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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by duncan

  1. whoops - sorry about that post Martin, Jack and others.......... and er yes...how observant! As I also made 2 phone calls to arrange to go fishing Sunday around the same time....but somehow forgot to discuss it with care was needed........ back to the topic in question - and in English (or close) - you are goign to pay tax on the value of the goods & in normal circumstances C&E will acccept the invoiced amount as this value. Getting a reputable company to invoice you for less than the value, or value paid, is tough, very tough. Even if you do it's no guarantee and, critically, you may well be into the relms of pretty serious criminal activity. Only real option I would have thought viable is to arrange a second hand purchase where clearly the value is significantly below retail (in most cases - not gold Rolex's) and that value is agreed and documented by both parties.
  2. duncan


    Well thanks to Paul for the pictures and the write up. As said we didn't have any worm so were limited in our options - we did however have (as we eventually found out) squid, cuttle, sandeels, herring and roach..... All were tried and eaten by something. I also need to thank my fishing companions for a good scent trail - 10 or so squid on a pennel (or even 3 hooks) certainly bought the fish on for me.... I stuck it out again with single calamari or a small cuttle strip (sprat size) or a roach(?!) and ended up with 6 species - 7 if you count an edible crab. Paul did have a good conger which cheered him up a bit but seemed intent on being a photographer for the day - and a good job he did too. Overall a great day - made better by the early thoughts that we were in for a really bad weather blank. Having to follow behind the truckline once through the swash to maintain speed pretty much summed it up and we made the last mile or so at 6 knots - don't mind that coming home (used to it!) but heading out.....
  3. think this only applies to a trade import - and they don't have to meet the VAT on the shipping and import duty either (as a direct cost). I would sugget that we ae realy talkinga bout personal imports which, as alrady suggerted, means if youare there and coming back 'great' otherwise there are soem bills to be budgetted for. If otherwise I look forad to hearing!
  4. OK you have done the sell...............when/how much?
  5. My only comment based on a number of other Penn rods (6-16lb Med Reef; 12-16lb Tuna and 20-30lb Tuna) is that they come up a little heavy for their line ratings - basicallly they are really the top listed weight. So if you want a 20lb class then fine.......... Personally I would look at the 12lb Fladden Maximus, or even the 20lb.
  6. Charlie - Is Feb BFM out now?
  7. Dave, I have your number in the phone and was going to call you anyway if a weather window appeared.........right now the synoptic isn't very positive! Duncan
  8. Are any of you guys going to head out 'codding' on the Saturday as well if the conditions are good - and make a weekend of it?
  9. thanks Martin
  10. What's a flounder?....... seriously anyone know where registration and the scales are going to be?
  11. well I can only add that the only real blanks I have had in the last 3 years have been flounder days in the harbour..........it certainly isn't easy!
  12. duncan

    HH VHF Advice?

