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alun j.

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Everything posted by alun j.

  1. Hi Gordon, I think that the Berley helped......... it kept the fish there feeding all through the slack. Yes, there were a lot of small ones and pout [ keeping the seagulls happy ] there but we did pick up the occasional better....... and one very good one. Downside......... very busy and takes time chopping and mixing . What a smashing day to be out.......... must try that live- baiting method soon but will need to get out with someone with a tank. Alun.
  2. With the lack of bream reports I'm going to have to log up my 2 lb.er as there's a 'Runner-up' trophy.... I hadn't been aware of. I didn't think one of this size would be in the reckoning..... esp. as we had quite a lot of bream on our 'Patch'. Alun.
  3. What a super day to be out....... Not too sure bream was the best target today [ and other reports cite some good fish ] , but Paul and I stuck to plan with the comp. Left early enough to miss the low water on the Bar and met Gordon coming out on Fugazi; we were drifting about in the shoals of mullet, looking for a bass with spinners .......... but no action. So off over the Ledge to stock up on Mackeral for bait before our time slot started, but there were few there on the ebb. Part ! of plan was to fish the Rough on the last of the ebb........... and we were in to fish from the off. I think the berley helped and we kept fish coming continuously , albeit with lots of little ones [ but a good sign for the future ??]. Mixed in were a few bigger fish....... and Paul crowned the day with a PB for him at 3 lbs. 10 oz. Could this be in contention for the Bream Cup ??? Mike [ Frisky ] Fox joined in nearby...... as did a few charters; but we didn't see them pull up many bream. It does seem odd watching fishing off the back off a yacht !!.........Did you have anchoring problems Mike ? Part 11 of plan was a complete disappointment; flood tide on the edge of the Ledge produced very little......... a complete contrast to our morning. Hope ours had a good day and got a few bream ......... but not as big as Paul's ! Well done Paul ......... cracking fish .......... you did much better than I could today. Alun.
  4. Thanks you lot.......... ....... agood day out, just finished BBQ of part of catch .......esp. one notable bream for Paul F.; could figure in the comp. ???? I'll post over there as he's probably tucked up in bed by now ? Alun.
  5. And a few of our Birthdays !! Alun.
  6. Hi James, If Rich can't do Fri { eve.?} , then I'd be happy to crew for you... ....or maybe see you out there ??? Alun.
  7. All arms, no legs ! Other molluscs have a foot......... but no legs! But they all taste good........... apart from slugs! Alun.
  8. alun j.


    After seeing that bird on Fri...... it proved to be an omen for a rotten weekend despite the lovely weather....... Spent half of Fri evening retrieving bra wires from washing machine [ access from below !!]. Got up early Sat , fancying a couple of hours inside the harbour entrance { Christchurch } on the flooding tide ......... only to find the steering arm on the outboard had siezed solid and that took half the morning to free-up and regrease by which time the wind was blowing........so catch up time in the allotment I must have dehydrated in that warm wind , working in the sun.......'cause today I woke, early, feeling most unwell. I was looking forward to a trip out on Fugazi with Gordon [ propect of a calm day] but it was all I could do to meet him at Wick and give him a big tray full of lovely fat rag......... before retreating back to bed; and not able to stir till 3 pm. [ probably the same as those English footballers deprived of water!] Waiting to hear how he got on....... and if the bream and mackeral are providing the action, Fit for work tomorrow; I'll have to try an evening session. Alun.
  9. Thanks for that; I'll keep my eyes and ears open more! ...... but I've never seen them there before......and I've been digging there for years. Alun.
  10. Sightings of unusual tropical visitors !! Is it the hot weather or global warming ?? After the talk of large unidentified warm water fish this past week, I'll add my two penny worth from the shore............ Whilst digging bait this afternoon , near Lilliput, an unusual 'booming' noise was coming from nearby but I couldn't see any obvious source; strange sound, half car alarm / half jungle sound !! Locating the direction it was coming from......... a few steps forward and I found myself staring straight at a small , grey, PARROT........ standing on the gravel [and pretty well camouflaged] .... booming ! I got about 2 metres from it before it flew off....... towards Salterns...... showing a flash of its bright red tail. I'm not a birder or 'twitcher'..........but it would be a good tick! Could it have come from one of those big boats in the marina ?? [ Tom ??] or escaped from one of the exotic houses in Sandbanks ??.....but it would struggle to find supper on the beach. Alun.
  11. Amazing !! They've changed the forecast for Sunday........could be lovely, with light Southerly winds now in prospect. So back to plan A ; with an early start and off to the Ledge. Alun.
  12. Thinking of this coming weekend....... wind forecasts look like making this uncomfortable with East or Southeast winds forecast. Just the direction that Burnham is sheltered from...... .....Any chance of a hastily reorganised Trailaway ??? Alun.
  13. I was looking forward to the prospect of fishing all weekend [ with my other half away ] but forecasts are showing fresh east to southeast winds YUK !!! This could stall plans to go to the Ledge......... but is it worth trying inside Poole harbour ? ....... Is it still possible to drift for plaice [ successfully] down near Sandbanks, where there might be shelter. Early morning tides and before boat traffic gets too busy......... ........ or might I be better tucking in over by the IOW, going from Lymington ? Alun.
  14. alun j.

