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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by duncan

  1. Sunday is now looking a very possible weather window - whilst Sat is showing N - 3/4 Sunday is begining to look like going NW and lighter........... anyone else likely to take the oportunity if it firms up that way? If I do go it will be the last trip of the 'season' for me..........so I don't want to waste it!
  2. comprehension isn't everything Miss SB..........
  3. A boat docked in a tiny Mexican village. An American tourist complimented the Mexican fisherman on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took him to catch them. "Not very long," answered the Mexican. "Well, then, why didn't you stay out longer and catch more?" asked the American. The Mexican explained that his small catch was sufficient to meet his needs and those of his family. The American asked, "But what do you do with the rest of your time?" "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, and take a siesta with my wife. In the evenings, I go into the village to see my friends, have a few drinks, play the guitar, and sing a few songs...I have a full life." The American interrupted, "I have an MBA from Harvard and I can help you! You should start by fishing longer every day. You can then sell the extra fish you catch. With the extra revenue, you can buy a bigger boat. With the extra money the larger boat will bring, you can buy a second one and a third one and so on until you have an entire fleet of trawlers. Instead of selling your fish to a middle man, you can negotiate directly with the processing plants and maybe even open your own plant. You can then leave this little village and move to Mexico City, Los Angeles, or even New York City! From there you can direct your huge enterprise." "How long would that take?" asked the Mexican. "Twenty, perhaps twenty-five years," replied the American. "And after that?" "Afterwards? That's when it gets really interesting," answered the American, laughing. "When your business gets really big, you can start selling stocks and make millions!" "Millions? Really? And after that?" "After that you'll be able to retire, live in a tiny village near the coast, sleep late, play with your children, catch a few fish, take siestas with your wife, and spend your evenings drinking and enjoying your friends.
  4. duncan

    Dawn raider

    Can't see the engine?..... Also are you sure it's big enough for the landing net you are going to need in 2005?.... Have you arranged with Suzuki that they arrange fitting the engine in return for being able to add some decals to your boat highlighting their product and sponsorship?
  5. would probably help if you had a 'phone pad instead of a keyboard eh?.....
  6. duncan

    Sat trip ?

    I am thinking of making that 'one last trip' on Saturday too if the weather cooperates - will be watching the weather closely tomorrow........... (Heading out of Poole obviously)
  7. I'lll lsecond Adam's comments - and can even prove it! I got involved with this mob just over a year ago and, despite having had a boat for 10 years, am only now reasonably confident that I can take the boat out and catch fish...........(do please note the reasonably!) In the last 12 months I have managed PB Conger, undulate rays, whiting, cod, tope, small eyed ray, spotted ray and all whilst targetting wrasse... Keys to me are not only the gradually aquired knowledge - which will take many more lifetimes to complete - but the big booster is the confidence thing; someone somewhere is out there catching or believing it's worthwhile to try and that drives you to take it seriously ( ) stick on your marks and fish to your best ability - this takes fish. Flitting around with a metality taken from the H&L advert giving excuses for not catching will equally guarantee that you will fail, be miserable and.......... well you get the picture? Really good bet is to take out experienced anglers from the area (use the forum to meet up with club members) in your own boat, in company of other club boats. If you really want to see fireworks (and fish) take James (JIMBOB) when someone's bet him on the days catch....
  8. Starting to feel sorry for sam and co now - thats 3 confirmed girlie's and it's only going to take 1 beating the boys to start a riot............
  9. yep - we will have to fet them together too.
  10. I am afraid it all comes down to budget and use. You just won't find many s/h diesel fishing boats with much depreciation - mainly because of the extras that get added over the first couple of years. If you aren't intending to be out past Durlston every weekend then you will probably find the best compromise on a 2-5 year old big petrol boat - and now is a good time of the year to buy. As an example the dealer finally outed my 4 year old 21ft Dell Quay 660 with a 175 merc 4 wheel trailer and loaded with as new covers/cushions etc for only 12.5K (that was my upgrade from a 17.5ft dory/90hp ob). You don't mention if you plan to tow, or where you will keep it either. I will second the Arvor's, and the keel also helps with stability, but few S/H and not cheap. Some really great SH French boats available in the 20 - 25ft peche promenade style and expect to pay 30% less than equivelent in UK.
  11. happens!
  12. Thanks Martin - Charlotte will probably join this year; although her attitude to any trip over 4 hours is questionable!
  13. duncan

