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Raymond Ellerton

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Everything posted by Raymond Ellerton

  1. I got the APP on my ANdriod Tablet it looks great (Dose anyone Know how to use it LOL) i got as far as buy maps LOL Regards
  2. You can text me 07468696819 what size is the screen
  3. Do you still have the plotter how big is the screen
  4. Hi Guys I had small boats back in the 80s there was a refuel floating station in Poole Harbor is it still there? If not where do you guys get fuel as the dry stack tell me they supplie there members 30% cheaper. Regards
  5. Hi Guys thanks for the welcome I could do with a hand to slip my boat and get it on the pontoon Davis yard 29th 8 17 3pm ish can anyone assit as this will be the first time i have launched the boat Free ice cream for helpers LOL
  6. Hi Mal I have downloaded a list of safety equipment from the RYC I will be installing thesae items on my Boat. I figure i will need the VHF Radio Courses can this be done on a weekend as my work load is very high right now Regards
  7. Hi all i am Ray I am new here. I have a boat Just got it 17f Mayland cabin cruiser. I need help to slip her at Pontins for the first time. I had boats 30 years ago but not this big . I will have the boat moored on a pontoon (Davis Yard) from 29th . so that will be very easy. So if you want to help me get it in and out the water call me but please need help from experienced guys who know what to do Ray 07468696819
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