    Tld 20

    A big reel that's had a bit of action; in good working order and fair condition [ with all the labels / decals intact]; a few , light marks. Far too much of a 'monster' for my little wands !! Any of you 'wreckers' interested for
  15. I would love to fish, esp. as the weather has at last turned a bit more summer - like!; I really enjoyed it last year , with the trip to the Rips with Duncan and Dave. Family commitments tie up Fri and Sat............. and not to sure about Sun. If Sunday does become a go-er......... can I phone/ sign in then ?? Have a good weekend everyone.......... looking good; but the water is still surprisingly COLD !! When out yesterday..... 10.6 C was typical ...brrrr. Alun.
  16. All the triggers I've caught have taken off like express trains......... much the same as bass & good sized bream.......... then they fight like charged up bream......darting speed with power but don't go far. You'll see when you get one !! Alun.
  17. Mark, Similar area; but we did move about a bit. Found a spot , a bit further in and further west, with a little bank [ about 2 to 3 m.] a few boat lengths in size. Anchored on top and swung all around it in those funny tides there. 3 other boats were fishing the area but further out....... and didn't stay as long. Stopped at Ballard for an hour on return...... quieter, only one other boat. A few fish here , but not the calibre of those round the corners. Alun.
  18. At last the weather's turned a bit more seasonal....and I'm down to just one fleece. Cracking day out on Stingray today.......... and Terry showed the way with the bream. After an interesting start to a day that blew up on Mon., with Markee_b on Espadon, I was keen to give the inshore stretch from Dancing Ledge to Seacombe/ Winspit another go in better weather. Thanks to Terry for obliging today........ and it was almost gorgeous...... peaceful and quiet apart from the screaming reels as another cracking bream tore off with the bait !! The best quality bream fishing we have both had !! Very few small fish and several over 3 lbs. Both of us managed pb. fish at , or just a shade over, 3 1/2. Definitely an area to come back to.....and to try to figure out those tides that have you pointing in different directions every hour or so ! Thanks again Terry........... really tired now !, Alun.
  19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TREV. Hope you have a good day. Soon you'll be collecting lots of bass scales......... .....and counting their annual rings. Yours are displayed here ! Cheers, Alun.
  20. Tom, I'll be coming to dig some worms about 4 pm. Will you have gone home by then ?? Alun.
  21. Sorry about confusion ! I'm free either day [ I think !!]........ and all that week [ up to Thurs.]. Which ever day suits .......... the calmer one !! Cheers, Alun.
  22. Gordon now sorted .......... with something good !!
  23. Mark, I thought we had a date ! ?? Fingers crossed for weather. Alun.
  24. Tony, My sympathies !! It happened to me last winter on Neo, with Paul D. ; over his gunnel jumped my Solid Carbon rod with a 6600 LD lever drag reel .......... so I know how you feel ! Alun.
  25. Weather now looking even worse for Sunday !! Who decides if it's off?? ....... and when ? ( Notice for the Burnham Boys ). Alun.
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