Just had a look at the tides and dates......
Nearly all the smaller tides through the summer are mid week.
The weekend of July 3 / 4 is smallish...and again on 31st / 1st Aug.
Do you want to check the maths again ??
0.98 lbs cannot be 15.68 oz !!
2 grms is less than 1/14 th of an oz... just over 28 grms in an ounce
I would make 15 . 98 lbs as 15 lbs 15. 94 oz or 16 lbs
King prawns from Lidl....£1.79 a packet....more than enough for a days fishing [ if you don't eat them all first !]
Caught me a few plaice today !....report to follow.
I went out Fri and Sat for two short sessions over the top of the tides.
Found a few early plaice [in surprisingly good condition !] but bites were shy in the cold water...and only when the tide eased.
Nasty swell on Sat made the return over the Bar a bit hairy ! ....but the surfers were loving it !
Best bait....those little white rag you find when digging lug.
Bassing next week
I was out today....plenty of whiting still there ...but they are getting smaller av. size....as usual.
Probably be out Sunday as well...but forecast is a bit colder.