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Raymond Ellerton

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Everything posted by Raymond Ellerton

  1. Thanks Charlie I will be home from work 12.12.17 so will have a lot of spare time Then . I was just thinking i don,t Like the thought of climbing to the front of the boat trying to pull up the anchor when the weather dose a turn for the worst and i am out there alone. And then again i plan to have a much bigger Boat next year .(When i have a bit more experience)  So no point in spending to much on this one.
  2. Just looking for advise is that a 12v electric
  3. hi Guys need some expert addvise  I have a 17ft Mayland cabin cruiser i want to fit a windless anchor winch. What size anchor do i need and what size rope chain and winch . And where can i find all ???
  4. Looking for a canopy for my Mayland Cruiser. ideal would give me 6ft head room from front to back of boat. with capability to remove sides and leave top on and able to take hole thing off . Any suggestions welcome. Ray
  5. Thanks Mike Golden arrow got me one for £30 + vat hope to get the engin going Tuesday and get a bit of fishing done. Regards
  6. Boot size 11. bought new to ware when i slip Boat . Put boat on a pontoon so don't need Come with puncher kit and tidy bag
  7. Ok got the tilt working (battery was low. The solenoid still clicking did get a little bit of starter movement so think the starter motor is ok . Think i need a new solenoid as one of the terminals is moving when i try to tighten the nut . Anyone know where i can get one in the UK ? 50HP Mariner 2 Stroke
  8. When i turn the key i hear a click from the engine . I check the battery its fully charged. Now when i try the tilt its the same Click. So i got a new battery fully charged still the same with both Power tilt and the Engine. Anyone got any ideas ?
  9. I sent email to The engineer stating the facts have not heard back
  10. The Paint inside my boat is flaking off looks like cheap house paint . can anyone tell me a hard wareing paint for fiberglass and where can i get some ? Regards Ray
  11. I had Golden Arrow do some work on my outboard as i could not start it they cleand the carb and told me it was running fine . When i tried it i still could not get it to Idel. So they took it back to the work shop. They called me and told me i needed a small part for the fuel intake coossting 25 quid so i said ok fit it . 4 weeks later its back on my Boat working great . Then i get the invoice foor 469 quid .What would you do NOW
  12. Cant find a serial number . Did not check under the hood when i buy the boat. Have found a hand book online £21 so took a chance
  13. Hi Rob Dont know the year its a 50HP Mariner
  14. Hi Mark are you still around i have a mariner 50 HP needs a service but its on my boat and i don't have a trailer Can you work on the pontoon Call Ray 07468696819
  15. Has anyone one got a shop manual for sale
  16. I see she likes a long ROD
  17. Did try the plotter App on Saturday could not see the screen the sun stopped me with the Glare sent foor some Glaer shelds but dont count on them working.
  18. Trailer fit 17 feet boat or less in good condition dags really well new jockey wheel comes with Lighting board and wheel clamp spare wheel It is on Ebay as its got to go fast looking for £250
  19. My 7.5HP mariner out board will not start its been laying down in the cuddy for 4 weeks anyone know a man who can get it started
  20. Tony that sounds great when can you take me out NP fuel glad to pay for all of it
  21. Thanks Charlie The First trip will be to take missue to see the airshow off Bournemouth pier. have set some waypoints to get me from Davis yard. and out but really just playing with the App to get used to it. Do i need to set a waypoint for every turn in the harbour. or just track where i am and keep to the channels
  22. I only need to navigate to the wreack fishing and good fishing spots like southbourne ledge The GPS shows my position and the water chanels but happy to take a bit of trianing with some experianced guys. I have been playing with the App and starting to get it set the Routes and way points Regards
  23. I think they are very similar. So hoe would you start to navigate from Cobbs to the needles
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