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Everything posted by diverdave

  1. Next time i'm going to wear a nappy !!
  2. Watch the wake on the high speed run :-) Fix the trim tab before you change anything else ! and try it again. I'm surprised you didn't feel it through the steering ?
  3. Just out of curiosity, was it the Starboard trim tab that was stuck down ?
  4. http://www.hoax-slayer.com/car-jacking-warning.html
  5. http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/9316...l_crash_report/
  6. Are they Hex Socket, Cross Head or Straight ? Just one option, loads more on the same site. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/M5-M6-A4-Stainle...=item870d64ea21
  7. and, you can get it anywhere and afford to have it sat at home waiting for the next balmy day ??? I'm just glad I've got a 1992 EX VRO 50HP Evinrude that I can work on and repair myself without a laptop. How many ETECS will still be running in 20 years time ?
  8. Our father, who art in prison, Only mum knows his name, Thy Riots come, read it in the Sun, In Birmingham , as it is in London . Give us this day our Welfare bread And forgive us our looting, As we're happy to loot those who defend stuff against us. Lead us not into employment, but deliver us free housing, For thine is the Spliff, the Blackberry & the Lager, For ever and ever... Innit ! ......................................... sorry - edited the slightly racist bits
  9. diverdave


    Put them in black bin liners and dump with household waste !!
  10. The murdering Ba****d in Norway was dressed as a Policeman ! Have you reported it ? Hit and run from the sea is probably the easiest option left for terrorists and nutters in this country.
  11. Just found this, could be a cost effective solution or at least a chance to kick some butt ! http://www.chipandtrace.com/
  12. Whoops !! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-14262608
  13. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-14139191
  14. http://www.prismdefence.com.au/index.htm
  15. diverdave


    I think they need bigger scuppers ??
  16. diverdave


    Same place even worse !
  17. I was just comparing price
  18. For info http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SPIDERWIRE-BRAID-EZ-...=item43a50777c3
  19. Yep, put it in an HDI or Blue Motion and see what happens ? Same problems different fuel. DYOR When we went unleaded it was well publicised. What notice did we get of petrol going organic ? Where does it say this product contains 5% Methanol/Ethanol ? Or 10/15/20/30% ? Where does it say this product may DAMAGE your ENGINE ? Cornish Pasties have to come from Cornwall ! Petrol by definition has to come from refined crude oil not some farmers wheat field !!!
  20. "I have heard on good authority that normal grade petrol now contains 5% alcohol !! Alcohol is not very friendly to fuel systems pipes,carbs,injectors etc" From the quick research I've just done its been like that for 3-4 years (sneaky B******s and it looks like it will get worse Diesel as well. It probably explains a lot of problems we've all had in recent years and makes sense of the boom in Oil Seed Rape (yellow fields) See link below and links within. Low Emissions cost us the consumer BIG TIME Just give me back my suck, bang, blow leaded 2/4 stroke PLEASE It's got nothing to do with Emissions it's all about profit and tax and
  21. Fan Coral ???
  22. It does beg a few questions.
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