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Everything posted by Sinbad

  1. David Sounds like you had a good day out on the ledge. It takes some time until you understand the best spots to try, because it is so varied in underwater features, rock, sand, stone, weed, kelp etc. Sometimes you will find the species and the fishing give the location away - if you are on mainly the sandy parts then its dogfish, alternatively the wrasse tend to be not far from the pure rocky and weedy outcrops and perhaps you will get snagged up alot and lose gear, and your leads will feel like they hit something hard as you bounce the lead along the bottom. The bass and bream, can show up anywhere, but try to find a slope on the fishfinder, or some feature - not too jagged to fish from. If you start by going west until the depth drops off to 15-18m you will be on the sand to the west of the ledge, you can then drop back east and anchor on the sand at the edge of the rocks or pick up a pot bouy, this technique helps when its flooding. Its easier to make the fish come to you than try to winkle them out from a rocky mark (hence the wrasse doent venture far from a rocky spot in my experience), so put your rods out and either groundbait or lay down a good bait trail with multiple rods. Sometimes you get fish from the off, othertimes you have to wait an hour for the bites to come. As soon as mackerel are about - use these for the bream. Squid is good too, but you cant beat a worm at this time of year, and the wrasse will go for these as well. Anyway, good luck and keep plugging away - you'll get there in the end! Hope this helps Paul F
  2. Sinbad

    Trim Tabs

    Thanks Paul I suppose its not worth the extra expense of hydraulic ones unless you are a charter with massive variable payloads, and need to tweek them ? Paul F
  3. Fin perfect- they look superb condition fish, lets hope this is a sign of a strong breeding year... Seem to remember a few seasons ago there were loads of really small 4-5" bream and the medium sized fish of 1-2lb, but nothing in the quantity or size that are here at the moment. Nice result lads! PaulF
  4. Sinbad

    Trim Tabs

    Paul Did you ask Orkneys advice at all, being the cautious chap I know you are ? And how much difference would you say it made to the angle of the boat, medium speed running etc ?? Regards Paul
  5. Sinbad

