Adam: a terminal bar/block is a small plastic coated metal bar/block with lots of holes, for the wires to be connected to, it's one solid bar i.e., single pole. You can get them from the auto elec web site I posted to your original rewiring thread. Or if you can't be bother to order just one item, you can make one up. Go to any diy store and get one of those white connecters, they come in a row of about 10/12 poles and you cut out 2 at a time, using it to join a 2 core cable. All you do is connect all the metal holes with a thick wire/cable and making it a single pole.
Duncan: I was lazy and didn't draw the battery bit better, yes, it should have a isolating switch from the battery. The pump is also wired direct to the battery (fused) for auto activation. Not sure why do we need a sperate isolating switch for the pump. Obviously you want it to work it's at sea and the battery gets disconnect when parked up. The reason for a terminal bar is that
1) the switch panel has only 6 switches and I have 8 elec and rising
2) easier to wire gps, ff, etc to the terminal than it is to wire them to the panel, in my case it's slightly tucked away. The only problem I can see is the bare terminal, if a wire comes off and touch something and sparks, but I got a bit of stickt tape and taped over it.