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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Newboy

    Mitchell Reel

    If it's made in Taiwan, read it somewhere a lot of the internal parts are plastics and don't stand up too well to heavy use. What is your budget?
  2. Newboy

    Sole Rig

    How small should the hooks be? Do I use a round weigh so that the rig roll on the seabed or a watch type to fix it on?
  3. Newboy

    Blond Ray

    Sorry Bob, I saw Rob's name at the bottom and thought he did that one.
  4. Newboy

    Blond Ray

    Read Here, all about catching blonde ray. By Rob Thompson.
  5. Newboy

    Sole Rig

    What rig should I use for sole?
  6. It's on the wall at my shop, had a few people expressing interest already.
  7. Should have made it clearer, it's a rubber grub. Pearl colour rubber thingy from Storm, it sorta rattle. Hoping to try it with the bass. Thanks.
  8. Do we mount it with its tail pointing upward or down?
  9. That's the point Fred. Anyone can chartered a local chartered boat catch sh*t loads, over 5 days, stick them in the car and drive back with Condor while chartered boat from Poole or Weymouth are only allowed 2 fish over 5 days. It's not the number of fish that is an issue, but the principle it self. Nothing wrong with people coming into the borough selling fish and chips as long as they pay income tax, permits etc, ie., putting some back into the community. Nothing wrong with a little competition, it will teach some local stall selling a can of coke for
  10. Bloody hell, that sounds painful .......
  11. I would go as far as saying "Don't bid on anything from China" .
  12. I personally think an equal playfield is essential. 1) If I go fishing with a Guernsey Chartered boat, I can catch as much as I can and take home as much as my car can carry back on Condor. If I was to go with say Tiger Lilly, I can catch 2 turbots. Is it fair? Does the income tax from a Guernsey Chartered boat smells better than a Guernsey B+B? 2) 2 turbots over 5 days is low, when I went over there for 3 days I brought back 2 turbots and they lasted a week. Don't forget if you are staying for 5 days, the fish you take for the table while you're htere would count toward the total numbers. As Martin said, we are not 2nd class citizens, and I have no intention of being treated as one.
  13. I think you can pick up a new 5500 colour plotter at around
  14. Quick, you can still do a runner ....... it's not too late.
  15. I think they are proposing that all fish in ports regardless where it was caught, so if you caught 2 cods and 2 bass wrecking on the way over, and they will count as the toatl catch.
  16. Yes it might only apply to chartered vessel, but what is the percentage of private angling boat going over to the CI? Plus a good percentage of those must sleep in their boat, unlike the chartered parties which spend around
  17. Oh no, Tom's been gagged .......
  18. Do you have a fishfinder, if you dom does it have a voltage function?
  19. I thought you keep Maverick on the drive?
  20. I had that when I had my 7100, then one of the battery packed up and after I replaced the battery, the 7100 was fine again.
  21. Newboy

    Steering Death

    Didn't know the etec warranty is so good that in covers parts which it didn't come with.....
  22. Great fishing. Better luck next time.
  23. Good fish and well done, wished I had come with you now, but then again I wouldn't have a home to come back to....
  24. Newboy

    Ground Bate

    I found the quickest way to induce some groundbaiting is put your head down to sort out a bunch of beads by colours .....
  25. They are delicious (no doubt Alun will come up with a recipe). Try gutting it asap, the gut tend to rot quickly. they have small bones along the lateral line so try filleting it into 4 qtrs (2 really as the 2 underside is so small it's not really worth the effect unless the fish is a decent size). I found the flesh is really sweet, better than black bream, similar to red bream.
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