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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Mike Fox

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Everything posted by Mike Fox

  1. Mike Fox


    From the album: Frisky Fox

  2. Following the snapping of my tried and trusted Ugly Stik 20-30lb this year, I bought a set of 7' Rovex Integra Gold boat rods, a 12lb, 20lb, and 30lb matching set. I have used them for about 3 months, using all three lightly, catching rays, conger, tope, smoothhound and other species with no issues. They have a nice action, they're medium weight carbon fibre, with glass tips (like the Ugly Stik) and seem to be well regarded as a good budget rod. However, they're not quite to my liking, being slightly heavier to hold than my Kenzaki, and following my trip to Alderney Angling, I have bought a set of new lighter weight rods. The Rovex rods are now surplus to my requirements. I'd like £45 for all three, and can bring them along to the next club meet, if anyone needs to see them. There's a few online suppliers doing them, and if you want one example to look at, see here: http://www.veals.co.uk/acatalog/rovex-integra-gold-boat-1269.html PM me if you're interested. Mike
  3. I'm told by French anglers that many French commercial fishermen skin them at sea to avoid the risk of detection. I watched the Carteret fleet return the other day, and all fish and shellfish were transferred straight into white vans. I was told its the same everywhere here now. So, unlicenced, unregulated, unmonitored, with no records or understanding of the impact on stocks. It looks like the French aren't even paying lip service to the rules. Mike
  4. No flatfish on Frisky on Sunday, as we had a travelling day, with only a handful of wrasse and bream on arrival at Braye. If those thunderstorms hadn't arrived on Saturday, I'd have taken my 40' lightning conductor across channel, for a cunning plan. Mike
  5. With reduced vis you really have to keep an improved lookout. A ship steaming at 20 knots will do a mile in 3 minutes (180 seconds) so could be on your position in 45 seconds from first being visible. Scanning around every few minutes just isn't adequate. Nor will sitting under a black ball, asserting that you have right of way, being anchored.... Mike
  6. Neal 48 / flatfish Comp - Paid Allan Green 48 / flatfish Comp - Paid John Stephenson 48 / flatfish Comp Dave Samuel 48 / flatfish Comp - Paid Stuie 48 / flatfish Comp - Paid Brian flatfish comp Thomas flatfish comp Dave Evans 48/ flatfish comp Tony Deavin + crew? flatfish comp / 48 hr comp TD only Nigel Allen 48/flatfish comp Carol and Mike Fox - flatfish comp
  7. Charlie, The surge of hot weather from the south, the so-called Spanish Plume, is pretty rare, and computer models lack quantities of data for accurate predictions, but a ridge of high pressure fills in from the SW, with a low over N.France slowly moving north Friday night. The speed of movement of the low will be critical, and I don't think they can predict accurately. That said, we're in for some pretty unusual conditions Friday/Saturday, with 30°C likely max, extremely high humidity, fog at times, heavy, and slow-moving torrential thundery downpours with associated strong winds. To give an example of the weird conditions, and see what the West Country is getting in the next 48 hours: Lyme Regis to Lands End including the Isles of Scilly Strong winds are forecast For coastal areas up to 12 miles offshore from 0600 UTC Thu 17 Jul until 0600 UTC Fri 18 Jul 24 hour forecast: Wind Northeast 3 or 4, veering east 5 to 7, increasing gale 8 for a time then veering south 4 or 5 later. Sea State Slight becoming moderate, occasionally rough later in west. Weather Thundery showers later. Visibility Moderate or good, occasionally poor at first. Outlook for the following 24 hours: Wind South, becoming variable later, 3 or 4. Sea State Moderate becoming slight. Weather Thundery showers later. Visibility Moderate or good, occasionally poor later. I'm watching this carefully too! Mike PS Several years ago I was caught in the shipping lanes in a thunderstorm. The torrential rain flattened the sea, the radar was useless as it couldn't penetrate more than quarter of a mile, and ships were then invisible. The gusts when they came were 30 knots. I felt like a blindfolded hedgehog walking across the M25. PPS Recommended approach for lightning is put all portable electronic devices (phones, car keys, mobile VHF etc) into an oven in case of a nearby lightning strike. Even if turned off, electrical induction from the massive voltages can destroy circuits. The oven acts as a Faraday cage, and devices inside will survive.
  8. Interesting electrical storms being forecast for Saturday in the Channel, and carbon fibre rods are great lightning conductors... Mike
  9. What a cracking day out! Mike
  10. I suspect this could be done equally well in local waters with a big groundbait trail for the balloon floats, and the odd bottom rod to keep the interest going. I'd imagine feathering in the rubby-dubby slick would keep the mackerel supply going. Several of us have lost sharks off Old Harry and the Purbecks in recent years in 80' of water or less. They're there, but no-one targets them seriously. I think a key question isn't so much how far do you have to go, but how close do they come? Mike
  11. Try looking up Long-Spined Sea Scorpion... Mike
  12. Teams / boats in Comp Kingfisher - Chris W, Nigel A, Mal T, Dave Wilson Fisheagle- Allan G, Dave S, Jan T and John Stephenson at the moment. Reel Magic Dave , Kev , Jacob , Graham Boblin2 - Colin F, Bobi F, Pete Russell Snr JoJo - Rob, Charlie A, SamA Valton. Malcolm N. Tony N. & Non members Steve Lawrence Aka local Flounder Ace.Father in law Dixie Spencer (wessex Angling). Ever hopeful- Andrew Chapman. non member - Ian Green . Keith, Graham Frisky Fox - Mike, Carol
  13. Like it. Pinched it
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