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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Should have walk on to a boat to land it .....
  2. Even more excuse to stay out longer (till the harbour master goes home). A little trick if your car shall struggle. Instead os driving straight up the slip, drive across and up to either left or right for a few metres before straightening, once the car is moving, it's far more easier to pull.
  3. I use the Bath Road slip, never been to the Town Quay as the roads leading to it looks quite narrow and bendy. The Bath Road one is wide but very steep, only use it if your car can handle the weigh of the boat plus the weigh of the car. Parking is easy but a little pricey,
  4. Isn't the Pugged nosed cod an actual variantion of the cod family?
  5. Smaller net, larger mesh size to give fish a fighting chance. However, I bet my arse that nothing will be done as the French and Spanish (not to forget the British, but no one listen to us anyway) fishing fleet will will cost their government hasn't the backbone to face them.
  6. Newboy


    Crabs will munch on crab, but only when they'e been dead for a little while. Seen it done in a tank full of crabs.
  7. Either that or some angler dropped the liitle fish on deck hard when it was a tiddler.
  8. What about this weird looking bass?
  9. Is boarfish rare?
  10. Don't care about the surname...... what's important is whether I can go fishing. Ankle swelled up like a ballon this morning, been to the doctor, he reckens it's only badly sprained and bruised, nothing broken. It should settle down in a week. A week? I'm due to fly to Norway next Wednesday......
  11. Well done Paul, great fish.
  12. Newboy


    Congratualation Duncan, a well deserved club record.
  13. Newboy

    Anchor Trip

    When I was onboard Maverick for the Bream comp last year over near the Dancing Ledge, the anchor trip out first drop and when Dean rigged it, it tripped out again, 3rd trip held, only because he took out the slack chain on the anchor.
  14. Great Allan, cheers. Hope to return the favour one day. Was going tomorrow, but now have to wait and see, fell arkwardly training for tai kwan do and my right angle isn't too great. If the swelling goes down I'll go.
  15. Allan, any chance of you telling me where about on the ledge? PM me with the number if you have them please..... pretty please....
  16. My top scraped the underside of the bridge an hour before high water, so be careful.
  17. No doubt Paul D or Alun will give you the definite yes and no. From my sandbar thread, best to leave it an hour before or after for the bar. It takes around 30 mins to get to the bar from Wicks.
  18. Newboy

    Crazy Fred

    Fred woke up with a splitting headache the morning after his birthday pub crawl with his mates. There's a glass of water and 2 asprin tablets on the dressing table. He took the tablets and went into the bathroom where he saw he'd a black eye. Fred went downstairs where his son was watching telly, a cooked breakfast on the table with a note from Mrs Crazy: "See you tonight, love you xxx", he was puzzled and asked crazy junior what happened last night. "You came in at 3:00 in the morning pissed out of your head, felt over and caught the coffee table with your right eye. Mum and I took you upstairs, as mum was taking off your pants you shouted:"F8ck off bitch, I'm married"...... 2 asprin -- 30p, a cooked breakfast --
  19. Newboy

    Paul D

    Well below the belt....
  20. Give it a quick cat-scan ......
  21. I wouldn't mind an Alderney trip but I'm off to Tromso on Wednesday, how about me swapping some wolf fish for your turbot?
  22. Pssst.... Martin is reading this post be quiet....
  23. 3 agaist 3. well 4 against 3 now.... You sure we won't get ban from posting nonsense?
  24. Fred you been on the funny juice again?
  25. Just beach the boat and then wait for next high water .....
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