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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. How does the BFM comp work? If it's purely on the species hunt format, then there's very little scoop to change. The only possiblility is having a 'comp' on certain sunday and it's upto individual which one they want to enter, be it species or specimen. By all mean do both, but then they are limited in their time as to whether they would do well, in both, either or neither .....
  2. Read it on another forum Abu was losing money and had tosellto a Taiwanese company who in turn, trying to make it more viable, transfer some of the production over there and uses alternative parts in cost cutting. It's not hard to understand tho. Abu is traditionally very dependable brand but they sell at Okuma prices. As mentioned above
  3. Make sure it's a swedish made one and not one of the new Taiwan one. Abu was taken over and those made in the far east use plastic components apparently.
  4. Only in the northern hemisphere, they swim the other way down south.......
  5. For a start your Gnasher isn't a suitable boat! Cos you'll need a bigger boat to carry the 2 tonnes of lead weights you gonna take with you The "holding area" is very snaggy. If you leave it at the bottom dragging, youy'll lose it within seconds. "Admin edit"
  6. I've been setting them at around 3 metres from the bottom, with bass' good eye sight, it will have no trouble seeing the mackeral.
  7. I seem to recall reading somewhere that stale seawater will suffocate fish even when it's oxygenated because small organisims (algae maybe?) dies when temperature reaches certain level, and it's these things which kill the fish. Any thoughts?
  8. Are all the ad the same price? If they are no one should have more space than other. However if they are all different, i.e., 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 or wholepageas in newspaper) then the bigspender should get more coverage. The other smaller (but still very valuable) sponsor should get eg a rolling slot.
  9. I'll catch anything, as long as it swims and put in a fairly decent fight. My aim is to break my pb bass with a 15lb fish on my shimano fixed spool. I know I'll probably lose a few fish (being very optomistic) before I'll catch the large one. P.S Why are you posting blank replies? Still up to the old trick..... PSS Chance to reply .....
  10. Who is gary torbuck ?
  11. That's 2 quids worth .....
  12. Lovely reels, great for the larger bass.
  13. Newboy


    Welcome to the forum, flying fishing for bass, something I've gotta give it a try.
  14. Abalone is abalone, no one is gonna tell me whelk tastes like abalone, no matter how they cook it. Abalone has a very distingtive flavour, while whelk is sort of fishy. Don't get me wrong, I think whelks are brilliant, a quick blanch, slice into 2 and cook it with green pepper and black bean sauce, or in a satay sauce.
  15. In the end I bought a 4010 fighting drag off ebay for
  16. If you still have the old one, take it with you to a car parts shop, not Halfords or Motorworld, they are not specialise enough. Go to one of those dark buried under tonnes of crap auto shop, if they ain't got it in, they will order you one.
  17. Brilliant report Fred.
  18. Happy birthday to all the guys.
  19. I caould be wrong but it looks like a undulate. I also had a rather hairy moment last year near Swanage bay. I was on way back from the Dancing Ledge across Swanage bay entrance when 2 large cruisers (identical) sped out and turned right, across my bow, the large waves nearly turn the boat over (well it was enough to knock everything over). They have no idea they had to give way.
  20. Smashing fish. Btw, is that a wig.......
  21. I also carry a spare primer, as I once had a primer failed on me. Had to do a lot of hose bending to get the vaccum.
  22. I live in Andover and since I work evening I can't attend the club meetings. I'm down at Lymington on the 27th, if you are anywhere nearby.
  23. Cheapy rod for uptiding,
  24. Loaded with 500 yards 40lb Penn braid. Used once,
  25. Newboy

    Bream Comp

    Paul, time to take the bream out of the freezer .....
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