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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. trousersnakes?
  2. Then is a canoe, a small dingy or an inflatable a 'ship'? None of then fit the description either.
  3. Newboy

    Cruising Speed

    Mike, have you forgotten to take your medicine again......
  4. Somehow I don't think goose fat, vaseline, suspenders with long handles go together on a boat, just think once slip and 'ouch....' the rod can end up where the sun doesn't shine.....
  5. Been told by a skipper that number of cod caught up to now isn't that good. Apparently half a dozen of cod per chartered is excellent.
  6. What is cruising speed? Is it the speed the boat start to plane? Or the speed when the engine is most comfortable? Then how do we know if it is at its most comfortable?
  7. I was down in in Weymouth last Tuesday, 6 anglers caught over 100 bass. Largest was about 6 lbs. That was with Revolution, learnt a new way of catching lots of bass using hokki, double, and sometimes treble shots. Over Brighton/Newhaven way, boats are taking Cod and large whiting frequently. My mate caught 3 cods last Sunday, largest 27 lb, in total about 20 cod were landed, the largest about 35lb. Whiting are large, in the 2-3 lb mark.
  8. Newboy

    Free Sky+ Box

    It all depends on what package you have. With Sky + you get a second set top box for a
  9. I use my motor bike thernal kit.
  10. Newboy

    Free Sky+ Box

    Adam, easy, all you do is cancel your contract with sky with a month notice, and then get Rach to take out a new contract, in her name, different surname (you're not married yet, are you?) work. That was what I did with my sky + back in the summer. As bob said, Sky + is brilliant, only down side is that there's "only" 20 hours recording time, and my sons use it to record the cantoons.....
  11. Someone I know has a 175 with 2*50hp on the back, he frequently fishes 3 on board without any problems. Been out with him once and he outran Sweet Honey on the old Mercury 100. I will ask him if he mind letting you have a ride on his boat when I see him, the only thing is I think he only fish in the summer.
  12. Newboy

    Circle Hooks

    16/0? What the hell were you fishing for?
  13. I'm selling Sweet Honey since I hardly ever use her nowaday. It just isn't worth while for me to keep her and use her half a dozen times a year. I've enjoyed here immersely, I just found her too much hazzle towing all the way down to Lymington, launching it and retrieving it,.... plus I think I enjoy fishing better as a crew or paying customer. Sweet Honey is a 6.10m Cormoran Sport Fisher- a pilot house built in 2000 (I think) and the outboard is a Tohatsu TLDi 90 fitted new June 2005. It has less than 10 hours on the clock, barely out of running in. Fuel economy is excellent, on the Ripps trip she used about 90 litres of gas while the 60hp 4 strokes used around 70 litres, but bear in mind she is a bigger boat with a bigger engine, carries 3 in comfort 4 in a squeeze. She rides well, and top speed is around 30knots. Have a look at the members' boat page for her. Equipments on board are as follows: 1) 2 anchor wraps, 1x80 and 1x 200. 2) anchor retrieval ring + buoy 3) running lights 4) 2 batteries with switch 5) 2 x fuel tanks 6) Rod holder rack 7) Matrix gps/fish finder 8) Navman 7100 dsc radio 9) Navman 5600 colour plotter (6.4") with cmap for southern england 10) fuel gauge computer 11) flares She sits on a Satellite trailor, just had its wheel bearing changed in the summer, not used since. It is good for a few more years. I bought the boat + trailer last year for 7300 and the Tohatsu cost me 5500 this year. I'm looking for
  14. Newboy

    Circle Hooks

    Mike is an excellent bloke, he will help you the best he can on the phone. Recommended.
  15. If you pop over to the Solent Fishing site, they have a shore pages detailing marks from Keyhaven to Selsey. This side of Southampton you have Keyhaven, Hurst, Calshot, Hythe, ..... The most consistant marks seems to be Magazine Lane, flounders, whitings, eels, pout, are caught in the last week.
  16. Saw a old film about army some time back and when they did the medical, the doctor hold the soldier's below and say 'cough', what does it do exactly?
  17. Newboy


    Salt X and new Phew X is primarily a fishman product, Salt X dissolve salt deposit from tackles or boat at light speed. The product has been out in the USA for a couple of year and the general concensuses are good.
  18. Newboy

    Circle Hooks

    I use circle hooks for breams and small fish like whiting etc, but keep my other hooks for different applications, i.e., although they do a large cicle hook, but I've never the urge to try it on a conger. Also Jack, they are different circle, different shapes from different manufacturers, also there are half circle, plus those for worm baits,...... quite a few to consider.
  19. Bob, a slight variation is to leave the tank outside with valve open overnight (nice and cold) and stick it in a hot bath of water with the air valve closeand maybe a blast of hot water from the shower too just to speed it up, i.e., cold air expand more....
  20. COnservation all very well, but on the other end of the spectrum, what if it was really bad day? Very few fish being caught, and there's a chance prizes lower down won't be won because very few fish being brought back. I'm sure most fish were taken back to eat one way or another.
  21. Nice fish.
  22. So, come on guys, what is the result? I've heard the fishing isn't too good today, or maybe just some of the chartered boats?
  23. Good luck to you all, let the best man (or woman) wins. I'll be giving this comp a miss, as it's my Owen's piano grading on Sunday. Plus the missus says I've been fishing too much in the last 2 months and I'm banned from adding anymore dates on my fishing diary for 2005/06. Or I can fish whenever I want... I thought wow that'll be good, until I realised what she meant.....
  24. The cost will be lower especially if air travel is booked well in advice, it's something like
  25. Ah but Sam do you really want it to break on your club record conger?!
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