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Everything posted by boybilly

  1. Best Wishes on your Birthday Tom. Have a good,un. BB,s
  2. How,s the head today??????????????????
  3. A very Happy Birthday to you, to you. Have a great day/night. All the best, BB,s
  4. Many Happy Returns.
  5. I have had a pot of slippies for over a year in my fridge. Cover them in salt and just leave them. When the liquid comes to the top just pour it out. Fresh as the day I picked them. Excellent for scratching and flounder after a rough sea. As Rich says, Bass love em too. BB
  6. boybilly

    Fake Bait

    Got given a tub of Lazy Lug once. Took it to the pier on a kiddies night to try it out. Caught plenty of small fish, but to be honest there were loads around and I think in a feeding frenzy they will gobble anything. Jury still out for me, you cannot beat a bit of fresh!!!!!! BB
  7. Had a 9lber on a bream rig Sunday. Thought it was a snake at first. Piccy to follow. BB
  8. boybilly

    Take The Poison

    Excellent Dave, many a true word is spoken in jest. BB
  9. Nice one Dan, BB
  10. param name="movie" value="http://www.sharkbreak.com/orkut/shark-orkut.swf">'>http://www.sharkbreak.com/orkut/shark-orkut.swf"> <param name="quality" value="high"> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> <embed src="http://www.sharkbreak.com/orkut/shark-orkut.swf" width="550" height="400" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent"></embed> <br> <font Try This.
  11. boybilly


    Thank you Dave and Thank you Paul. Not being PC minded I couldn,t manage the piccie. I gotta say some of the body was a bit tough. Marinaded it for two days in lemon and chilli to soften it up, dribble dribble, bea-utiful. One guy caught 8 two nights ago. Gonna try again on Sunday night. BB
  12. boybilly


    try this
  13. boybilly


    Well done Sammy. Nearly a metre long. BB Cannot seem to upload the piccy, any advice please?
  14. Spot on Mike, Butterfly Blenny it is. Too nice a fish for the record books though mate. Mark, the Species comp is Thursday and Friday mate. Got any brownie points left? BB
  15. What a cracking day. This is without a doubt the best time of year for almost all species. Cant wait till next wekkend and the Weymouth Species Hunt.
  16. Very best of wishes on your birthday. BB
  17. Looking forward to it already mate. BB
  18. Festivals went realy well. Monday was a tad breezy but ok apart from that. Sammy won top junior Sunday,193 points, and Monday, 191 points. I got top specimen Sunday, Bull Huss of 5.7 kilos. Then got most Species, 11, on Monday. Top specimen won me the coveted Rose Bowl, also won two rods. Sammy got tackle boxes and tackle but he soon grabbed the rods, he deserved them I reckon. Also got my FIRST ever Trigger from a boat. On the whole a realy good weekend. BB
  19. Unlikely Duncan, Most of the boats targeting the Rays will be back of Shambles or Kidneys. There may be a couple of smaller boats there but plenty of room. Good Luck if you fish it. BB
  20. That is the Adamant mate. Very good area for rays. Sammy had a 18.5lb Blonde Ray there two weeks ago. Great fun for him as I let him land it on his own. There is a little mark on the N.W. corner, as it drops off the edge of the bank. There is a reef that curls around quite close so the fishing there is pretty good. Dont know the numbers but a good chart should help. Brilliant for the Whiting when they get here. This is also where I went congering to practice for light line. Had four out in 1.5 hours. 13 on the boat in total. Not bad for couple hours fishing. BB
  21. boybilly

    New Line

    Just finished the Efsa comp and spotted some excellent line that the Italians were using. Very, very soft flouro that was incredibly thin for the breaking strain. The 45lb was the same diameter as 12lb nylon. I always have a reservation about realy thin lines as to their durability with fish teeth and rocks. However, this was not a problem with this line. They had Bream, Rays , Conger, Wrasse etc and had no worries with it. It is by Tubertini and called Assassin. I have some nylon called Gorilla by Tubertini. The 45lb is .35mm (15lb) and the 90lb is .42mm. (30lb) This is very thin but stiffish. As the Italians won the team event I think it may be worth looking at. I will keep you informed. BB
  22. boybilly


    Always glue my knots same as Rich, dead right coz it is a confidence thing for light lines. Just another point, Amnesia is not a flouro carbon line, it is memory free. BB
  23. boybilly


    Good one, Bring em on. BB
  24. boybilly


    Hope you support the Reds. Welcome Leo.
  25. ME ME ME. i caught an 8lb Turbot on sandeel feathers. Definately fished for. Its a little used method from Issac Walton. A bit dated now though. BB
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