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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Newboy

    Rope joining?

    I bought 100m x 10mm 3 strand nylon for
  2. To add to what have already been said, it seems the problem (or the major one) is with the agent and not suzuki. Try get some 'freebie' from the agent instead, like a free service, a loan engine until your's fixed. It wouldn't hurt complaining to suzuki themselves about they sh*te agent, and pointed out since you have missed out on nearly 2 months (and counting) of the use of your engine, that they would consider extending the warranty for a further 6 months (got to worth a try )?! Also it's worth pointing out to the agent that you may seek redress thru the small claim court for your loss of enjoyment and time you have to spend dealing with their incompetence. Be firm but also be reasonable, pointing out a loyal customer is worth his weigh in gold. Whatever your choose, good luck.
  3. The 'lump' in the ground is an anchor, they are relatively cheap. Try motorbikes sites, since it is what I use for my motorbike, plus an insurance approved bike chain + lock to the trailer, very difficult to pinch.
  4. Newboy

    Aux Outboard

    When you said the seagull 100, is that same as the seagull century (since it's 100)?!
  5. what's wrong with dog fish? I caught lots of the bugger last time I went out.
  6. I'd say you're trespassing on private property ......... unless that's your boat
  7. I was thinking of chamging the name of the boat I'm doing up, but then a friend told me it is bad luck to change the name of a boat. Do you guys keep the names or do you go thru with some sort of weird ceremonies (like dancing naked around the boat for example) before you do it?!
  8. I think I'll have to agree with you on that one, as it is the big fish (4lb +) that breeds, each big fish we take, there are one less fish to breed.
  9. Newboy

    Big List!!!!!

    This one might not be a plough, but it's cheap and not too far from where you are. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...item=2470556043
  10. Newboy

    Aux Outboard

    I'm a novice at boat fishing, I'm working my way thru the 18' Shetland I'd bought over the winter. I've fitted a new deck, replaced the cushions and rewired the lights as well as power points. The boat came with honda 10 hp outboard, but I've decided a bigger engine is required for seafaring (it was used in the river only), so a 30hp Johnson was bought. Now, should I keep the honda and use it as an aux engine? The upside is that I know the honda is a good engine, just serviced and the chap said it's in pristine condition. The downside is that (to my discovery) both engines weigh a considerate amount if both are fitted. With the trailer parked on a slight slope, the combined weight of the engines, and me trying to jump up, it lifted the jocket wheel of the ground. Or should I get a smaller ob like a seagull which can be stored inside the boat untill needed? Plus it weigh a lot less. Also, how small is small (minimum) to push a 18' boat in an emergency? Thanks in advance. P.S Anyone know what this boat is, I know it's a shetland but not sure of model.
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