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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Now now you guys, let leave the poor lad alone .......
  2. Cool.... got to try this. I'm off to try barebacking my outboard now.
  3. Charlie, think of it this way, when the motor is on, and if it has a charging circuit, it pumps electricity back from the motor to the battery, the flow is continous, as long as the engine is turning it generates electricity. If you break the circuit, by switching it to off, you are taking out the recipient i.e., battery, the current has nowhere to go but go back and blow your rectifier....... this is how the Merc man explained to me. Turning off ignition, your engine also dies, so no electricity being generated.
  4. It's funny how we see different scenario, you see it in a safty point of veiw while I see it as: Boat on trailer on driveway, need to tilt up motot to get underneath it, tried tilt switch, it doesn't work cos I switch it off, get step from garage, hop on board, switch to on, jump down, hurt my ankle as a result, swearing loudly cursing every single thing in the immediate surrounding..........
  5. Sam, enjoy your school life while you can, go for the good time, chase the girls, run around like a headless chicken for a bit, because once you grow up, pressure of work, money, relationship, all come crashing down ....... oh god, I sound like an old man already.
  6. An engine doesn't need elec to run once it's started, it get the elec straight from the alternaor/flywheel (that is if it needs elec at all, think off a 50hp pull start outboard, does it need elec?). Been told by a Mercury mech switching power to off while engine is running will cost me a great sum to repair the retifier, don't try it unless your sister's/daugther's boyfriend is a marine mechanic and will do it for free.
  7. First came across the perm outboard connection from iboats.com, the American use this set up a lot apparently, they also fit in an isolation switch between 2 way swtch and outboard just in case they want to disconnect it for any maintenence. I have this set up and I think both set up has it own merit. I like mine cos I'm a dozy git and no doubt will one day turn switch to off by mistake while engine is running and blow the rectifier, plus most outboards have a tilt switch at the engine end, and if power is cut it won't operate.
  8. Never mind the shetland or orkney, just make sure you can tell apart Beneteau, Quicksilver, etc from your Jeanneau at a distance .......
  9. Turning the power off wouldn't turn off the outboard, unless you blow the rectifier and that in turn cause a fire the blow the engine.....
  10. Newboy


    Welcome Scott,
  11. Martin, I reckon you should change tom's handle to Delboy......
  12. Is that Sam Trickett? If it is he's ok, had my honda serviced by him when I first got it. The price was good.
  13. At least they captured my better side, what a good looking chap.
  14. Old Seagull are one of the best small outboard ever made, they last forever and are very easily work on.
  15. Everyone seem to have different turbot rig, which one is your favourite? I use long boom with long trace of about 10' with no beads. Then some swear beads and blades are not only for the plaice.
  16. Newboy

    Vhf Stuff

    I have no secrets..... except those I kept from the wife.....
  17. For moss and mould, a stiff brush is all I need, but rust is very difficult, it's 'soaked' in.
  18. Newboy


    How about scallops and oysters?
  19. Wind is fine as long as it's with the tide and behind the boat.
  20. Newboy

    Vhf Stuff

    What would the advantage of show all anchoring position? The only reason I can think of is 'secret marks' but then they shouldn't be secret..... not to a member of the family....
  21. Newboy


    Or if you are (or anyone you know ) are going to the state, it cost around $100 for teh wide version.
  22. Sorry I didn't mean number but the variaties, like brill and plaice.
  23. Nothing a box of matches and a can of lighter fluid won't solve....
  24. Fred, Excellent report, shame the flatties didn't play game, but at least the pollocks did. Hope the guys fare better in the Alderney trip. Mind you I'm off to Gurensey for 3 days next monday and hope the flatties there know the game plan.
  25. Newboy


    If it's only for lobster pot, it's not gonna be left down there for long (not with the lobster anyway), so it couldn't poison the lobsters.
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