    Trim Tabs

    I'm interested in fitting trim tabs - and I know certain members have been arround this loop before, any advice regarding types and suppliers, and what to look for would help. I dont fancy the prices of the hydraulic ones, and would probably try the shock absorber type smart tabs first. what do people think ? Its not a problem with one or two up, but with a load of gear and bodies, I'd like to get the transom up and the bow down a bit in the 10-12mph Harbour cruising speed, and when opening up the throttle on open water. Paul
  6. Thanks for a great day out Alun, and another PB Amazing how these big bream go - as soon as it was on, I knew it was different to all the wrasse we'd been playing with all day... . We tried squid and ragworm cocktails, squid strips only, and the bream went to a boomed paternoster pennel rig, with plain old ragworm - Pooles finest, hand dug last wednesday.... The ancient penn and the cheapjack 12lb class rod does it again!!! Thanks for being the skipper again and having me along - I was frazzled after a long day afloat on my own boat, and needed the uplift... and change of scene Many Thanks and good luck for the comp. Paul
  7. Mike Glad you managed to assist, I'd call that a result, at least he wont be going out again hopefully very soon. I just worry, when these things are working, and open up the throttle.... Not exactly 'catch and release' though, because you took him home.... Paul
  8. I was also interested... Both Enticer and OOTB have built in tanks, seems easily within the range, but would you have enough if Enticer had to tow OOTB home ? I suppose you could share the remaining fuel - hence the buddy boat theory! Whats the answer Adam? Regards Paul
  9. I wont post the rubber dinghy moment with wife and two kids drifting down tide with oars on back to front - me... i'm on the boat laughing (quietly) Martin - If we are in the harbour Sunday - Familly Cruising - we'll call you up. Paul
  10. Re Deckwash pumps Worth noting to anyone proposing to fit one of these, that Adams / Simons / Mine - dont take the rain or external wetting too kindly. Also Vendors recommend mounting horizontal or pump head downwards in a well ventilated area to avoid risk of leaks running onto the motor. I've currently got a plastic bag over mine, until I can relocate it..... Mine also 'grumbles away' when operating - possibly due to some air in the pump. I'm going to make mine the 'low point' of the suction piping, so that entrained air doesnt go through the pump. I noticed this was happening when the inlet filter was partially full. Also Instead of putting 6 or even up to 10 amps (on start up) through my switch panel, I installed a 12V relay - very neat and easy to wire up, to take the pump load, leaving me with less than an amp going through the switch. Then, when the pump goes haywire - its not going to melt my switches. BTW - 17 lpm is 224 gph, or 1 litre/min is 13.2 Gph (imperial) I think the flowrate is more important for livebait, and the pressure is more important for their scales and guts.... Paul
  11. I'm hoping to be out Friday from Poole, with a motley crew... heading west if the NW holds. Cant wait... Paul
  12. Gordon Thinking of your VHF Mike, this holder might do, with the addition of a slot for the cable cut in the front. Its used, of course, but you'd be welcolm to try it, Dimensions 75 x 90mm deep PM me and I'll pop round after work
  13. Our day on Enticer was also bumpy and white.. but many thanks to Gordon for a great days company on a well sorted and stable fishing platform.. even when beam onto the wind 2 miles out... Hopefully we can get out mid-week sometime on Imagine.. and compare performance- I've just got a reel to re-build after it came apart in the rod rests when bumping out to the mark. Wasnt really a day for photos, but managed to take a few snaps coming in.. altogether a great day to be out, and a few fish even though not the range of species on OOTB (wrasse, a nice thorny to Gordon, LSDs (lots), and a spider crab.) Nice to see the bream at last and the bass on OOTB Paul
  14. Rich I liked the Suveran, but not the price.... totally different balance and action to the Conolon..... But bought a Conolon 8'6" 12lb last year.. and avoided buyers remorse... you know the feeling when youve just shelled out loads of cash and feel youve been "done up properly", and you are not 'worthy' of owning it.... oooh .....Lifes too complicated
  15. Alun I'm also available for crewing if there's space.... or will take 'Imagine' out from Poole for its first fish guts and vomit session on the Saturday.... Out West for a wreck or two... perhaps something snakey to challenge Gordons fish of the month, then back inshore for the flatties..... Will leave the decision on what and where almost as long as the Metcheck guys. Paul
  16. Adam, Thanks - this was the one I thought about too... might be worth doing a wet test before you drill the holes for the ss pipe - in case the through the hull brigade were right about the lack of water. But I think that these pumps have enough suck to overcome the small vacuum you get when you whizz a pipe through the water.. and if its a problem, then cut away the front half of the pipe to form a cup, or put a forward facing elbow on the end.. Good luck... Paul
  17. Its called a regular sicky one day per week ???
  18. Simon Thanks very much again.... top answers... I looked at some fancy priced jabsco accessory which fitted into the deck or on a bulkhead, to contain the hose. But I think I'll just be disconnecting it and storing it in the deck locker, or might even leave it connected inside. Adam Which pump did you go for in the end... and from where ? I'm shying away from ebay as spares might be difficult on some types. What do you / Simon think ? As far as too much pressure goes, as you shut in the valve, the pressure will increase on the pump until the pressure switch stops the motor. The valve will take all the pressure drop, and you wouldnt get 40psi unless you inserted the hose into the livebait, and sealed up all the holes....... so if you have a short piece of hose connecting to the tank, then the jet will not be at 40psi at all. 12mm diam hose, gives 3 metres per sec velocity at 20 l/min, which is slower than a mackerel can swim, and should result in a healthy circulation 'vortex' in your tank, Im guessing. My boat also doesnt lend itself to going over the inner transom, so I've been thinking about going through here and to a low point where the pump can be in a flooded section of pipe. I'll be disconnecting the suction side to alternate between the sea water, and a fresh water tub for flushing my engine. Regards Paul
  19. Simon Nice description and so simple.. did the spiral hose come from hozelock (I dont get out very often...) or is this marine chandler stuff ? I've seen similar from jabsco for
  20. Harry OK its an auxilliary.... 400 quid or so ? spend 25 on an insurance approved lock and forget about it. Or unbolt it each time and store inside the cabin / car I had a small lug on mine suitable to fit a stainless wire cable with soft 'talurit' eyes, which I padlocked to the bracket. Then if it came undone it wouldnt dissapear into the water, and stopped the opportunist walking away with it when the car was parked up (assuming you are trailing). Duncan is probably right though, it might dissapear, so use method 1 or 2. When trailering, keep the engine down, not tilted. Hope this makes sense! Paul
  21. Hi Duncan Did you moor at the quay at wareham (as per pic) - was there someone taking cash off the boat owners ? I might do the same this weekend... Regards Paul
  22. OK, thanks...for the advice.. I'll be careful.. I'd probably just claim I was found them floating in the harbour and was rescueing them. We towed them at 4mph, for a few 100 yds, not the ringo style rides you normally witness off the back of a Bayliner in the summer, right in the main channel.... Paul
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