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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Mine's a 2G AMD chip with 512 m memory. Iexplore.exe is using 21,000k while CCAPP.exe is using 23,000k, the rest are only thousands k. Most of the time when the comp crash, it's the CCapp failed to response, what is this CCAPP? On the performance side, Total memory is 523,... available is 146,... and system cashe is 246,... Does this look right or not?
  2. Newboy

    Weight Moulds

    I thought it was me english ......
  3. Great fish.
  4. Found some more stuff. 12-14mm nylon rope about 10m
  5. I will give it a try to night with the malware programme. The funny thing is that I ran Norton 2004 before this and it worked fine without any problems. On expiry of this I bought a new Norton rather than upgrade online as it was
  6. Use the softest rod you can find. I use a light spinning rod and it was so exciting not knowing if it would snap or not.
  7. I thought the best time is around March to May when they come in to spawn. As a guide my Norway trip costs about
  8. Newboy


    Don't recall ground my radio equipment except the -ve.......
  9. Installed the above last week, but it's caused a lot of problems lately. It didn't start off like this but has gotten worse over the last 2 days. It now takes 5 minutes for the computer to load up to the users page (xp), winword no longer work (sometime in safe mode), camera is off (saying the acc on usb is unreconizable), the large yellow Norton lodo/window (control panel) on the bottom right no longer open. All attempt to uninstall Norton has so far failed. It gets to the page which let you choose Uninstall, Modify or Exit, on choosing Uninstall nothing happens. Tried using the CD but it goes to the same page and that too freezes. Anyone have any experience or infact any way to delete the dame thing?
  10. I'm out tomorrow so that's no good, but anyday after that would be fine for put up.
  11. Newboy


    Which ever had balls (claspers) is the male....
  12. Newboy

    Hole Filling

    Do you mean the 4 holes on the cavitation plate? Does it matter if it's not filled?
  13. Newboy


  14. Basicly I want some freezer curtains but am too tight to pay
  15. Not persplex I'm aftering, I need them to be soft enough to roll up.
  16. I'm after some clear (or at least transparent) plastic sheet about 2-4mm thick, like those you see on chillers to stop the cold air from escaping. Anyone know where I can get some?
  17. Newboy

    Explorer Elite

    If you fill any boat with water, it WILL flip over!!!!! That's the reason why we have auto bilge pump onboard. Did he have an auto bilge pump? Was it working correctly? Battery ok?
  18. Newboy


    But is it gonna be called Enticer 2 or Loyal Royal 2?
  19. Cash, cheque, paypal, ...... kidney,..... ets are all accepted. Let me know how you guys want to pay and I'll pm you the details. Dave-triangle thingy Paul-wheel, rodholder, mooring ropes, Alum-anchor wrap Charlie-fuel transducer Mike-pump and life jacket If I missed anyone or anything, let me know.
  20. Newboy


    Not sure if Mark enjoy buying or selling more .....
  21. Rod holder to Paul Fuel transducer to Charlie, (Read new posts doesn't show editted post)
  22. Rod holder 12" x 17", just need a bit of flat surface to screw onto.
  23. Free wheelie to Paul, Pump to Mike. Alun, the rope is very soft and it takes up no space even with 200 metres. I would suggest you take the whole lot, stick it in the new boat and try it for size, you can always sell the unwanted bit later. Whereas if you cut it now and you might wish you hadn't in the future. Here's a picture of it, in a disorganised heap next to my size 8 shoes. Fuel transducer first refusal to Charlie until end of the week.
  24. Triangle to Dave. Mooring ropes to Paul. Sorry Mike it will have to be
  25. Newboy


    I think my mate is in there with his turbot from Portland.
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