Ugly Stik! Mike
  14. Frisky will be out too Allan. Probably Poole Bay or approaches, as the tides to the South and West might not be much fun for a slow boat. Hoping to find more than one mackerel.... Mike
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