    Jack - the safety periods are just ignored in the local (crowded) waters of the South; if there is a gap someone will use it to call for a radio check or a pizza! I echo Bob's comment re if you would only get it at that price then do so but equally would raise the even more (in my experience) aspect of keeping it charged, dry etc for when you do need it. As I have said before I have an expensive HH but, in 2 years ocassional use, it hasn't needed charging up yet! Last week, with the need to monitor and use 16, 08 , 72 and 06 I had both units on most of the time! The CG will pick up a HH clearly at 5w (I believe they have a number of relay arials) so I don't think 4's a problem for locally but don't expect to be able to call B2B with the thing and - keep it fully charged. Finally, if you are bobbing around in your flotation suit (in Kimmeredge Bay!) will it be waterproof enough when you get it out of your pocket to call for help?
  13. Kam, Yes and no......... Seperate out the 8 individual strands after making a tape wrap around the rope about 18inchs from the end. Wrap tape around the ends of the 8 strands to hold them together and make it easier to thread them through the chain links Working in pairs thread them as in the picture until you have between 1-2" left Using whipping thread (bit of braid does the job too!) tie together each pair so that they can't work loose You can of course use a shackle if you aren't using a windlass but it can catch on an Alderney Ring or your hands. Additionally you have to splice an eye into the end of the annchor rope and that is far more difficult than the rope chain splice which is soooooooo simple - just try it.
  14. Late January sounds great - but have 2 weeks Jury service so I am unlikely to be available during the week Oh well that's life - I am sure you will have a great time without me
  15. Bob - it was/is a 7ft one piece entitled Wahoo by Haydon. Blank is similar to the Penn Tidecutter in that it's thin but stiff- SIC rings. rated 20-40lb. Was on a half price ticket from $60. Think there was the same rod with a lighter rating too. Bought about 2 years ago in the Keys. Had a quick look on their (walmart's) online store and can't see their fishing stock - must be localised. Did see this though sub 100 fishfinder if anyone's gogin out. It's cheap enough to bring back tax free as a gift and a damm good unit!
  16. Sorry to hear that news Dave. Do you want me to give you a call if I am heading out on Phaeton? You know where to find the boat anyway!
  17. US purchase tax differs by state Import duty is applied by UK so doesn't differ by state Surprised it's 20% - would have estimated 3.5% if pushed for a view...... Shipping varies hugely. and the VAT is on goods+duty+shipping of course prices vary even more of course, and we don't seem to be paying the same margins on fishing gear as electronics and boat gear in general - Penn can even be cheaper over here! However Walmart in a fishing area is always a source of fantastic 'deals' - my current favorite downtide rod cost me all of $30.......
  18. assuming Jack's not based in the States..................
  19. I assume you are talking about your anchor Kam? So it's going to be anchorplait or octoplait and it is easy to splice (without a tool) to chain. Will find a few links and come back with them............. think you will find this the easiest to follow - use number 2 although your rope may not look exactly like theirs you will have 8 strands and they pair up as explained. In practice I have tended to use 'convienent pairs' rather than following the technical explanation given (and it seems to work!). I use a bit of insulating tape around the ends of my working lengths which not only holds shape but make them easier to thread. Have fun
  20. As many keep saying the 25GLS (225LD) seem to just keep on going. I have a (beautifull) 975LD but washing under a tap just wasn't enough for it and it has problems after only about 5 trips out - the 25GLS has been going strong for many years now and is happy uptide/downtide. I understand that some of the Shimano's are also very good.
  21. LD settings are easier, use is 'easier', maintenance is harder and more necessary on most models due to the design of the LD mechanism - it lets in water!
  22. fish was caught on the first of the ebb - but before the boat went round! sea state never (well except off Kimmeredge sometimes!) shows on photos - looks mirror calm where you are with that conger Paul...... thanks to Paul J for the netting operation - this man has style! Wasn't going to miss netting it first time whatever - fortunately as he got it I got him by the back of his lifejacket foiling his escape over the side with the fish..... that odd ounce cost a real packet - as they gave joint first's to best charter/best private; Dream On had a 15lb 0oz for 500 squids but 14lb 15oz still got a sizable donation to SWMBOs shoe collection (well I would like to fish again next year!) Nice to see them permit the privates - I think they will do it again next year too. Finally a note on poor James Parker - he is/was feeling so poorly he had to cry off (which Paul reckons means really really bad..........); clearly I just happened on the fish he had already booked as his! Funny old game - first cod of the season for me; lets hope there's some more in January
  23. firstly the ploter is continuosly checking it's position so I am not sure what's meant by checking bearing? are the units linked by an NMEA (DSC VHF?) - if so possible interference there if the VHF circuit requires NMEA -ve as well and it's not connected. I have GPS and VHF ariels next to each other, as do many (most?) so can't imagine that's the problem either best suggestion for isolating the problem would be to connect the VHF to a seperate independent power source (spare battery and couple of crocodile clips) - if thte interference goes away it's in the power feeds and you can try fitting some suppressors to the VHF power feed. If it doesn't go away then I am somewhat stumped....... all the best
  24. if and where I can get some early (0815) Thursday (other than Cobbs) ? worse case I will pick up a couple of cans from Cobbs Wednesday evening.
  25. Rich, I am extremely interested in the opportunity - pike being my only course specialism...........! Please keep me in mind. Duncan
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