Laima and I got Married 16.06.18 Her all time things to do list top spot is to swim with Dolphins. We will have are honeymoon at Algeciras Spain close to GIB as there are Dolphins there.
We can take Charter Boats. But would like to Hire a small Cabin Cruiser .Cant find a site online Dose anyone Know of a Boat hire In Gib or Close to .Or even a friend who may be willing to Hire me there personal Boat ??
Hi Guys my son in law has some storage units in Poole .Due to none payment of rent he has taken one of them back when he open he found a sail boat he wants £500 just to get rid of it Buyer collects and will need to get it out the container. The mast are on top of the roof we cant see the sail but thi nk its inside the boat no real space to look inside only got one photo
Yes guys today i got my first fish. Only aa small doggy but it was a fish . And then on the way back in i stopped in the Harbor and got my second fish . Not sure but think it was a Black Sea Bream.
Just off brownsea There is a man made stone wall There. So i wounder what tomorrow will bring .
Tight Lines
Just shows what you can do . I got a new motor for my Tilt & Trim Been waiting for my Engineer to sort it . To day got the hump .Took the old Tilt & Trim off the boat .Took the faulty Motor off Swapped for the new Motor. Striped the Ram changed the O Rings put it all back together filled with new oil Put it Back on the boat bleed the Ram. Press button go up and down Result. Tomorrow i will learn to swim LOL
Just got my Boat back in the water started engine running great put in forward and the steering snapped. Anyone know where i can get a cable ?
Not having much luck with this boat think i need to sell it .
Gents My next Project will start on 15.01.18 and will run through to 9th March. I will be working away from Home .Sadly will not be able to attend any meetings . As i work mostly away it is unlikely i will be able to attend meetings on a Thursday night . Sorry work has to come first
Hi Guys as advised i have opted for the Alderney ring system . I got a Buoy New anchor and chain sent for a ring and clip. When it arrived the tether rope from the ring to the Buoy clip is 3 meters long I was expecting it to be around 600mDo i cut it and re tie a knot to the buoy ?
The motor made normal noise as i lowed but stopped no noise i released the pressure screw and the engine went down I lifted it all the way up and tighten the screw it held . So i know its not the ram . i can hear a slight click when i press the rocker switch .So trying to get the hole unit off 3 x bolt corroded snapped off have to drill them out then find one bolt is placed in from the back so have to take the hole engine off the boat to get at it . Decided to cut it off and re tape a tread later.Hope it just the brushes . gas assist is plan B
It stopped half way down. Now will not go up or down. So taking it off to try and clean up the brushes. if that don,t fix it then think cheapest option is change it
Anyone have a Gas assisted Tilt Trim .I found one on Ebay . In the event i cant fix my electric powered i was thinking cheap replacement . I am told it lift the engine and you need to push it down . Do you need to top up the gas ?
Anyone got a Tilt And Trim for my 2 stroke Mariner Outboard. Have looked at the You tube video. But mine is very different.So don,t want to try fix the motor prefer to change the hole unit or can anyone recommend an engineer to fix it
Guys Please i bought a boat to take up Fishing after 30 years off . The boat developed a few problems got it all sorted now stuck at work . Still waiting for my first real days fishing .Bet when i get the time the weather will be against me LOL
Would love to Mike . Its just getting free time .My work load is very heavy but have nice break from 12.12.17 to 8th Jan got a coarse with the RYA service