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Everything posted by diverdave

  1. Try this, fairly local so even a phone call won't cost much. http://www.sounderparts.co.uk/page.php?dom...viewpage=Spares
  2. I murder 3 People and end up with a dogfish ??
  3. Gotcha A pair of twins = 4 So who am I looking 4 ???
  4. http://www.usboatappraisal.com/
  5. Elizabeth Stevenson's firm falsified auction records A firm which runs what is thought to be Britain's largest fishing fleet has admitted a
  6. I got fed up with changing mine they don't last 5 minutes and like Newboy says you have to disconnect everything that passes through them. So I came up with this simple solution.
  7. http://marinestore.co.uk/page/mrst/CTGY/st...g-cones-rubber/
  8. Interesting info if you've 1/2 hour to spare!! http://www.nexusmagazine.com/articles/ulp1.html http://www.amsoil.com/articlespr/article_2...ard_motors.aspx
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