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Everything posted by pegleg

  1. pegleg

    Diy Prop Repair

    Well done Bob, more than happy to act as ballast on next trip. Well you never know when you'll need it. jas
  2. pegleg

    20-25k Boat

    Much appreciated Rich, i'll give him a call early next week and try to arrange a visit. I must sort out which boat would suit me best before i have to go into hospital again, so any help ie; advice or getting me out on a boat would be great. I am interested in getting a boat with an inboard diesel engine with an electric anchor. Can anyone recommend any web sites i should browsing through ? cheers guys jas
  3. It certainly helps carrying a few extra pounds, and it was certainly an experience to remember. Bob you forgot to mention the applause and the beeping of car horns from the onlookers once we finally made it through. Well i can only say : he who dares WINS ! ! Top job Bob. Ps sorry about your prop mate.
  4. Hi EVERYONE. Just wanted to wish all the club members a very Happy Christmas and a New Year full of fine fishing weather. Cheers Jason
  5. pegleg

    20-25k Boat

    Hi guys, what i have in mind is a boat big enough for four to fish, diesel inboard for economy, and i have just put my name on the waiting list for a pontoon mooring at weymouth. Unfortunately there is a 6-12 month wait. Still it will give me a chance to swat up on the basics , and i hope to do my vhf and rya 2 boat handling course in the new year.
  6. pegleg

    20-25k Boat

    Hi all, i am looking for some advice from you all hopefully. i have between 20k-25k to spend on a boat. What would you buy and why ? thanks jason
  7. pegleg

    Floatation Suit ?

    Thanks guys....There seems to be quite a difference between all the brands, so it looks like i'm just going to have to go shopping for one...... jas
  8. pegleg

    Floatation Suit ?

    Hi all, looking for your recommendations for the best floatation suit out there ? just in case ! ! ! . Dont ever want to embarrass myself by swimming round in circles.
  9. pegleg

    Goodbye, Dad

    Hi Bob, So sorry to hear about your dad. I do know what your going through having lost my dad 20 yrs ago. If you need anything, or need anything done, just let me know. Take care mate Jas
  10. Is anyone out tomorrow .......? Bob......?
  11. Cheers Paul. i'm going to get it sorted probably when the weather gets alot worse, because this is my main rod and i have no backup rod. jas
  12. pegleg

    Pimp My Leg

    Cheers Rich, Doing activities like this really does make me feel like i am preparing soldiers for a worse case senario. Atleast they won't get in a flap if ever one of their mates loses a limb whilst at war. Bob you love it really.. Cheers guys
  13. pegleg

    Pimp My Leg

    Hi all. Just had an email from my amputees in action lot , and one of our members is having his artificial leg pimped. I'll certainly be watching for any good ideas . It's on channel 4 at 5.45 Oct 1'st. The programme is called Men in white. Don't watch if your screamish, might have scenes of septic stump, ha ha. We are a group of amputees who do film extra work , which may include stunts of all descriptions, and with a real possibility of overseas work. One of our founder members has been killed by Brad pitt four times on the film Troy . He had a lovely 6 weeks in mexico . Lucky sod.. We also do casualty simulations for the army etc and any other large organisations who need to bring a bit more reality into any senario. If you are a member of a large organisation ie Police etc and find this slightly interesting for training officers in say a exploded bomb situation , then please get in touch, and i will give you our details. Cheers jas
  14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAUL.......jas
  15. No problem there...been told i'm very trying at the best of times.. jas
  16. Hi Bob , no need for my arm to be twisted......i'll be up for it. cheers jas
  17. pegleg

    Custom Rods

    Hi Soleman, How much will it cost to replace a ring on my ron thompson boat rod? Jas
  18. Hi ... Can anyone advise me as to who you would use to replace a ring on a rod, and a rough cost of doing it. I live in a one horse town called Henstridge and would appreciate someone that is fairly close to where i live........but all advise gratefully received, no matter where they are from. Cheers Jas
  19. Hi Tom. Hoping to get to the show atleast on one of the days. C u there. Jas
  20. I'm up for it if anyone needs crew........Pm me. Jas
  21. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE......... Jas
  22. pegleg

    Mitchell Reel

    Thanks for your advice Bob. Alan the rod i'm matching the reel with is a 30/50. I bought the gear to fish for the bigger fish in strong tides etc, when a large lead is required. If and when i hook into a big fish(somewhen hopefully soon) i want to get it to the boat and get the hook out , rather than say the line snaps and the fish ends up dragging a 2lb weight around for a while. I do have lighter rods too. When i do need a lighter reel you'll be the first i'll tap up for a deal. Cheers Jas.
  23. pegleg

    Mitchell Reel

    Well guys bought a abu 10000 for
  24. pegleg

    Mitchell Reel

    Well i'm bidding for a abu 10000 at
  25. pegleg

    Blond Ray

    Cheers DAN........Jas
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