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Clubs AGM and Presentation Tuesday 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club BH15 3EU ×


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Everything posted by Coddy

  1. Hi Rob Yes not too bad thanks. Been getting over this 3 week+ cough & cold virus that is going about, still got a slight tickle but much better thanks.
  2. Been having a clear out so I have a few books and manuals for sale. As I am no longer a club member I am unable to post pictures as it says my "Attachment space is all used" I have listed the books below:- Sea Fishing in Dorset by Hugh Stoker - Sold Sea Angling Hotspots (revised and Updated) by Hugh Stoker - £5 Fishing Marks for the sea angler Selsey Bill to Anvil Point by Trevor Stewart - Sold Dive Dorset by John & Vicki Hinchcliffe - £5 Dive Wight and Hampshire by Martin Pritchard & Kendall McDonald - £5 South Coast Shipwrecks off East Dorset and Wight 1870-1979 by David Wendes - Sold The Challenge of Wreck Fishing by Lindsey Green - £5 Angling Boats (A guide to owning and running a small boat for sea angling) by Neville Merritt - £5 Technical Guide to Pendulum Casting by John Holden - £3 Clymer Chrysler/Force outboard shop manual 3.5 - 140 HP 1966 - 1988 - £10 Seloc Volvo Penta Stern Drives 1968 - 91 Repair manual - £10 If you want to pictures I have post all the above on Gumtree https://www.gumtree.com/p/other-fishing-equipment/sea-fishing-books-and-manuals/1479325138 Message me or call 07581 717211 Dave
  3. Happy Birthday Allan Hope you had a good day 🥂🥂
  4. Thanks everyone for the good wishes and Happy Birthday to Charlie. Had a good day with the family and enjoyed our first BBQ of the year 🙂
  5. Hotpoint under unit freezer for sale. 55cm wide 60cm deep 84cm tall (almost same size as a standard kitchen unit) It's been used as a bait freezer and comes complete with frozen cuttlefish x4, black lug in small wraps and a box of mixed/chopped up ground bait again all frozen Collection from Upton £20 Mob 07581 717211 Dave
  6. Hi Allan Sue & I will be there so please add us to you food list Thanks Dave
  7. Happy Birthday Mick Hope you have a great day 🍻🍻
  8. Hi all, been having another shed clear out and found the following mobile 07581 717211 call or text Fishermans Anchor about 4kg and chain, rusty but still works ok - £5 Keel rollers aprox 19mm spindle bore - £2 Various rod holders and clamps, gunnel fixings - £5 Garmin Fishfinder 160C all complete with mount and sun cover and was working when last used - £100 Sorry unable to post pictures as I have used all my space allowance up 😒😒😒 Dave
  9. Only if they are over minimum size otherwise they should be released asap after capture
  10. Hi Greg I can confirm that currently it is illegal to take, keep or use as live bait undersize fish of whatever species Using commercially purchased bait be it frozen or fresh is not illegal So if you want to use joeys or other small baits, you have to buy them if you can find them. I would suggest that you keep receipts and wrappings when out fishing in case you are inspected to prove what you are using which will save a lot of hassle Dave
  11. Thanks everyone Whilst I am no longer a member of the club I do keep an eye out on what is being caught and happening 😉 Happy Birthday Charlie hope you had a good day out with the family as I did Dave
  12. Pre Order your bait from Andy
  13. I am sorry if some people think these minimum sizes are wrong, but all stakeholders, including RSA's, were invited to send in there comments both as a group or individually. We at the Poole & District Sea Angling Association sent in our comments on the sizes, I think it is time that all RSA's started to make more demands or at least send in comments and suggestions to the IFCA's on proposals or actions needed. I would have thought that the PBSBAC would have been contacted as a stakeholder group to get information out to its membership. You can always look up current proposals and consultations that current by logging onto Southern IFCA's web site. Sometimes as an angling body we need as many inputs as we can get to stop over enthusiastic national conservation groups putting up restricting issues and not being challenged on their data. A good example of this was concerning Black Bream mortality rates by catch & release. When looking at the data put forward it was challenged and found inconclusive.
  14. SCHEDULE 1A SOUTHERN INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY SPECIFIED MINIMUM CONSERVATION REFERENCE SIZES FOR SPECIES NOT SUBJECT TO THE LANDING OBLIGATION FISH Ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) 180 millimetres Black seabream (Spondyliosoma cantharus) 230 millimetres Brill (Scophthalmus rhombus) 300 millimetres Conger eel (Conger conger) 580 millimetres Corkwing wrasse (Symphodus melops) 140 millimetres Dab (Limanda limanda) 230 millimetres Flounder (Platichthys flesus) 270 millimetres Grey thick-lipped mullet (Chelon labrosus) 420 millimetres Grey thin-lipped mullet (Chelon ramada) 420 millimetres Golden grey mullet (Chelon aurata) 360 millimetres Goldsinny wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris) 120 millimetres Lemon sole (Microstomus kitt) 250 millimetres Red mullet (Mullus surmuletus) 150 millimetres Rock cook wrasse (Centrolabrus exoletus) 120 millimetres Skate or ray – whole 400 millimetres Skate or ray – wing 200 millimetres Turbot (Scopthalmus maximus) 300 millimetres Witch flounder (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus) 280 millimetres SCHEDULE 1B Cod (Gadus morhua) 350 millimetres European bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) 420 millimetres Horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) 150 millimetres Mackerel (Scomber scombrus) 200 millimetres Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) 270 millimetres Pollack (Pollachius pollachius) 300 millimetres Sole (Solea spp.) 240 millimetres Whiting (Merlangius merlangus) 270 millimetres Explanatory Note (not part of the byelaw) This byelaw prohibits the taking, retention on board, transhipping, landing, transporting, storing, selling, displaying or offering for sale of specified marine organisms below specified sizes. The prohibitions are split into two schedules. Schedule 1A applies to all persons, irrespective of whether they are a commercial operator or a recreational operator. These are the species which are not subject to the landing obligation and have a minimum landing size specific to the Southern IFC District. Schedule 1B applies to all persons but contains a provision which exempts vessels fishing under a commercial fishing vessel licence issued by the Marine Management Organisation or a devolved administration, as these vessels are required to comply with landing obligations and Minimum Conservation Reference Sizes for these are provided for in UK legislation. The prohibitions are applied to all persons for undersized velvet crabs and undersized male spider crabs with the exception of existing prohibitions, applied through UK Statutory Instruments. The byelaw includes method of measurement according to the anatomy of the named species.
  15. Minimum Conservation Reference Size Byelaw Southern IFCA is pleased to announce the confirmation of the Minimum Conservation Reference Size Byelaw. The byelaw introduces minimum sizes to enable the protection of juvenile fish and shellfish species. These minimum size measures will be applied throughout the commercial supply chain and to recreational fishers. The measures include new minimum sizes for wrasse species, grey mullet species and crawfish. The byelaw is now in force throughout the Southern IFC District. See link to minimum sizes here https://www.southern-ifca.gov.uk/minimum-sizes
  16. Coddy


