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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. You're not turning into my missus, are you?!
  2. Tom, so of the angler are still from the old days, catch first, keep it second, then decide whether to bin it when they get home....
  3. Polishng one's rudder?! That's what we call dedication......
  4. It would be rude for us to speculate ......
  5. Newboy


    That reminds me, got to get my due in too......
  6. Newboy

    Anchor Rope

    I think the term braid is the way it weaved together, not braid as in braid we used for fishing. Nylon is the stufff to use, it gives and it sinks, multiplit just gives it a stronger rope with smaller diameter, that's all. If the boat drags with a 60lb anchor, it's almost defo a wrong type of anchor for the ground you were anchored to, or maybe not enough chain and/or too short rope.
  7. Forget about the parade, fish the comp, pop over to Beaulie on your boat, for an hour, finish the comp, get 100% plastered afterward.
  8. Go and ask NautiJohn, he makes the tabs. He will tell you like it is, won't sell (well he doesn't sell them himself) you anything not suitable for your use.
  9. A tad small ain't they?
  10. Polo mints? This should be on the other thread re: Unusal bait.
  11. In theory the prop is now sitting just under the water line and most of it thrust is transfered to forward motion rather than 70% forward and 30% trying to keep the stern up (the tabs are doing that).
  12. eels are only good for the Thames tope, therr southern coast cousins turn their noses up at them.
  13. Newboy

    Mmsi Advice Please

    He's selling you porky, mmsi stays with the boat, so if you press the red button, the signak lights up at the other end will be info about the registered vessel and not the radio unit.
  14. Tom, the local Jeanneau boat show room are also having a sale......
  15. Jack, the fish are very fuzzy as to whose balls they want to play......
  16. We try our best, but sometime the fish just don't wanna play ball. Welcome Jimmy
  17. Reconnect to what? The pipe might still be there, but most of the house won't.....
  18. Newboy

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday. Have a truly wonderful day.
  19. Newboy


    Was it sold via Ebay or Boatandoutboards? Did you get close to what you asked for?
  20. My insurance only require the trailer to be wheelclamped when not in use, it doesn't specify made or model. I use a hitch lock in additional plus a 12mm wire cable padlocked (to the car) with a motorcycle approved lock.
  21. Ask himn what his pass rate is? Anything < 100% and go else where.
  22. Leaving fishing altogether? A little drastic?!
  23. A lot of fishfinger are now made from Hake, and other species which are plentiful (at the moment), only a small portion of it still made from cod. Even these are from cod caught further afield.
  24. Are we gonna see Smarttabs as permanant fitting on all the club's boats?!
  25. Newboy

    Welcome Geoff

    Sandeels are great if you can afford it.
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