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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Wow, it looks bad.
  2. Wishing you the best for the final and don't forget to pick up some duty free....
  3. Just read it on an article gilthead is hermaphrodite.
  4. Where is this groyne area we are talking about? Is it the bit marks Beerpan Rocks on charts?
  5. It's been a rather forgetable last few weeks for you. The skeg and plate shouldn't be too bad, you can simply weld an old skeg onto the leg. Is the tilt ok, make sure all the hydraulics works ok.
  6. We were out from Brighton Sunday, forecast said F4 down to F3 in the afternoon. It was bloody dog-rough out there, party of 12, 2 down before we got to the mark, lost 3 more while we were fishing, after a few hours, wind picked up and it was umpleasant to say the least, called it a day at 2:00, especially nothing worthwhile were caught, very difficult condition.
  7. I too will wear either a floatation suit or a lifejacket on my boat. Having doing a bit of chatering in the last couple of months, whenever I wear my life jacket I was looked upon as 'weird', altho not comfortable but never the less I will carrying on wearing it.
  8. Everything I own
  9. Newboy

    Clubsite Blip

    Paul, sometimes (a few times) I get what you's described, just a big blank bit about 1/2 page of blue as if it hasn't finish downloading from the net. Stange as I don't dabble/change my internet options.....
  10. Newboy

    Clubsite Blip

    Try clicking on this HERE Do you get a new window with the home page or not? If you do, then it's not popup blocker.
  11. Well at least there is no lasting damage to the cat. I tried it on a black cat who like to catch wood pidgeon and then devour it on my patio, I don't mind it eating birds, but I hate it when there are heathers plus 2 whole front wing all over my patio. Now it rarely come anywhere near the house, it still catch birds but they stay at the bottom end of the garden.
  12. Or if you are really vinditive, place a speaker on the lawn (cat's favourite spot) with only 1 of either +ve or -ve wire connected. When you see cat walk/rest near speaker, turn volume to max (with the other speaker disconnected, therefore no sound) jam the unconnected +ve or -ve wire into speaker socket, and see the cat jump 6' into the air.......
  13. Newboy

    Clubsite Blip

    Click My Assistant and up come a window with this lot
  14. Dogs and cats use as sharkbait shark bait
  15. It may sound a lot, but don't forget the Alderney trip cost
  16. Newboy

    New Engine

    Some make do have their 2 stroke injected on 100:1 on their first tank. So in theory the engine will use 100:1 from the tank and then it will inject a quantity of oil equals to 100:1 into the fuel mixture (or before mixture) making it 50:1. Vibration shouldn't be too bad as it's a 3 cylinders model (more cylinders the smoother it it) as regard to noise, no disrespect, but anything is gonna be a lot quieter than your old 2 stroke. The only thing that worries me is the problem you had starting. Again no disrepect, did you prime the engine probably before you attempt to start it? If you have, it can be a number of things, old battery? It's a newer model maybe it needs more juices from the battery on starting? Only time will tell, if you have this problem agin, get back to Bill Higham and have them sort it out.
  17. It all depends on how many going around
  18. 2nd week May 2006. (Near 24 hours non stop fishing) Don't supposed anyone fancy a trip next year? Mainly it's a self drive fishing trip with one day charterboat, big boat something like 50'+ but with only 12 angler. The big stuff are on the chartered boat, my mate caught a 130lb halibut and it took him an hour to bring it up. Cod to 60lb, coalfish, red fish, wolf fish (very tasty apparently), haddock,....... One of the few occasion you 'pray' that pirk you dropped down 2 minutes ago doesn't hook a 5-10 lb haddock or coalfish on the way down . On the self drive, marks are 15 mins away in 150'-200' of water. Mooring is 5 mins from lodge. Only down side, there is no nightlife, beer and ciggies (
  19. Newboy

    Bass Haul

    Photo saved and will be used as wallpaper on PC.
  20. Newboy

    Mg 530 Pilothouse

    Nice boat, all the hardwork is worth it.
  21. Newboy

    Bass Haul

    Maybe we should all get in a bikini so that our photo would get in BFM.....
  22. Newboy

    Bass Haul

    I have no problems with people taking fish home to eat, but smoothhound isn't really that nice to eat to start with. The last thing I want to see is for people to take them home as trophy to show off and then put them in the bin........
  23. Newboy

    Bass Haul

    Take a look at p14 this month's BFM, the blonde is holding up 4 dead smoothies, I hope she likes smoothies on a plate.......
  24. Alun, if that's the case, you should hold the club record for bass which is currently 13 lb 0oz by R Phillips in 1995.
  25. I think you would find Roger is now booking 18-20 months in advance...... the sure sight of an excellent skipper.
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