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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. These weights..... they wouldn't be a lump of lead (about size of a grapefruit) with a ring on top, would it? I found one in my boat and chucked it away .............
  2. Wouldn't the boat be anchored once it's hooked into something?! Do we motor the boat uptide then let it drift back, repeat each time it becomes anchored again?
  3. Newboy

    VHF radio

    I'm gonna get a vhf radio for my boat. The price varies from
  4. Anyone mind if I just watch first? I know it's awful lots to take in, both on a boat when it's being launch and launching one myself, then an assisted launch at a later date.
  5. If you're going to sea in a small boat I'd get a VHF radio and worry about the license later... no ones going to want to check your paperwork before responding to a Mayday call!!!! Don't worry, I'm pretty safe where I'm sitting, cos the boat is on the drive and won't be anywhere near the water till I learn to launch and retrieve first A man who is destined for greatness in the world of small boats He has already grasped one of the essentials that so many miss. learning to launch and recover is a good idea. However if everyone were to do this, just think of all the fun we would miss. Jack flash and his bimbo *arting about trying to get a 16ft speed boat with a 200hp engine onto a 13ft trailer with no winch. Or mum dad and 14 kids with a 25ft Thames cruiser behind a Fiesta slowly pulling the Fiesta backwards ever deeper into the mud at the side of the slip. I am certain that if it hasn't already been offered you will find plenty here that will come with help and advice when your ready to launch. (put me down for a start). Mike Why did you think I wanted to learn how to launch and retrieve in the first place?! Saw a couple tried to launch (man tried to launch and woman at helm tried to put the boat in reverse beford man had chance to unhook the winch), it might pretty comical, man shouting and woman shouted back, not sure if they were still together afterwards....... Just waiting for one of the trips to be closer to the solent and I'll be there.
  6. If you're going to sea in a small boat I'd get a VHF radio and worry about the license later... no ones going to want to check your paperwork before responding to a Mayday call!!!! Don't worry, I'm pretty safe where I'm sitting, cos the boat is on the drive and won't be anywhere near the water till I learn to launch and retrieve first
  7. VHF: Ain't got one yet, need to get the license first Fishfinder:Matrix 20, combined ff and GPS. GPS:see above.
  8. Newboy

    S/S Mobile Welding

    Never done one for this, but if it's anything like rewiring cables thru trunking, then it's not too hard. First is there enough room for an extra cable, physically? Disconnect one of the cable, tie a strong string/wire to it, pull it thru, tie the new cable to it, pull it back thru. Obviously, it's easier if there's lots more room for the number of cables. However make sure the tie is secured, otherwise it might come off half way.
  9. SEE NOW LOOK AT WOT YOU DUN!!!!! Mike I've only just starting .........
  10. Newboy

    O/B fuel line

    Found this on ebay, not sure if it's of any use to you. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...&category=36631 Might be able to adapt it so the fuel reach the ob.
  11. Call me thicky, I'm still a bit muddled, For example, say an emgine uses 10" pitch, how would a 12" and 8" differ? Does it make it faster or more economical?
  12. Didn't some chap from summerset broke the wr for bronze whaler shark last month while holidaying in Nam?!
  13. What is pitch? Isn't it the height of one complete turn?! More importantly, what does it do? What's the difference between big and small pitch?
  14. On a serious note tho, I think common sense has to prevail, not much point of returning a dead fish, is there?! I keep most (if not all) the pout I catch, reason being that they die if 'drag' from any great depth (only talking about 20-30 metres). They don't taste too bad either. A story worth mentioning, YYS competition winner 13 year old Nathan Todd of Fratton caught a 35lb 12oz Blonde Ray recently. Nathan came out for only his second boat fishing trip aboard Topcat, out of Langstone. It was around midday on St Valentine's day when Nathan pulled the big old blonde on a cocktail of squid and sandeel, mounted on a 4/0 hook 40lb trace to 30lb braid, and it took him 20 minutes to bring the fish up to the net. The fish was kept alive in a live-bait tank and taken back to Southsea Marina for accurate weighing and photos, then taken back out to sea, where Nathan returned the fish alive. Blonde ray weighing more than 30lb are exceptional fish and only a handful are caught each year, mainly along the English Channel coast. The British boat record, caught in year 2000, stands at 38 lb 9 oz and was caught near the Nab Tower, east of the Isle of Wight. Taken from Solent Fishing Guide http://www.solent-fishing-guide.co.uk 3 cheers to the boy.
  15. Actually, thay bass you have ywt to catch is not only the new club, but a new british record. Congratulations on catching such a specimen, please supply you name, the bait used and the day and time the fish yet to be caught .......
  16. Anywhere near the solent please. I wouldn't mind some experience of launching and retrieving a boat... I'll even make the sandwich .....
  17. Newboy

    Big List!!!!!

    Saw manual gas lifejackets offered at
  18. Just out of interest, how do you tell a female from a male?
  19. Newboy

    Tyre PSI

    Running at a lower psi will damage the types and makes the trailer goes side to side. On the other hand, over inflating types will give a bumpy/firm/choppy ride, and not actually dangerous (unless you really over inflat it). It's better in over inflat than under.
  20. Glad it's all sorted
  21. So, what you are saying is chuck the boat in the water and see what happens?! Now, can't wait for the steering to arrive ......
  22. What if it isn't low enough? it's already a longshaft.....
  23. Newboy

    Rope joining?

    Where's St Albans?
  24. I've decided to keep the honda as an aux and with a bit of innovative (botching as my missus call it) ideas, it can be used as hand controlled. Does it have to go on an ob bracket or can it be mounted on the transom as the main outboard? I put it on today and they fit nicely without hitting each other (main one still central, I'm not that dumb ).
  25. Newboy

    Rope joining?

    He can set up any length auction for you, but if you are only aftering shortish length, try this auction only @59p a metre, their p&p is lower, might work out cheaper. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...item=2471292934 He also has multiplait, 14mm,.....etc. Anyone know what the max depth the solent is?
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