    sunday 23rd

    can be a tough call to come in after all that effort but - if you even think it might be the right call it probably is! congers won't go anywhere - get 'em next time.
  14. So now we have a MissBB; 13 and already with a wife and boat??? What is this forum coming to? Seriously I am clearly going to have to pressgang one of mine into the junior section for the year.......... ........what's the age limit?
  15. Coddy - as long as the other white is shielded properly he would only be showing a single white from anywhere. On re reading my post I agree I didn't make that as clear as I should have done that you shouldn't be showing anyone 2 whites on a boat that size.
  16. Whose stopping you James? Phaeton had a cunning plan that involved lying in bed and only starting later in the day (ie trying to miss the ebb!) Given the 150 mile drive to the boat the lie in wasn't that long though..... Fishing was pretty flat, the odd whiting, pout and dog from time to time but at the end of the ebb I had a 4lb small eyed ray (new species for me so a PB) then dave hit what he thought 'might be a cod or a 5lb whiting...' - turned out a starry smoothy around 4 1/2lb. As the tide started tentatively to flood a gently bite developed into a good tussle and, eventually, an Undulate that went 15 3/4 lb - again a PB. It seemed to swim away happy. We fished on into the gloom but, despite the tide running nicely, had only a few whiting and dogs so, being pretty snotty, pouring with rain and getting black we decided to head in 'on instruments'. Overall great to get out but a long day!!! Zebedee says............
  17. duncan

    Trim tabs?

    great link Brian
  18. yup - Phaeton now pretty much confirmed (the washing machine works) but remaining on a late start. Nothing I will look forward to more than hearing about all the big fish caught during the morning ebb..... Someone remind me - you guys on 06 or 08 - still confused from the cod comp!
  19. I would be amazed if you had a stern light - do you mean a light on a pole behind you at the stern? Simplest, and best I would suggest as Martin, is to mount a single all round white light somewhere where it can be reasonable seen from most agles around the boat but is behind the helm position (or you won't see anything else!). This should be seperately switched from your nav lights and underway you will have them all switched on, at anchor just the white. If you do have a white light on the stern then it should be wired seperately from the red/green but together with a forward mounted white (and that can be sheilded from the rear 180 deg and therefore the helm's vision - eg on a small mast on the cuddy or similar. you can use a 360 with a small shield of tin foil) The reason I believe this is best is that it enables others to see what you are quickly at night, and which direction you are traveling. An all round white is fine for sailing dingys or small v slow powered craft - legal but so are lots of bad things!
  20. a guarded probably - just gone out a got a new washing machine 'cos I can't fix this one; providing I can get it all sorted tonight then I will head down early tomorrow...... .... and pushing off around 0930h picking up on the earlier disussions re tides etc I don't think I will rush out but, if the sea state remains good, I will look to fish the flood into darkness and head in around 1800. had my pb cod on the same tides / timing 12 months ago I remember and the last of the flood through dusk should be as good as it's going to get..... will call you up at some point one way or another!
  21. Apart from Sam and his chemistry is anyone still heading out for the monsters Saturday from Poole? All gone very quiet............
  22. Excellent idea and implementation! I take it all Administrators are Club Members........
  23. Exactly Adam - must be a prduct of a number of factors that lead to the area being generally poor on the ebb. Needles seems to be good on the start of the ebb - fish waiting for stuff out of the solent? If this were the case you would thing the mid flood off the spoils area would be getting the Poole Harbour water..........maybe thats the problem! West of Durlston seems to be less sensitive to the ebb; but don't get round enough at this time of year.
  24. just a thought - maybe even a wrecking trip if it's really really nice?
  25. winds look good temperature looks bad going to be fishing a lot of ebb further out; unless you get going really early. really haven't been catching on the ebb on the marks I have been fishing - are others finding the same? however all things condsidered etc etc I will start earning brownie points now............
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