Hi all. Just had an email from my amputees in action lot , and one of our members is having his artificial leg pimped. I'll certainly be watching for any good ideas . It's on channel 4 at 5.45 Oct 1'st. The programme is called Men in white. Don't watch if your screamish, might have scenes of septic stump, ha ha.
We are a group of amputees who do film extra work , which may include stunts of all descriptions, and with a real possibility of overseas work. One of our founder members has been killed by Brad pitt four times on the film Troy . He had a lovely 6 weeks in mexico . Lucky sod..
We also do casualty simulations for the army etc and any other large organisations who need to bring a bit more reality into any senario.
If you are a member of a large organisation ie Police etc and find this slightly interesting for training officers in say a exploded bomb situation , then please get in touch, and i will give you our details. Cheers jas