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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. please excause my ignorance, but what is a three hook flowing scratching rig?
  2. Bob, Tighten the nut to the point where it is still possible to 'just' spin the wheel (not free spinning), then back it up to the hole for the sheer pin. Don't pack too much grease into the bearing, not sure why, but been told to apply enough to cover the bearing. Paul, I don't think you should be able to wobble the wheel, too loose and the bearing might grind against themselves and causes damages.
  3. Sam, here's one strictly as a pet project, but at only
  4. Newboy

    A blonde joke

    Have fun.
  5. Newboy

    Tide Table

    You lazy git, come back and reply to every single thread you'd missed sice your absent. Welcome back Mad
  6. Anchor at ebay generally go for around
  7. Each Channel Island has its own Tourist board, since the club is going over to Alderney, a club letter might be more appropriate.
  8. Early 90's works perfectly, bought it to go on the back of my boat as aux. Unfortunately, the bracket had to be fitted 6" higher than I wanted and now the shortshaft won't do. The previous owner used it as a runabout on a small inflatable. Anyone interested I can get you some photos. The asking price is
  9. The petition or standing as a MP? Seriously, it can be done relatively easy. As a tourist, you have a right ( you are a customer to them) to tell each of the island what you think and they will listen if the number is large enough. If anyone is going or had been to the island in the last 12 months. Write to their tourism board, tell them how disgusted you are with this.
  10. I wasn't suggesting 'not do anything', I was merely pointing a 'parallel' course of action should be carried out at the same time, targeting the Gurnsey Tourism as well as neighbouring states, hoping pressures internally (Tourism) and externally (Jersey, Alderney). The fishery dept is under pressure from the commercial fisherman to let them fish. To counter that we need another dept as well as other states/countries.
  11. Not that I don't agree with the petition, I'd signed when it first went up yesterday; BUT I think we have gone about it the wrong way. The Gurnsey fishery dept isn't going to listen to a bunch of blokes 100's of miles away, who by large has no connection, nor will they benefit the Gurnsey treasury. All they see is
  12. We'd have less half junk in the house?!
  13. Newboy

    New Seats

    What? No photos of the spanking new seats yet?
  14. The swinging only comes on for a few seconds and it would be out off the blue. I would be going down the road at various speed, 55,60,65,70 and it doesn't matter what speed I was at, it dies as quickly as it appears. The swing itself isn't too great maybe 6 inches either way. A trip down to Lymington, say 40 miles there and back, no more than half a dozon swayings. The tyre pressure is 50 I think (might have been 55). The brakes are fine, both rim are cool as an ice cream after 40 miles. Sorry new to towing anything so am really unsure of what to expect.
  15. Dump a**, got the wrong url, bet you were wondering why the hell I'd posted a cartoon. This one is the right one........ http://www.suncat2000.com/050203/05020339.mpeg
  16. Will try to adjust it next time I go out. Thanks
  17. genuine "Bruce" stainless steel showpiece job... oouch...... That got to hurt.....
  18. How about just buy a cheap white tube and arrowdite/superglue it to the antenna pole mount?
  19. Not sure I can move anymore weigh to the front, only items are the engine and a fuel tank. The nose weigh is about 60 the last time I checked. The swing comes on suddenly, and is not related to speed I was doing.
  20. Newboy

    second battery

    If you do a search on battery wiring, this topic comes up fairly frequent. As Barry said, a 3 way switch is the way to go and the cost is about
  21. Welcome gazza, just make sure to leave some beer for the rest of us.....
  22. I tend to inspect the grease on my bearings by popping the bearing caps after every trip as I have to tow it a fair old distance. Incidentally, does your trailer 'swing' from side to side from time to time? I think road surface plays a big part in it, as I always get it under the flyover just outside Winchester.
  23. So, Adam you got a handheld, what make is it and how much? I'd bought a xm2000 new and it cost me
  24. Newboy

    Drag Weight?

    Would my folded up grapnel anchor do the trick?
  25. What's more, they are in Glatonsbury, on the way to Burnham, could even pick it up on the way back after the trailaway.
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