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alun j.

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Everything posted by alun j.

  1. alun j.


    Agreed.... I had a look at all the relevant sites and there was no mention of any restrictions.....BUT.... they could bring in local restrictions if/when decided necessary. Not yet !,
  2. I'll be inshore....tides are big. Alun.
  3. I'm out tomorrow...solo. mackerel...?....bream ??....bass??? Hoping it'll be as calm as forecast.
  4. next week ???
  5. small eyed would be my guess.
  6. Not just the £97,000.....but the cost to run it ...and keep it somewhere
  7. How many of you are looking at those forecasts for next week ?? A run of several relatively calm days...what a change ! Could be a bit nippy first thing. I wonder if there are still any whiting inshore....they usually push off around now, just leaving the tiddlers. Hoping it holds, Alun.
  8. Jim...it keeps changing ! The more powerful the computers get...the more indecisive they get beyond a day or two.
  9. Windfinder says it could be calm !!!
  10. Me too.! I’ve passed the hamper on to Tony this evening. I hope one of you will be able to find a flounder .... ....otherwise it will be raffled next meeting. Alun.
  11. I'll be out with Rich on Warren.....looking for a few whiting.
  12. Well.... the hamper is put together...I have dug my own bait...and am ready to go. ! Bigger fear is not the weather, but the lack of flounders to catch ! Alun.
  13. Looking worse now...with rain as well !!
  14. We could fish ours in Holes Bay.....whatever the weather.. Looking at the boats signed in, I expect that's where most were planning to be anyway !! Alun.
  15. Don't forget your partners too. I got Deb to follow suit. Alun.
  16. Martin, the Early May Bank Hol. is later than normal.......it's on FRIDAY, May 8th ..... something to do with VE Day, 75th anniversary. For info, there's a full moon on May 7th....and big tides all over that weekend. Alun.
  17. Thanks.
  18. That one looks OK.....but it is Bank Hol.
  19. Couldn't see who to send it to. Can we have a link to recipient email addresses?
  20. Apologies too.....visitors have arrived [ little ones that need supervision ! Alun.
  21. Typo ! Must be...... 2 lbs 9 oz.
  22. I'll be out in the morning....but a bit East for you !!
  23. Thanks all.! Went out this morning...all calm but rain soon started. Took. A long time to find. a few bass.....but nothing big! eventually the mackerel seem to have turned up...and nice big ones for the table rather than livebaits! finished the day bbq,...in. the rain....and keeping it out of my wine! Alun
  24. Gastro will be out in the morning.....until the wind gets up ! Alun.
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