    Jim Can you not hire a 4x4 and trailer and do it yourself? You would need a trailer licence of course but I suspect you have one at our age 🙂
  17. It has just been announced that Southern IFCA have agreed to a 200mtr netting ban around a number of piers in Dorset and Hampshire To see the official notice here is the link https://www.southern-ifca.gov.uk/news
  18. Thanks everyone for the good wishes Had the family round for a BBQ at lunchtime and had the Gazebo up to protect us from the rain 🤥 Happy Birthday to Charlie from me
  19. Belated Birthday wishes Jim Good to read you had a great day 🍺🍺🎂🎂
  20. Only 11yrs ago, how time flies by
  21. It is getting close to the Black Bream spawning season, please be aware you may get challenged by government officials on what you are doing when out fishing. The environmental groups want to impose a ban on fishing for Black Bream during the spawning season, April to July, so please keep any retained fish to a minimum If you catch a female full of eggs please return asap, the male of course guards the nest and tries to fight off predators who want to eat the eggs, so females are the best to keep after they have spawned. There is of course no ban or restrictions on recreational anglers in the Dorset area at the moment but please do not give anyone reason to target RSA's like they have tried to do over the past two years By demonstrating that RSA's are responsible and environmentally aware, will help stop any articles targeting RSA's as the villains
  22. Happy Birthday Tony I am sure you will have a glass or two of vino 🍷🍷🍷
  23. Coddy

    Who's the boss

    Can I suggest that those who have not watched the interview ought to do so before relying on the press for so call facts. Yes, I have now watched the interview, which I would say was badly edited so that it made suggested headlines each time it went to the adverts, as I wanted to make my own opinion and not from the media. I am not suggesting that the Sussex's were right or wrong to do this but if what was said is half true it puts the people who are supposed to support and help the "family" in a very bad light. I would have thought that the palace would have learned from when Diana was around that they can not, these days, just try to sweep things under the carpet, mental heath issues can happen to anyone and even Harry has said he has had issues, even before he meet Megan and not a lot was done to help. Don't forget that there is/was a whole side of the royals who were put away in an institution that Margaret found out, that was kept quite. I have to say I thought both of them did not make any bad remarks about the queen in fact they both said she was warm and friendly at all times towards them both. The media in all its shapes and disguises need to stop printing false news, print facts yes and be able to back it up. Those who choose to be in the public arena have to expect to be photographed and written about, again if factual, but those same people are entitled to privacy like the rest of us. If you think there were racist remarks made, those of you who make fun of people with different coloured hair is that not racist?
  24. Rest in peace Dave I am honoured to have been able to call you a friend and fished with you on many occasions with Alan Loved the pictures you took of nature, you were a gentle giant. My condolences to Jackie and his family
  25. If you want to read about this here is the MMO official letter I think you will find it is aimed at commercial fishing Dave From: SM-MMO-MMO Conservation <conservation@marinemanagement.org.uk> Sent: 01 February 2021 12:13 Subject: MMO consultation on draft measures for fishing in four offshore MPAs Dear stakeholder, We are launching a formal consultation on draft byelaws to manage fishing in the following four offshore marine protected areas: Dogger Bank Special Area of Conservation; Inner Dowsing, Race Bank and North Ridge Special Area of Conservation; South Dorset Marine Conservation Zone; and The Canyons Marine Conservation Zone. Please find attached the formal consultation letters for further details. How to respond Please respond no later than 28 March 2021. You can respond by reviewing the relevant documentation, including the draft byelaws, and completing our online survey by visiting: https://consult.defra.gov.uk/mmo/formal-consultation-mmo-mpa-assessments If you are not able to access the above survey, you can respond via the details below. Due to the current COVID-19 situation we are asking all stakeholders to use email rather than post if possible. Copies of the draft byelaw may also be inspected at any MMO office. Due to the current COVID-19 situation, please contact MMO using the details below if you wish to inspect a copy of the draft byelaw at an MMO office. By email to: conservation@marinemanagement.org.uk By telephone to: 0300 123 1032 In writing to: Marine Conservation Team Marine Management Organisation Lancaster House Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 7YH We will also be publishing our next steps for management of marine non-licensable activities in Studland Bay Marine Conservation Zone later this month. Kind regards, Marine Conservation Team | Marine Management Organisation + Lancaster House | Hampshire Court | Newcastle upon Tyne | NE4 7YH 8 conservation@marinemanagement.org.uk
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